Another gun thread

Light your BBQ with the lid down, 'Whump', a mini explosion. Light a pile of gunpowder laying on the street, 'Fssst."

"Oh we all have dangerous things in the house!" If we use them in the wrong way, then yes. I would like to have dome raw fertilizer. Mix it with sugar and make a rocket, would be fun. But the average person trying to buy some without being a farmer, you might get a call from the authorities. You whole point was that some things are seen as acceptable in society, some things are not. Hard drugs are not, they can be (in some form) used medically (think heroin) if used in a medical context, but society has not found it to be acceptable as something I just want to take for fun. Get over it.

The explosive part? It is in large part due to the exponent. My sinature (if that is the right term) explains why I may know a little about it.
Well at least we can agree on somethings
Light your BBQ with the lid down, 'Whump', a mini explosion. Light a pile of gunpowder laying on the street, 'Fssst."

"Oh we all have dangerous things in the house!" If we use them in the wrong way, then yes. I would like to have dome raw fertilizer. Mix it with sugar and make a rocket, would be fun. But the average person trying to buy some without being a farmer, you might get a call from the authorities. You whole point was that some things are seen as acceptable in society, some things are not. Hard drugs are not, they can be (in some form) used medically (think heroin) if used in a medical context, but society has not found it to be acceptable as something I just want to take for fun. Get over it.

The explosive part? It is in large part due to the exponent. My sinature (if that is the right term) explains why I may know a little about it.
We can agree on some things mostly the whole post. All plants have a medicinal value of some sort from good to bad and in between. My only point was there are things all around us that can be used in a negative way should we ban all of them? If that's the case where will it stop when we can't use forks and knives. Or when the cars get taken away because some dummy ran a bunch of people over.
This is a fucked up forum.... Your all fucking communist it's not even worth being here f*** you all hope you guys die you will cuz I'm sure you're going to take that vaccine ain't you you stupid mother f****** idiots
You do not know what either communism or Communism are. You’re telling MAGA as if it weren’t a solid block of lies. I’ll further wager that you aren’t calling the insurrection an insurrection either. I prefer “failed fascist power grab” myself.
Your left way of thinking is a communist way of thinking there are other ways of taking care of the problem you were talking about. So you think Biden is doing such a great job. Left Americans and another country defend for themselves let know the drugs in the country and anybody that wants to walk in. He locks us down for a b******* virus until it's convenient for them to let antifa and BLM destroy cities black lesbians matter don't matter to me they don't help black people and they only got the one guy in there now cuz three lesbians started BLM that's what the l means lesbian so. Get schooled or research something if you have the brains for it and the way you think if you're a left thinking idiot then you're just a communist move to China or Russia if that's what you want cuz you ain't going to get it here

Dude I understand the concern of a house blowing up next door to you it just happened in my town took out 27 houses but I have no right to go in my neighbor's house and look and see what the f*** they got. If the government was doing their job instead of letting everybody and then f****** brother and cousin jump our borders we wouldn't have a lot of these problems and no s*** guess that's blow up yep it does tear up your car but that's what you got to do to drive it put gas in it bro the fumes f****** a lot there was so many ways of doing clean energy back with Tesla but the government that you get on your knees and blow for wanted to make money in the beginning car companies had to build the roads now the taxpayers have to build a roads in the beginning black people had their own stock market they had seats and Congress until the Democrats created the KKK to to kill off them congressman and many many more and BLM and antifa are nothing but that all over again today a new KKK. And if you honestly can tell me you like the way this country's going and biden's hands you're an idiot. Truck had $1.50 a gallon gas thousands upon thousands of jobs low taxes made more money off your job and guess what you can't save money in the bank no more because this administration is going to tax it every year even if it's taxed once it gets text again next year which is unconstitutional so keep being an idiot dude over a gun and I'm going to keep my gun and if it is like you show up on my doorstep they're going to eat lead up their ass. And I don't give a f*** if you like me or not Trump is the best thing that's ever happened to this country the best president that's ever kept his promises every one of them no president has ever done that and he gave his president pay to charity no president has ever done that
You have it all twisted up. I'll simplify.

