Another gun thread

If eradication were the primary goal, there are much more humane methods. Eradication is the pretense here for bloodlust.
there are poisons that are humane, you just add some to bait and wait. the pigs eat it, go to sleep, and never wake up. if you're really concerned, put a trail camera on the bait, and if other wildlife approach it, set off a deterent, there are all kinds of things out there, remote controlled air horns, flashing lights...
or they could just actually hunt the fuckers and kill them cleanly, and eat them...
see, there's a reason people who kill things for fun make other people makes you seem like a serial killer in training, and we're all concerned we might be your final exam
I’m from the south…I’m even from the south before the civil-rights movement. My dad was an infantry officer in the Ardennes, and he was a southerner all his life, and an owner of firearms.

Were he alive, he would heavily disapprove of the current open-carry fashion. To the best of my knowledge, he *never* left the house with a weapon and he disapproved of ‘free-lancers’ carrying weapons. He never felt the need to carry weapons, and neither do I; I have been in all kinds of places, at all hours and with all manner of company, in all sections of any number of cities all across the USA, and never once have I been robbed or threatened or held at gunpoint - or even had a weapon *shown* to me in an intimidating fashion. Nor have I ever witnessed it being done, anywhere.

This isn’t to say that I’ve never been afraid, but the places I’ve been most predictably afraid have been those places where people who like to carry weapons hang out - for the simple reason that I can’t trust people who decide to carry death with them at all times. My experience is that such folk are too eager to escalate situations, and my opinion is that knowing they’re packing *does* make them feel safe…and it makes them behave recklessly, more likely to behave aggressively and antagonistically than a situation actually calls for, and doing so makes their situation inherently MORE unsafe for anyone caught up in it.

My dad was big on the idea that every right carries responsibilities - obligations to the communities we live and move in - to our families on up and out to the nation itself - in terms of what we will AND WILL NOT do with our rights, and being aware that no one has the right to infringe the rights of another. Full stop: *that* is the basis for any system of Justice, and the source of all laws. THAT is what makes the difference between the wild-west mentality and the rule of law. And that is why the obligation to avoid escalation weighs more heavily on the one armed with deadly force than it does on those armed only with words and opinions.

I’m about as hippie-dippy as anyone you’ll meet, but there’s no daylight between how I see these things and the way my very traditional and conservative dad saw these things: they’re carved in bedrock.
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I’m from the south…I’m even from the south before the civil-rights movement. My dad was an infantry officer in the Ardennes, and he was a southerner all his life, and an owner of firearms.

Were he alive, he would heavily disapprove of the current open-carry fashion. To the best of my knowledge, he *never* left the house with a weapon and he disapproved of ‘free-lancers’ carrying weapons. He never felt the need to carry weapons, and neither do I; I have been in all kinds of places, at all hours and with all manner of company, in all sections of any number of cities all across the USA, and never once have I been robbed or threatened or held at gunpoint - or even had a weapon *shown* to me in an intimidating fashion.

This isn’t to say that I’ve never been afraid, but the places I’ve been most predictably afraid have been those places where people who like to carry weapons hang out - for the simple reason that I can’t trust people who decide to carry death with them at all times. My experience is that such folk are too eager to escalate situations, and my opinion is that knowing they’re packing *does* make them feel safe…and it makes them behave recklessly, more likely to behave aggressively and antagonistically than a situation actually calls for, and doing so makes their situation inherently MORE unsafe for anyone caught up in it.

My dad was big on the idea that every right carries responsibilities - obligations to the communities we live and move in - to our families on up and out to the nation itself - in terms of what we will AND WILL NOT do with our rights, and being aware that no one has the right to infringe the rights of another. Full stop: *that* is the basis for any system of Justice, and the source of all laws. THAT is what makes the difference between the wild-west mentality and the rule of law.

I’m about as hippie-dippy as anyone you’ll meet, but there’s no daylight between how I see these things and the way my very traditional and conservative dad saw these things: they’re carved in bedrock.

Your dad sounds old school. If two vets were sitting at a table and one was quiet and one was talking loudly, which would your dad choose if you asked him to guess which one was the badass? Today, it's the opposite. They think the loudmouth is the badass.
Your business is your own and mine is mine. That's fine. It's just that I don't believe you when you say there are no gun homicides or deaths due to accidents in your area. Also, how does your experience apply to larger populations?
Never said that.!!
I’m from the south…I’m even from the south before the civil-rights movement. My dad was an infantry officer in the Ardennes, and he was a southerner all his life, and an owner of firearms.

