Another guerrila method?


Active Member
So I had a "stoner moment" at work and thought, why couldn't you grow on a lake pond? On some sort of floating platform camouflaged to look like drift wood. You could send it out and tie a rope to it to pull it in. The rope would be under the water somewhere only you know where you placed it tied to a weight. I thought you could maybe set it up to have the plant pull the water from the lake or pond. It would have to be a reservoir with no boat traffic... I figure if someone sees it they would have to swim out to get it or bring a boat. Could this work? has it been done? Would the water be a good light reflector? This is just a random idea, so no rude ignorant remarks like nah that's stupid blah blah blah.


Sounds like it could work, you could build a simple wick hydro system. Only problems I see would be giving the plants nutes, I doubt the lake water would have enough nutes, but who knows, there are some strains that use very little nutes. Maybe there is a way to make a hydro/soil combo wick system to help with nutes.


Active Member
and this would obviously be sent to an area with submerged trees etc so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb..