Another gun thread

Fuck You Too .. You sound like That needs to go up north..Got alot freinds in Tenn. They dont think like you ! HOLD YOU BACK. Dumb Ass Proud To Fly Our Flag ...You Or you hide. And ancestors Your from Tenn. Mine just like yours...
you sound like you need to read a book, not everyone born in the south is a red neck asshole who wants a rebel flag in their front yard...and i'm sure you do have friends in Tn., and i'm also sure they don't think like me, again, because i'm not a red neck asshole, and don't like to hang around them...
if you have ancestors from Tn., i'm positive they aren't like mine...mine went to school, owned businesses, gave back to their communities...and never owned one slave. there are no stories in my family about how great the Klan is, or how "the South will rise again."...the klan was, is, and always will be a terrorist organization whose members do evil shit and then cover each others asses about it...they're the fucking American taliban. the South LOST the civil war, it's had since 1865 to rise again...i think the only place it may be alive is in the hearts of racist hillbilly die you

oh, and just so you know, i own firearms, i carry, concealed, daily. in over ten years of carrying a pistol, i've never even had to pull it on anyone...the only reason i carry is because psychotic redneck assholes carry, (usually openly, which is just making your weapon a manhood replacement(looking at you, diesel truck owners)) and i want to be able to defend myself and my friends from them if and when they freak the fuck out...
so i am not anti gun, i'm anti criminals and retarded idiots owning guns...
I live a long way from city Im just Counrty boy minding my own business...Dont care what happens there.....But right now i have a deer to skin out..
Your business is your own and mine is mine. That's fine. It's just that I don't believe you when you say there are no gun homicides or deaths due to accidents in your area. Also, how does your experience apply to larger populations?
Never said that there deaths like that...But you teach people..I have a 11 yr old he already knows gun safety. Has a 22 pistol we shoot...Does not want kill anything yet and i wont make him..All up to him
Mine Didnt own anyone just keep pretending your a southerner.Bet you dont talk that shit in your town ..Oyea FUCK YOU
you would be wrong...unlike most people, i am the same person online and off.
i am a southerner, i'm just not a racist, redneck, white supremacist southerner...some of us are evolving, and some of us have hit the dead end...
neanderthals were out competed by homo sapiens, learn about the future by learning about the past
I don't understand....what happens if he talks shit in his town?
apparently the big bad redneck would beat me up...but i grew up with most of them, and they leave me alone for the most part, because we fought in high school, and they learned then that even if you beat me, you're gonna walk away bloody and bruised...after a few times even the worst of them figured out i wasn't worth wasting their time on. i'm an old man now, so i carry this in my back pocket...20211219_133039.jpg
but i've never had to hit anyone with it...
you would be wrong...unlike most people, i am the same person online and off.
i am a southerner, i'm just not a racist, redneck, white supremacist southerner...some of us are evolving, and some of us have hit the dead end...
neanderthals were out competed by homo sapiens, learn about the future by learning about the past
Still talking shit.. Im not any of them .Not ashamed of my past. Sounds like a young guy...
apparently the big bad redneck would beat me up...but i grew up with most of them, and they leave me alone for the most part, because we fought in high school, and they learned then that even if you beat me, you're gonna walk away bloody and bruised...after a few times even the worst of them figured out i wasn't worth wasting their time on. i'm an old man now, so i carry this in my back pocket...View attachment 5049886
but i've never had to hit anyone with it...
With them clean hands to you work
apparently the big bad redneck would beat me up...but i grew up with most of them, and they leave me alone for the most part, because we fought in high school, and they learned then that even if you beat me, you're gonna walk away bloody and bruised...after a few times even the worst of them figured out i wasn't worth wasting their time on. i'm an old man now, so i carry this in my back pocket...
but i've never had to hit anyone with it...

Clearly what he's alluding to, just wondering if he'd say it.
Never said that there deaths like that...But you teach people..I have a 11 yr old he already knows gun safety. Has a 22 pistol we shoot...Does not want kill anything yet and i wont make him..All up to him

You made some claims about how all the deaths due to guns are happening elsewhere while you have used your gun to protect yourself. From what? a bear? Or was it a person?

Quit being so vague. Also, try to make this relevant. You must be aware that somebody who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area has a different situation than somebody who lives in the sticks in West Virginia. Are you saying that everybody must live by your set of rules?
Thanks i will...But all those terms you said dont mean anything in the real world. Our death rate is Not rednecks killing each other.It is sad but real you cant stop Dumb People...I am a responsible gun owner.And carry 2 all time...Has save my life..
So you are saying you have dumber people than other countries? Is that not a reason to try and keep guns out of their hands. Say like registration and background checks?