Another gun thread

I do differentiate between them. On a philosophical level, I very much agree, but when I look around I just can't make that argument based on what I see as real world consequences/actions/impacts. Same as with guns.

If you are able to do hard drugs, pick them up and put them down at will and not have it impact your life, then rad, more power to you. That isn't how it works for most people though.
I do differentiate between them. On a philosophical level, I very much agree, but when I look around I just can't make that argument based on what I see as real world consequences/actions/impacts. Same as with guns.

If you are able to do hard drugs, pick them up and put them down at will and not have it impact your life, then rad, more power to you. That isn't how it works for most people though.
Of course you do, only an idiot would think otherwise. Kind of the same with gun laws (what few there are), which would allow for any and all weapons to be sold to anyone. Can you say “arms race” lol. Now we revisit the utopian world of volunteerism, we rely on the goodwill of the masses to police society, that would be cool. :(. Pfffff.
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Of course you do, only an idiot would think otherwise. Kind of the same with gun laws (what few there are), which would allow for any and all weapons to be sold to anyone. Can you say “arms race” lol. Now we revisit the utopian world of volunteerism, we rely on the goodwill of the masses to police society, that would cool. :(. Pfffff.
What gives you the right to tell someone that can't have something? If I am a good upstanding citizen of the US and can pass a background check who are you to tell me what I can own?
What gives you the right to tell someone that can't have something? If I am a good upstanding citizen of the US and can pass a background check who are you to tell me what I can own?
That's the best part of the USA. They have the right to say just about anything, a God given right. Does it mean it holds weight? Absolutely not.

You have the right to bear arms. No words from anyone can change that right.
Not everyone can deal with fast food, alcohol, nicotine (my drug of choice above all others), power, sugar, name the poison. Shall those who CAN deal with it be inducted for those who cannot? Shall we be deprived because the few ground their ships upon the shoals that most are able to navigate around?

By suggesting that I may be justifying the use of opiates, the idea is that such use needs justification. This in itself indicates that there is something morally wrong with such use.

this goes on to imply that others can and should rightfully dictate how others must participate in society.

Not a wise approach when it emanates from pot smokers.

We return to this gun thread. Shall we all be shorn of our arms because the few take innocent lives with them?
you keep equating heroin and methamphetamine with weed and hamburgers...tell yourself whatever you need to to maintain the fantasy that keeps you feeling good about yourself, i grow tired of trying to explain that they aren't the will just keep trying to convince me they are while i'm standing here telling you they aren't....seems like we're both wasting each others time.
i think what i think, and not one thing you've said has moved me a fraction of an inch from that opinion...and it seems i'm having about the same success rate trying to change your opinion...
in my world, addicts are sick people who aren't to be trusted, because their addiction turns them into basically animals motivated by a primal urge they cannot ignore.
in your world, addicts are happy people who can interact with society with no repercussions, and everyone lives happily ever after...
whose living in a fairy tale world?
What gives you the right to tell someone that can't have something? If I am a good upstanding citizen of the US and can pass a background check who are you to tell me what I can own?
I’m not as an individual but hopefully as a whole you/society retain some resemblance of common sense. Ya I know, lofty expectations.
They do indeed. But we are on a pot site.

Grow your own? Purchase high grade medicinal? That can all be tracked to weed grown outside the u.s. and shipped in complete with all the social ills that accompany every other medicinal escape.

My point remains. Your drug is no better or worse than mine.

You claim you do not seek to deprive the ailing their medication but the moment you demand that third parties make determinations as to whom are deserving is the moment you subject others to undeserved pain.

And who are you to be the arbiter of "eligible pain"? Why is the very pain of existence for some subject to some sort of judgement, especially by those who are not experiential entitled to make such calculations for others?

Collateral damage and all that.
ok, fine, lets just sell heroin and meth at the corner drugstore, because there is obviously no problem with them..all this talk of an "opiate epidemic" is just media hype.... :roll:
And still we seem to be differentiating "hard" drugs. As though pot, not making it to that particular and arbitrary definition is somehow superior or more acceptable.

I don't see anyone romanticising opiates. I DO see folks romanticising thc.
maybe that's because it's a lot easier to romanticize a drug that is essentially benign, while it is much more difficult to romanticize a drug that will destroy the lives of at least one out of five that uses it?...just a thought...and maybe you're just seeing this romanticization because it serves your personal preferences? little bias theory?...don't talk shit about my candy, even though it kills people, but i'll talk shit about your candy, which hasn't killed anyone...ever...and helps people with chronic pain, and insomnia, and quite possibly cancer....all without addicting them and killing 20% of them...
Once again if I pass a background check why not?
Good luck with question 21e
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Good luck with question 11e
Have no issue with that one thanks though.
Have no issue with that one thanks though.
Funny I can pass a drug hair or piss test can you?