Trump lost the election because he was a terrible president and the people of this country chose somebody else.
They only cheat but not in 24. That's how we're getting the sen. and the house back and your going to see Trump real soon....
It's funny how much everyone wanted to be Trump until he took on the deep state. Your ALL fool's for listening to mainstream media.....
What do you mean "see Trump real soon"?

We see him every time he files to delay the lawful release of his phone records on Jan 6 to the Congressional commission investigating his crimes.
Your left way of thinking is a communist way of thinking there are other ways of taking care of the problem you were talking about. So you think Biden is doing such a great job. Left Americans and another country defend for themselves let know the drugs in the country and anybody that wants to walk in. He locks us down for a b******* virus until it's convenient for them to let antifa and BLM destroy cities black lesbians matter don't matter to me they don't help black people and they only got the one guy in there now cuz three lesbians started BLM that's what the l means lesbian so. Get schooled or research something if you have the brains for it and the way you think if you're a left thinking idiot then you're just a communist move to China or Russia if that's what you want cuz you ain't going to get it here

Dude I understand the concern of a house blowing up next door to you it just happened in my town took out 27 houses but I have no right to go in my neighbor's house and look and see what the f*** they got. If the government was doing their job instead of letting everybody and then f****** brother and cousin jump our borders we wouldn't have a lot of these problems and no s*** guess that's blow up yep it does tear up your car but that's what you got to do to drive it put gas in it bro the fumes f****** a lot there was so many ways of doing clean energy back with Tesla but the government that you get on your knees and blow for wanted to make money in the beginning car companies had to build the roads now the taxpayers have to build a roads in the beginning black people had their own stock market they had seats and Congress until the Democrats created the KKK to to kill off them congressman and many many more and BLM and antifa are nothing but that all over again today a new KKK. And if you honestly can tell me you like the way this country's going and biden's hands you're an idiot. Truck had $1.50 a gallon gas thousands upon thousands of jobs low taxes made more money off your job and guess what you can't save money in the bank no more because this administration is going to tax it every year even if it's taxed once it gets text again next year which is unconstitutional so keep being an idiot dude over a gun and I'm going to keep my gun and if it is like you show up on my doorstep they're going to eat lead up their ass. And I don't give a f*** if you like me or not Trump is the best thing that's ever happened to this country the best president that's ever kept his promises every one of them no president has ever done that and he gave his president pay to charity no president has ever done that
The amount of propaganda and cherry picking you spammed in this post is outstanding. Is this gem your own or did you just try to remember as much of a hate radio rant as you could to puke up here?
Well at least we can agree on somethings
We can agree on some things mostly the whole post. All plants have a medicinal value of some sort from good to bad and in between. My only point was there are things all around us that can be used in a negative way should we ban all of them? If that's the case where will it stop when we can't use forks and knives. Or when the cars get taken away because some dummy ran a bunch of people over.

Though I appreciate your passion - I do not appreciate your reporting every freakin post you disagree with.
(FYI ~ Mods don't get a commission for each one we have to deal with.)

If you're gonna hang in politics you're gonna need much thicker skin.
Well at least we can agree on somethings
We can agree on some things mostly the whole post. All plants have a medicinal value of some sort from good to bad and in between. My only point was there are things all around us that can be used in a negative way should we ban all of them? If that's the case where will it stop when we can't use forks and knives. Or when the cars get taken away because some dummy ran a bunch of people over.
Hey Max,

Which of my posts did you run to mommy to complain about?
Though I appreciate your passion - I do not appreciate your reporting every freakin post you disagree with.
(FYI ~ Mods don't get a commission for each one we have to deal with.)

If you're gonna hang in politics you're gonna need much thicker skin.
So its ok to single me out for the same thing they do and punish me but not them huh? Yeah exactly I played by your rules and you want to let happen so here we are.