Another gun thread

Making assumptions. What your assuming is trash is clothes for donation in trash bags. The deer is hanging over a new tarp and not touching anything. Soon it will be quartered and putting my basement fridge where I can butcher the quarters at my leisure. It's my Dads garage. Not a shithole.
Saw it. Can't unsee it.

"What you see and what you hear is not true"

Do you know who said that?


It's getting harder and harder to bullshit people these days. The easy ones are hooked on Qanon the more difficult ones have learned the tricks.
And have you seen the chicken farms and cow butchering factories that your hamburger and nuggets come from? Now THATS a shithole.
No clue where you are talking about but up here in the great north we have spotless chicken and cow butchering facilities and our deer processing plants are pristine
Wanna know why
You seem to put people in a group based on geographical locations rather than practices
And have you seen the chicken farms and cow butchering factories that your hamburger and nuggets come from? Now THATS a shithole.

I fully agree with you that large scale agriculture in the US is total shit, but I hope you're not hypocritical about it. California passed a law to give animals more space and republican farmers and republicans in general are furious about it. They're the same people that say what you say here, they just don't walk the walk.
Sure you did

Do the math. If you live in a low population district and your homicide rate is low then any given year should see zero gun related murders or accidental deaths. If you had to protect yourself from another person by drawing your gun then I'm finding it hard to believe your area is as safe as you say. So, I ask for some back up information regarding that claim. From what you say, it is not very believable.

Regarding "Gangs!!!". I'll accept that you cowboys carry guns for protection but never use them (otherwise gun homicide rate would be high) . You use your gun for hunting (sidearm? really/) and there is no good reason for changing gun regs in your area. I have no way of know that is true but willing to accept your premise.

What does that have to do with Washington DC's efforts to address gun violence? What does that have to do with school shootings? My point is, the gun lobby is standing in opposition to more populated districts taking actions to address gun violence or school shootings. If you really just want to live your own life the way you want, that's fine. As you point out, your situation is different from most. Are you really saying that we have to live according to what you think is best and everybody else can just suck it up?
You cant do Nothing Death rate again didnt say no murders ..I said look at all the people murdered here 95% black on black crime in B ham Just look and see ..In my town no one has been murdered....SAFE
You cant do Nothing Death rate again didnt say no murders ..I said look at all the people murdered here 95% black on black crime in B ham Just look and see ..In my town no one has been murdered....SAFE
Exactly. Your situation is different from that others face. Completely agree with you on this. What I don't understand is why you would interfere with other parts of the country dealing with their own issues? Why would gun regulations in your area be forced onto those living under different conditions?
I've killed thousands with my finger gun, pointer and thumb. I suggest you all switch over, wouldn't want to hurt anybody now
I eat shit

What's already happening is more and more people are no longer willing to accept the carnage. It doesn't matter what you want, eventually, gun regulations are going to be implemented as a part of a plan to reduce gun deaths. I realize that you don't feel the need and am willing to listen to your recommendations on what to do regarding gun violence in the US. If you take the stance that we can do nothing because you don't care then why should we care about you?

You will be steamrolled. I don't want that to happen. I'd rather gun advocates join with others to reduce gun violence. Lead or follow but get out of the way.
And have you seen the chicken farms and cow butchering factories that your hamburger and nuggets come from? Now THATS a shithole.
I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings by pointing out the unsanitary conditions in whigh the deer was being cleaned. I realize that people have different sensibilities when it comes to cleanliness. I hope you enjoyed the deer meat and you paid back your old dad by cleaning his barn or garage or whatever that trash pile is called.