Were he alive, he would heavily disapprove of the current open-carry fashion. To the best of my knowledge, he *never* left the house with a weapon and he disapproved of ‘free-lancers’ carrying weapons. He never felt the need to carry weapons, and neither do I; I have been in all kinds of places, at all hours and with all manner of company, in all sections of any number of cities all across the USA, and never once have I been robbed or threatened or held at gunpoint - or even had a weapon *shown* to me in an intimidating fashion. Nor have I ever witnessed it being done, anywhere.

This isn’t to say that I’ve never been afraid, but the places I’ve been most predictably afraid have been those places where people who like to carry weapons hang out - for the simple reason that I can’t trust people who decide to carry death with them at all times. My experience is that such folk are too eager to escalate situations, and my opinion is that knowing they’re packing *does* make them feel safe…and it makes them behave recklessly, more likely to behave aggressively and antagonistically than a situation actually calls for, and doing so makes their situation inherently MORE unsafe for anyone caught up in it.

My dad was big on the idea that every right carries responsibilities - obligations to the communities we live and move in - to our families on up and out to the nation itself - in terms of what we will AND WILL NOT do with our rights, and being aware that no one has the right to infringe the rights of another. Full stop: *that* is the basis for any system of Justice, and the source of all laws. THAT is what makes the difference between the wild-west mentality and the rule of law. And that is why the obligation to avoid escalation weighs more heavily on the one armed with deadly force than it does on those armed only with words and opinions.

I’m about as hippie-dippy as anyone you’ll meet, but there’s no daylight between how I see these things and the way my very traditional and conservative dad saw these things: they’re carved in bedrock.
Me Too !960.seen it all
It’s a defense mechanism, like a skunk’s stench: ‘be unpleasant and they will go away’. Trouble is, if it doesn’t work IMMEDIATELY, they’re already in over their heads
You made some claims about how all the deaths due to guns are happening elsewhere while you have used your gun to protect yourself. From what? a bear? Or was it a person?

Quit being so vague. Also, try to make this relevant. You must be aware that somebody who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area has a different situation than somebody who lives in the sticks in West Virginia. Are you saying that everybody must live by your set of rules?
Not at all..With the young gen. of young kids is why. . I am 61 yr old dad 11 yr old..He know how to use a gun safely I was just saying they showed all the muders here 98% black on black crime nothing you can do about it ..So i been carrying since 78. And has saved my life.
Your dad sounds old school. If two vets were sitting at a table and one was quiet and one was talking loudly, which would your dad choose if you asked him to guess which one was the badass? Today, it's the opposite. They think the loudmouth is the badass.

God damn internet. Go watch more sons of anarchy wearing yer orange county choppers jumpsuits ya buncha dicks!:cuss:
Trash, miracle-gro, and a large bottle of cheap which minority group do you blame your problems on?

Nice doe. Be sure to hang that one on the wall.
Oooò, an idiot. Where to start....
First, not a doe, antlerless deer, small buck with horns under 3".
Second, not vodka, but water to rinse cavity out. Third, I'm a meat hunter and have no dead animals on my wall, only in my freezer. And my dad's garage? Miracle grow? You're banging me because there's gardening shit in my dad's garage?
And minority group? What the he'll does that have to do with anything?
You sir, are a turd. Have fun eating your chicken and burgers.
And don't try and argue with me, you obviously don't have the necessary equipment. :peace:
Never said that.!!
Sure you did
Thanks i will...But all those terms you said dont mean anything in the real world. Our death rate is Not rednecks killing each other.It is sad but real you cant stop Dumb People...I am a responsible gun owner.And carry 2 all time...Has save my life..

Do the math. If you live in a low population district and your homicide rate is low then any given year should see zero gun related murders or accidental deaths. If you had to protect yourself from another person by drawing your gun then I'm finding it hard to believe your area is as safe as you say. So, I ask for some back up information regarding that claim. From what you say, it is not very believable.

Regarding "Gangs!!!". I'll accept that you cowboys carry guns for protection but never use them (otherwise gun homicide rate would be high) . You use your gun for hunting (sidearm? really/) and there is no good reason for changing gun regs in your area. I have no way of know that is true but willing to accept your premise.

What does that have to do with Washington DC's efforts to address gun violence? What does that have to do with school shootings? My point is, the gun lobby is standing in opposition to more populated districts taking actions to address gun violence or school shootings. If you really just want to live your own life the way you want, that's fine. As you point out, your situation is different from most. Are you really saying that we have to live according to what you think is best and everybody else can just suck it up?
Nothing wrong with the deer, assuming you had a tag for it.

But damn man. You are cutting and preparing food for consumption in that shit hole?
Making assumptions. What your assuming is trash is clothes for donation in trash bags. The deer is hanging over a new tarp and not touching anything. Soon it will be quartered and putting my basement fridge where I can butcher the quarters at my leisure. It's my Dads garage. Not a shithole.