Another gun thread

So...besides this gun stuff, that's as polarizing as abortion to talk about, what do you want out of politics? What issues are important to you? I'm big on education and economics, we need lots of curriculum tracks to address various skill levels and to make teaching be a great job to attract the best talent, it's an investment in the countries future and where we should spend our cash. I like economic theories, there's all sorts out there, but I think peoples economic situation and understanding of it is an underlying issue for all sorts of other stuff.

I dont understand growing but not smoking, but I don't trust people that don't smoke so...meh.
[/QU You asking me that ?
Well sorry fog But Then why is it grow in some states and not others..fed laws vary. how you bend them Have alot freinds that had felon and now carry..
Am I expected to answer every stupid question you ask?

Sorry but I don't feel the need. You can answer that yourself.

I'll make it easy for you. Google "why is it legal to grow in some states when federal law still bans it"

No need to reply.
3-year-old girl who accidentally shot herself on Christmas dies
A North Carolina toddler who accidentally shot herself in the head on Christmas has died, the Henderson County Sheriff's Office said in a Wednesday release.

Three-year-old Aylee Gordon reportedly wounded herself after accessing a 9 mm pistol, according to CNN.

The child's father, former Henderson County Sheriff’s Captain Tim Gordon, said Aylee picked up the firearm, which was located in his truck, while she was outside playing on her new bike.

"She picked up a pistol and shot herself in the head by accident," Gordon told the dispatcher during a 911 call, according to ABC News 13.

Aylee passed away from her injuries on Tuesday after being airlifted to a local hospital and undergoing medical treatment on Saturday.

"It is with a heavy heart that we can confirm that the child did in fact pass away at Mission Hospital on the evening of Tuesday December 28th, 2021," the sheriff's office said in a statement to The Hill. "Any charges in this case will be at the discretion of the NCSBI [North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation] and the District Attorneys office one the investigation has been completed and submitted to the District Attorney to review."
HOW ABOUT FUCK YOU ..Just because it cum out of your mouth dont make it true

my but you are a triggered little bitch.

I'll say it again. Regardless of what you believe, federal law does not change from state to state.

There now. Doesn't that just make you look stupid?
you keep equating heroin and methamphetamine with weed and hamburgers...tell yourself whatever you need to to maintain the fantasy that keeps you feeling good about yourself, i grow tired of trying to explain that they aren't the will just keep trying to convince me they are while i'm standing here telling you they aren't....seems like we're both wasting each others time.
i think what i think, and not one thing you've said has moved me a fraction of an inch from that opinion...and it seems i'm having about the same success rate trying to change your opinion...
in my world, addicts are sick people who aren't to be trusted, because their addiction turns them into basically animals motivated by a primal urge they cannot ignore.
in your world, addicts are happy people who can interact with society with no repercussions, and everyone lives happily ever after...
whose living in a fairy tale world?

Nope. I "keep equating" humans to humans. No amount of any drug will change a human into what you claim they become. I am pointing out the bigotry of placing a person into a particular category bases solely on the substance they invest

"I smoke weed and that makes me better than that person over there that smokes opium" seems you can't quite grasp the concept here. Your drug of choice makes you no better or worse than another.

If you smoke pot regularly then you may well be just as addicted as that guy with a morphine pump in his belly.

Why would you believe otherwise?
maybe that's because it's a lot easier to romanticize a drug that is essentially benign, while it is much more difficult to romanticize a drug that will destroy the lives of at least one out of five that uses it?...just a thought...and maybe you're just seeing this romanticization because it serves your personal preferences? little bias theory?...don't talk shit about my candy, even though it kills people, but i'll talk shit about your candy, which hasn't killed anyone...ever...and helps people with chronic pain, and insomnia, and quite possibly cancer....all without addicting them and killing 20% of them...

There you go again.

"My drug is good, your drug is bad", "because I take a 'good' drug, I am good, because you take a bad drug you must be bad".
ok, fine, lets just sell heroin and meth at the corner drugstore, because there is obviously no problem with them..all this talk of an "opiate epidemic" is just media hype.... :roll:

Hyperbole and nonsense there my friend. No one advocates what you say.

No one says "there is no problem " with heroin. Are you insinuating there is no problem with pot? No one ever gets into psychological problems with it? It causes no familial or work related issues? No motivation problems?

And yet pot IS sold at the corner outlet.

And alcohol? No problems connected with ethanol? But that chemical is sold on every corner in the country.

Shall we compare the social and personal devastation caused by alcohol with that of opiates?

I guarantee you that opiates do not cause a fraction of the violence and aggression, the domestic strife, the altercations and auto accidents that alcohol causes.
Just more proof you’re here to troll. :hump:

Question, are you getting paid to troll at least? Don’t tell me you do this shit for freebongsmilie
Not trolling, I can't help that you simple minded people can't handle what is out side of the normal. Maybe instead of attacking and assuming you think you know you try a different approach you might get further.
Cause a background check doesn’t mean you are qualified or sane
Yeah and the idea of major explosives in my neighbors home should not be a concern right?
Well every one of your neighbors has explosives in their home right now. From your cleaning supplies to the gas in your car or the gas you light your stove with. Are we all qualified or sane enough to use them? Are people committing crimes with them, yep so are we going to ban them as well probably not cause you're OK with them right. Double standards is what the left is good for.
Well every one of your neighbors has explosives in their home right now. From your cleaning supplies to the gas in your car or the gas you light your stove with. Are we all qualified or sane enough to use them? Are people committing crimes with them, yep so are we going to ban them as well probably not cause you're OK with them right. Double standards is what the left is good for.
None of the products you listed is an explosive.
Maybe you feel and thought that but I've got firearms and I got them too protect my family.
So your stereotyping I was totally wrong with me bud I don't worship the gun and that's what you pretty much looks like you're saying there I don't believe guns answer every question but yes it can bring food to your table sure can and it can protect your family protect yourself your property so go ahead and stereotype I think you're an idiot I think you're a piece of s*** and it f****** stupid leftist Trump 2024
You had me till you supported a traitor in 2024
WELCOME to RIU :hug:
None of the products you listed is an explosive.
Lmao you have much to learn young one. Guess you never put the works in aluminum and shook it up or seen how how natural gas can act as a explosive or how the fumes from gas will destroy an engine but once again book smarts doesn't equal smart.
Lmao you have much to learn young one. Guess you never put the works in aluminum and shook it up or seen how how natural gas can act as a explosive or how the fumes from gas will destroy an engine but once again book smarts doesn't equal smart.
You are describing incendiaries. Do not let me stand in the way of your relentless campaign of demonstrating comprehensive stupidity.