Another gun thread

I think it is funny you are on a stoner site talking Bull Shit no one cares about . I take medicine (POT ). And Meth Herion is not the same...Im all for background checks...Just because we dont like your rants..Most dont care. Grow site Stoners....Here!!
So again I blame the drug. Just as I blame the gun, and the ease of access/lack of training, that is allowed when procuring one.
I think that was a terrible analogy.

The way hard drugs like meth, alter peoples minds and actions is nothing how a gun would do the same. One is an addictive, mind altering substance and the other is an object or tool that in no way changes or alters chemicals in the brain.

You take personal responsibility and choice totally out of the equation. Blaming a person for a bad choice, ie. using meth is their own choice and we all deal with the actions of own choices in life. The drug has no blame other than the chemical makeup it holds and the effect it has to our body but the choice to use it is the personal blame. They will have to battle addiction and everything that comes along with it if it comes to that. Buying a gun does not make you a criminal, killer, or anything of the sort. Choosing to use a gun, car, knife, poison and so on to inflict harm makes you a threat to society by choice.

I have owned a pistol for a long time and it never made me a killer or think about killing. Personal choice...
I am not addicted to any hard drugs and never have been. Personal choice..

Group punishment or laws that effect the majority based on choices of the few is a totalitarian regime.
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i've always assumed that most were among low income people with a lot of social issues, people who were abused somehow, and never got over it, people with mental illness who never receive help, and some who never seek help...while a lot of those people have probably done at least some jail time, i kind of look at that as another result, and not a cause
but i bet it does occurs among a lot of people getting out of institutions where they had no choice but to abstain long enough to lower their tolerance drastically.
Which usually ties it all together. The same problems that persuade people to do drugs and commit crimes are often the same issues that you see when people use firearms to commit violence. Low income and mental illness. And I agree that many times incarceration will make a criminal worse.

I'm all for the 2nd amendment and making sure guns stay out of the hands of people who will use them to cause unnecessary harm but how can we have both and not infringe on the rights of the people? My answer is simple, hold everyone accountable for the decisions they make and deal with the repercussions of their actions.

Unfortunately some people might be a lost cause due to the situation they were born into and the abuse inflicted on them that was the choice of someone else and in that case, I blame their parents.

Life is a miracle but never fair. No law, incarceration, or rehab will ever change that.
Why? Why must opiate addicted folk be low on the socioeconomic scale? Why must they have deep emotional or family problems?
because people that do "heavy" drugs are usually trying to escape how much their lives suck...perhaps i'm wrong, but rich peoples lives don't suck nearly as much as poor peoples people are usually worried about how to stay rich people, while poor people are usually worried about not becoming homeless, starving people...seems like a whole different level of problems to deal with.
i'm sure a lot of rich people do use whatever drugs they can get, but it's not to deal with how much their lives suck, it's in a sybaritic search for new pleasures to experience, so i could give a fuck less if they implode and end up in a gutter, they aren't even part of the equation to me, fuck them and anything they inflict upon themselves
because people that do "heavy" drugs are usually trying to escape how much their lives suck...perhaps i'm wrong, but rich peoples lives don't suck nearly as much as poor peoples people are usually worried about how to stay rich people, while poor people are usually worried about not becoming homeless, starving people...seems like a whole different level of problems to deal with.
i'm sure a lot of rich people do use whatever drugs they can get, but it's not to deal with how much their lives suck, it's in a sybaritic search for new pleasures to experience, so i could give a fuck less if they implode and end up in a gutter, they aren't even part of the equation to me, fuck them and anything they inflict upon themselves

Place intractable physical pain in there.

Still, you seem to be categorizing a class of people with the drug you use.

Smoking pot can be said to have the same effect, removing people from their...existential angst. But we don't typically claim they smoke to escape any more than we drink scotch and smoke cigars to...escape.

You are still buying into the cliché that all opiate users "end up in the gutter" and that is what I'm trying to explore.

Ever used opiates?
Drugs keep you poor, simple economics of a hundred or two hundred dollar/day habit, unless you’re michael jackson who is equal in death.

Does pot keep you poor at $400 plus an oz? Or that minor grow in the spare closet that costs electricity and nutes?
Look, I just think it peculiar that a bunch of pot heads are guilty of the same exact stereotypes that everyone else is.

Meth users are all toothless lovers (they arent)

Opiate users are all either hapless victims of the gheto or moral cripples.

Drinkers suck wine from bags...unless they are snobs.

But pot smokers are just misunderstood.
Which usually ties it all together. The same problems that persuade people to do drugs and commit crimes are often the same issues that you see when people use firearms to commit violence. Low income and mental illness. And I agree that many times incarceration will make a criminal worse.

I'm all for the 2nd amendment and making sure guns stay out of the hands of people who will use them to cause unnecessary harm but how can we have both and not infringe on the rights of the people? My answer is simple, hold everyone accountable for the decisions they make and deal with the repercussions of their actions.

Unfortunately some people might be a lost cause due to the situation they were born into and the abuse inflicted on them that was the choice of someone else and in that case, I blame their parents.

Life is a miracle but never fair. No law, incarceration, or rehab will ever change that.
War on Drugs is a failure unless one is a crime boss and they make bank. Drug addiction is a medical problem and should be treated as such.
I think that was a terrible analogy.

The way hard drugs like meth, alter peoples minds and actions is nothing how a gun would do the same. One is an addictive, mind altering substance and the other is an object or tool that in no way changes or alters chemicals in the brain.

