I remember when I was studying at uni and how much weed helped me. My wife would be shocked when she'd come to tell me it was time to leave for the exam and here I am ripping down a chain of bongs for the 3-4 hour onslaught. May I add that I'm an honours student and graduated with distinction. In oz, that's the highest achievement you can get at uni.

Some of the most intelligent, deep, holistic thinkers I know are weed smokers. Some of the most unintelligent, irrational, narrow minded fuckwits I know are all piss heads or straight. Yet these pricks are usually the ones with all the power. Go figure...
I remember when I was studying at uni and how much weed helped me. My wife would be shocked when she'd come to tell me it was time to leave for the exam and here I am ripping down a chain of bongs for the 3-4 hour onslaught. May I add that I'm an honours student and graduated with distinction. In oz, that's the highest achievement you can get at uni.

Some of the most intelligent, deep, holistic thinkers I know are weed smokers. Some of the most unintelligent, irrational, narrow minded fuckwits I know are all piss heads or straight. Yet these pricks are usually the ones with all the power. Go figure...
It would seem your judgement runs counter to your experience. Go figure...
I remember when I was studying at uni and how much weed helped me. My wife would be shocked when she'd come to tell me it was time to leave for the exam and here I am ripping down a chain of bongs for the 3-4 hour onslaught. May I add that I'm an honours student and graduated with distinction. In oz, that's the highest achievement you can get at uni.

Some of the most intelligent, deep, holistic thinkers I know are weed smokers. Some of the most unintelligent, irrational, narrow minded fuckwits I know are all piss heads or straight. Yet these pricks are usually the ones with all the power. Go figure...

Carl Sagan was a huge pot head! That's all I needed to hear, lol
To me that study is just propaganda., when i smoke i actually do everything better, i focus more, even when i was younger and used to play basketball i used to play better than when i didnt smoke before playing.
To me that study is just propaganda., when i smoke i actually do everything better, i focus more, even when i was younger and used to play basketball i used to play better than when i didnt smoke before playing.

Seriously. If this was legitimate study and not propaganda which it most definitely is, they should have included pharmaceutical drugs in the study as well as comparison. Drugs like Adderall, Ritalyn, and other ADHD medications have much nastier side effects than cannabis, so bad, that most people that have been prescribed for long periods of time, go into withdraw symptoms similar to heroin. I've taken a few tolerance breaks from cannabis as well as gone off ADHD medications and can tell you that natural meds and synthethic drugs are not the same.
Seriously. If this was legitimate study and not propaganda which it most definitely is, they should have included pharmaceutical drugs in the study as well as comparison. Drugs like Adderall, Ritalyn, and other ADHD medications have much nastier side effects than cannabis, so bad, that most people that have been prescribed for long periods of time, go into withdraw symptoms similar to heroin. I've taken a few tolerance breaks from cannabis as well as gone off ADHD medications and can tell you that natural meds and synthethic drugs are not the same.
I agree completely with what you saying. Also i was in methadone when i was 22 im 37 now., and let me tell u that was my worse withdrawal EVER. I been sober now for 11 years. I only smoke pot now and drink occasionally. Oh and also smoke cigarettes. Thats it., and let me tell u more i dont even know how cigarettes and alcohol are legal, because they really dont have any medical attributes AT ALL., it has been easier for me to stop doing heroin and then methadone, that is has been to stop smoking cigarettes, alcohol is easy since i dont drink every day but cigarettes i been smoking for 21 years and it has been hard for me to stop until this day. just ma 2 cents and experience.
If the system cares so much for peoples well being why was I illegally picked up by police, brought to a jail in Ontario and injected with a substance to lower my immune system. I almost died. It was explained to me that (we) don't hang people in Canada anymore.

Don't mistake all the fucked up people for drug users.

The Canadian system, without any evidence or actions on my part listed me as a mentally ill, mentally retarded, crack-cocaine, gun running gorilla pimp that operates a Charlie Manson style murderous gang. These people in control are fucked without drugs and from what I can tell they can't afford to lose any brain cells to alcohol and/or other hard drugs.

This matter is still ongoing(over two decades) and it has been established that I am not certifiable under the mental health act...even without evidence they still insist the rest is true...perverts.

Just to mention, I scored 139 on my high school IQ test in 1974. When last tested five years ago I got 136. That's three points, but then it has to be taken into account of me being deathly ill for ten years from (their) needle.
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Alcohol does the same thing if it is true. It's about freedom. I'm 61. Shit I climb on machine tools 20 foot in the air. I keep up with state of the art electronic cnc controls. I'm a ham. Soon to learn a lot more about led cob builds after retiring. If everyone came out they would be shocked. A buddy 42 and myself take care of a lot of machines for a top 5 Fortune 500. They can kiss my ass. Sorry Sunni.