Another gun thread

Why evasion? im a country boy just ask !! No one cares if you reg your guns.We dont .reg. ours. So what is the ? And i will answer it.
I wouldn't register them. I fear the man and would be more concerned that someone knew I had something.

Same situation with registrating a grow or having a med prescription, I just prefer to do it as I always have and not show up the radar of anyone.
No i wasnt required too..But when you buy a gun. it is put in system. So when i got my permit in 78 you had to put the gun you where carrying.After that you dont. Can carry any gun i want to now and none reg. Hope that helps
No i wasnt required too..But when you buy a gun. it is put in system. So when i got my permit in 78 you had to put the gun you where carrying.After that you dont. Can carry any gun i want to now and none reg. Hope that helps
Thank you for a response containing information.
Thanks for asking the right thing. There not stock,I have some They go to gunsmith i make bench .. and for wall put fish on.or deer head Cut tree, Burnt wood ,color it, Clear coat Cant make enough of them 1in thick 20in wide. 6 to 8 ft long
Thanks for asking the right thing. There not stock,I have some They go to gunsmith i make bench .. and for wall put fish on.or deer head Cut tree, Burnt wood ,color it, Clear coat Cant make enough of them 1in thick 20in wide. 6 to 8 ft long
I think there may be something special about that bicycle too :lol:
Thanks for asking the right thing.
I asked the right thing earlier. That is an insult disguised as courtesy.
There not stock,I have some They go to gunsmith i make bench .. and for wall put fish on.or deer head Cut tree, Burnt wood ,color it, Clear coat Cant make enough of them 1in thick 20in wide. 6 to 8 ft long
Do you have (access to) a sawmill?
I think it is reasonable to ask for names when somebody makes a loaded statement like that.

Overturning Roe v Wade is a proxy for making abortion illegal.

228 GOP lawmakers call on Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade

Regarding gun laws. What national leader is seriously talking about taking guns away?

Was being facetious. So far as banning guns? I think we need not dig very deep to find quotes to that effect
as to seems more like you're trying to justify your habits, normalize them, than that i'm trying to demonize anyone or anything. if you can deal with taking meth or heroin, then you be you...just remember, not everyone can deal with it, so for every 5 users you know, statistically, one of them is going to crash and burn.
i'm not against giving people in pain medication, including opiates. but they need to be prescribed for a limited amount of time, and the people taking them need to be monitored. if they have a chronic condition, and have to take it forever, they should never be prescribed more than a months worth at a time, and any thefts should be required to be reported immediately. i know people that farm doctors for pain pills, and have done so for a long time, that needs to be stopped, there should be some registry that keeps track of people prescribed opiates, and pop all kinds of red flags if their names turn up in multiple places. some prevention would stop a lot of people from getting addicted to begin with, and free up more resources for those that still do.
Shall we apply the same rules to pot smokers?
everyone passes judgment, all day. if you've managed to rise above it, then you are truly wasting your time here, there has to be some opportunity for deep philosophizing, and i'm just not seeing it.
does being addicted to something make you inherently bad? no. does it greatly increase the likelihood that you will do unacceptable things to support your addiction? yes.
so do i think of addicts as "filthy junkies" ?...usually not, but when one gets close and they smell like shit and 100 year old fritos, it might pop into my head....
i've attempted to think of people equally, to not use race or sex or sexuality in my estimation of their strength of character and trustworthiness. perhaps i've slipped at times, but i keep trying.
people who refuse to get vaccinated or wear a mask contribute to the spread of covid and the duration of the do people who support the black market availability of opiates and methamphetamine contribute to the addiction of those predisposed to it?

They do indeed. But we are on a pot site.

Grow your own? Purchase high grade medicinal? That can all be tracked to weed grown outside the u.s. and shipped in complete with all the social ills that accompany every other medicinal escape.

My point remains. Your drug is no better or worse than mine.

You claim you do not seek to deprive the ailing their medication but the moment you demand that third parties make determinations as to whom are deserving is the moment you subject others to undeserved pain.

And who are you to be the arbiter of "eligible pain"? Why is the very pain of existence for some subject to some sort of judgement, especially by those who are not experiential entitled to make such calculations for others?

Collateral damage and all that.
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as to seems more like you're trying to justify your habits, normalize them, than that i'm trying to demonize anyone or anything. if you can deal with taking meth or heroin, then you be you...just remember, not everyone can deal with it, so for every 5 users you know, statistically, one of them is going to crash and burn.
i'm not against giving people in pain medication, including opiates. but they need to be prescribed for a limited amount of time, and the people taking them need to be monitored. if they have a chronic condition, and have to take it forever, they should never be prescribed more than a months worth at a time, and any thefts should be required to be reported immediately. i know people that farm doctors for pain pills, and have done so for a long time, that needs to be stopped, there should be some registry that keeps track of people prescribed opiates, and pop all kinds of red flagthe. By suggesting that I may be "justifying" the use of opiates, their names turn up in multiple places. some prevention would stop a lot of people from getting addicted to begin with, and free up more resources for those that still do.

Not everyone can deal with fast food, alcohol, nicotine (my drug of choice above all others), power, sugar, name the poison. Shall those who CAN deal with it be inducted for those who cannot? Shall we be deprived because the few ground their ships upon the shoals that most are able to navigate around?

By suggesting that I may be justifying the use of opiates, the idea is that such use needs justification. This in itself indicates that there is something morally wrong with such use.

this goes on to imply that others can and should rightfully dictate how others must participate in society.

Not a wise approach when it emanates from pot smokers.

We return to this gun thread. Shall we all be shorn of our arms because the few take innocent lives with them?
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Yankee is not a bad thing.No more than Hillbilly. As me to i dont count deer. can kill one doe a day here if you want to. 4 bucks. yr.... ..Gun control starts at home..To much BAD parenting..Politics i dont care. I will still be doing the same thing .Dont matter who is Pres.just pay more or less. each yr time

Might be wise to temper that view. National leadership DOES matter in every country but our own. You are, in America, so far, afforded the luxury of not caring who the president is.

I assure you, that luxury is currently in serious jeopardy.
People seem to be romanticizing hard drugs and looking at it through rose colored glasses. The individual experience doesn't reflect the whole. I use myself as an example, I started doing drugs and drinking at 11 and never really life turned out alright, went to college and grad school, got a decent job, happily married with kid, etc. One other dude has done similar. The number that wound up not making it is shocking.

If you can fix society and people, then sure it's fine to legalize drugs. We have a nation of broken people dealing with it by taking hard drugs. If you just address the one part, I just can't see how it works. Things don't exist in a void.

And still we seem to be differentiating "hard" drugs. As though pot, not making it to that particular and arbitrary definition is somehow superior or more acceptable.

I don't see anyone romanticising opiates. I DO see folks romanticising thc.