You take personal responsibility and choice totally out of the equation. Blaming a person for a bad choice, ie. using meth is their own choice and we all deal with the actions of own choices in life. The drug has no blame other than the chemical makeup it holds and the effect it has to our body but the choice to use it is the personal blame. They will have to battle addiction and everything that comes along with it if it comes to that. Buying a gun does not make you a criminal, killer, or anything of the sort. Choosing to use a gun, car, knife, poison and so on to inflict harm makes you a threat to society by choice.

I have owned a pistol for a long time and it never made me a killer or think about killing. Personal choice...
I am not addicted to any hard drugs and never have been. Personal choice..

Group punishment or laws that effect the majority based on choices of the few is a totalitarian regime.
Ok sure. And I’m not sure where you got the analogy between drugs and guns??? They were two different subjects in the same thread. Anyways you do you and I’ll do me lol.
Place intractable physical pain in there.

Still, you seem to be categorizing a class of people with the drug you use.

Smoking pot can be said to have the same effect, removing people from their...existential angst. But we don't typically claim they smoke to escape any more than we drink scotch and smoke cigars to...escape.

You are still buying into the cliché that all opiate users "end up in the gutter" and that is what I'm trying to explore.

Ever used opiates?
a couple of times, i like them, which made me put them down and walk away, and never look back. i'd already seen too many people completely trash their lives over pills, a couple over heroin...i want to forget my problems for a little while, and enhance the enjoyment i experience...opiates make you forget everything for a while, you feel nothing, and from watching others who didn't step back, you quickly come to require the shit to function at any level. i don't need anything in my life that makes me jerk, twitch, itch, lie, steal, shit on myself, or turn tricks ...
the difference between weed and opiates is the same as the difference between 3.2 beer and everclear...while they're both classified in the same general class, they ain't even close to the same...i've smoked a lot of weed, and i never stole anything from anyone to get more, i never shit on myself because i was so high it just didn't matter to me, it never made me mumble, twitch, jerk, have spasms...i never sucked any dick to get can keep trying to say it's all the same, but that's bullshit, it's not the same, it never has been, and never will be.
I think it is funny you are on a stoner site talking Bull Shit no one cares about . I take medicine (POT ). And Meth Herion is not the same...Im all for background checks...Just because we dont like your rants..Most dont care. Grow site Stoners....Here!!
If your replying to someone it would be more intelligent of you to quote them so they can respond in like.
Does pot keep you poor at $400 plus an oz? Or that minor grow in the spare closet that costs electricity and nutes?
i make money off of weed, and still give people a damn good deal. it costs me about 200 a month to run my garden, i sell ounces to most people for 120 bucks, quarters for 30. i know a few people with mental and or physical problems and sell it to them for 80 an O. 120 is about half the price other people charge, and mine is as good or better than any of theirs. the first two Os i sell cover all my weed related expenses for the month, plus some, and anything else i sell is profit.
i have no interest in charging what the market will bear, i charge what feels like a reasonable amount to me, i'm happy, my customers are all happy, and we all have more cash in our pockets
Look, I just think it peculiar that a bunch of pot heads are guilty of the same exact stereotypes that everyone else is.

Meth users are all toothless lovers (they arent)
They (most) probably started out with a full set of teeth.
Opiate users are all either hapless victims of the gheto or moral cripples.
Again they (most) probably live in the ghetto after a few years of chasing the dragon.

Drinkers suck wine from bags...unless they are snobs.
Now that’s just not true lol. Lots drink from glasses or bottles.

But pot smokers are just misunderstood.
Nope most (not all) are pretty cool people whom are well understood unless rambling, I do that sometimes lol
i make money off of weed, and still give people a damn good deal. it costs me about 200 a month to run my garden, i sell ounces to most people for 120 bucks, quarters for 30. i know a few people with mental and or physical problems and sell it to them for 80 an O. 120 is about half the price other people charge, and mine is as good or better than any of theirs. the first two Os i sell cover all my weed related expenses for the month, plus some, and anything else i sell is profit.
i have no interest in charging what the market will bear, i charge what feels like a reasonable amount to me, i'm happy, my customers are all happy, and we all have more cash in our pockets
We’re down to $100 here at the res. $200 at the dispensary off res. I made a shit load back in the day but retired now lol. Loved the lifestyle though, loved being a criminal ;).
Having been a middle-class opioid addict, I also find your characterizations to be sweeping. I was prescribed 200 mg of OxyContin a day.

I was later prescribed methadone 25 mg/day. I found that to be a tougher and much longer withdrawal event than from oxy.
there are always going to be people who have the strength of character, the resolve to step to the edge of the abyss, look down, and turn back...and there are always going to be people who throw themselves over the edge in a swan dive...glad you stepped back...but i have trouble believing that most people who get deeply addicted don't eventually take that dive, after having watched a dozen or so end up homeless, broke, in jail or treatment, neither of which does fuck all for most of them....a few of them dead. you never know if you have that resolve till you look, and you don't know that you'll have it next time...till you look again
there are always going to be people who have the strength of character, the resolve to step to the edge of the abyss, look down, and turn back...and there are always going to be people who throw themselves over the edge in a swan dive...glad you stepped back...but i have trouble believing that most people who get deeply addicted don't eventually take that dive, after having watched a dozen or so end up homeless, broke, in jail or treatment, neither of which does fuck all for most of them....a few of them dead. you never know if you have that resolve till you look, and you don't know that you'll have it next time...till you look again
Indeed. What it required of me was a sustained and uninterrupted act of will.
For oxy, about a week. Methadone, almost three months. There is something very wrong with methadone as an addiction treatment. It makes for a much harder weaning.