Another Damn CFL Growbox

Am I Norml

Active Member
well somewhere in this whole deal i stressed the damn plant too much and she just went hermie as all get out...

killed her unfaithful ass and got her popcorn buds drying as we speak...gonna try to revert her clones back to vegg and get them a little bigger before i flower them soon i swear just been busy lately....

Am I Norml

Active Member
OK guys been busy as shit getting the car up and running (busted strut springs that resulted in cracked hubs) and then Ive been having some health issues lately (just for the record heart problems suck ASS) but im going to get some more pix up tonight for sure and ill give you some more background on what happened with my plant i had going and show you what is happening in the box as of late....see you all soon with some KILLER pix :)

Am I Norml

Active Member
well here is the scoop... Girlz-Gone-Wild is no soooo disgusted that it makes me a little bit mad just thinking about it the process of the change over to the new box, different lighting, some damn thing, it stressed the shit out of her and that ungrateful bitch went transvestite on me :cuss:

now with having to kill her early (omg she hermied like you wouldn't believe) i really had no choice if i wanted to save any of the bud (its all for personal anyways
:) ) i decided instead of seeds everywhere (i already got like 50 of them already (*Super Skunk*) i would just kill her and get on with the next set :wall:

she produced 4.2 OZ 99% buds about as big as your thumbnail , a ton of popcorn buds, and after a recount just a bit ago when i was rotating them while they was drying, 16 main cola's about as big as a bic lighter :weed:

this is the smoke report on about half dried Super Skunk
0% couch lock, very heady high with a small body element that is kinda hard to place, omfg the munchies tho, the skunk is definitely there and after cure will stink like hell because it already messes up the smoke room pretty bad, becuse of the soil i think its verry mellow smoke with a definitly earthy after taste and a slightly sweet taste on the lips ( prolly all the molasses and being killed with it still in there with no flush :bigjoint:), no harshness at all and a 1.5 - 2 gram bowl split between me and my wife got us FORKED UP real good so i guess it isn't a total loss at all bongsmilie
now on to bigger and better things !!

soon to come yet tonight ... pix of the pair now residing in my new grow-box !!

R.I.P. Girlz-Gone-Wild
LONG LIVE Tweedledee & Tweedledum !!

Am I Norml

Active Member
Okie Dokie !! told y'all id be back with pix...and pix you shall have...

spent the night resetting up the grow-box and getting everything situated and now its presentable for your inspections and comments...

with GGW gone i have installed the 2 little clones in there properly and am now in the verge of reverting them back to vegg after raising partly in with GGW while she was flowering for about a month... so on with the pix

firstly im a huge fan of this soil...its a pre-nuted soil but it is verry mellow and i have yet to ever loose a seedling in it to nute burn...and it also makes it a breeze to nute the plants becuse half to 3/4 strength is all that is ever needed:)

and i know im going to catch ALOT of flack about it but i don't care...i love my low cost nutes ...

this is also in the controversial ranges but i love to run my grow-box hot to simulate those hot days of summer ...this is standard for ANY of my grow-ops

i also run 4 gallon pots and i drill holes all around the top ring for them for future LST if necessary...
here is a shot of my DIY carbon filer i 80mm computer fan on bottom carbon in center and one 80mm fan pulling from top keeps constant rate of air exchanged for area inside the box to complete air recycled 3 times a hour completely...the upgrade to this will be 2 120mm fans for the next one...

top view..

here is a shot over the top of my lights while running..

and a idea of how the pots fit in there compared to the 50 gallon pot from GGW

id like to introduce you to TweedleDee.. :)

AND her sister ... TweedleDum.. :)

as you can plainly see... at 8 inches high they need to be reverted back to vegg badly...

well that is all for now ill be posting alot more later and ill be sure to keep you all abreast of what is going on bongsmilie

Am I Norml

Active Member
To bad about the monster but shit happens. Its all good though because it looks like you have a plan anyway. Glad the quality is there so it wasn't a total waste of time.

Can't wait to see what these next girls do.


well i have the 2 girls im reverting and i also have 4 beans i just cracked of a strain i must have been too high (or to lazy) to label....least the damn label wasn't on it so i figured wtf lol might as well crack them and see what we get there i know they aren't fem seeds tho they was in the regular box with the rest of the test tubes... so we will have 4 other little beans to watch also...i have yet to name them tho so im currently taking suggestions for the 4 bean set for names :)
well i have the 2 girls im reverting and i also have 4 beans i just cracked of a strain i must have been too high (or to lazy) to label....least the damn label wasn't on it so i figured wtf lol might as well crack them and see what we get there i know they aren't fem seeds tho they was in the regular box with the rest of the test tubes... so we will have 4 other little beans to watch also...i have yet to name them tho so im currently taking suggestions for the 4 bean set for names :)
man you gotta name thos beans after your snakes dude, i used to have 5 corns, one was a snowflake cant remember the rest, but i had to give um up, i now have a grey banded king snake and she is way better than my corns were, if you wanna see prey drive... but ya shitty deal on losing ggw, good luck on you new grow, and fuck thoes people that say cfls suck, you CAN grow some killer bud with NO dent in your power bill

Am I Norml

Active Member
man you gotta name thos beans after your snakes dude, i used to have 5 corns, one was a snowflake cant remember the rest, but i had to give um up, i now have a grey banded king snake and she is way better than my corns were, if you wanna see prey drive... but ya shitty deal on losing ggw, good luck on you new grow, and fuck thoes people that say cfls suck, you CAN grow some killer bud with NO dent in your power bill
well if i had 7 of them id do the 7 dwarfs but i did get a pleasant surprise when i checked them today tho...i had put 5 in to crack and one was not very big and i didn't think it was going to do anything but today when i looked it cracked too :)so we now have 5 to watch :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well you got lots-o-bud from GGW anyway and a couple of clones.
? if the mother went hermie won't the clones do the same?
can't wait to see the babies.

Am I Norml

Active Member
well you got lots-o-bud from GGW anyway and a couple of clones.
? if the mother went hermie won't the clones do the same?
can't wait to see the babies.
i don't think the clones will be prone to Hermie because that plant went through literally 3 months of hell and never hermied i think this last big change in her life was just the straw that broke the camels back and even then she produced bud like it was going out of style...its early bud... but ill be damned if it isn't good shit...... if all else fails i got 5 beans in the dirt and we will watch them lol bongsmilie

Am I Norml

Active Member
ok here is the final update on this not gonna screw around with this setup anymore over it...too many variables jumping around and too many things going wrong a nutshell this grow is not stable at all...sooooooo
Ive decided to build anew in a new location with ALOT better plans and ALOT better materials and with a brand new set of plants .

im going to build a 4ftx4ftx4ft tall grow box 3x4x4 will be used for flowering space and 1x4x4 will be utilized as veg/clone space

im going to run the whole thing on CFL's again but this time i will be upping the power to closer to the equivalent of a 600 MH and everything will be run on full spectrum CFL's i have found that come the closest to actually emitting a balanced spectrum and mimic the sun the closest (damn these things cost alot) but as the grow goes on in my next journal i will disclose where and how to get them. (they are working WONDERS in my friends grow)

so stay tuned folks ill post how to get to my new grow soon with pix of the build also :)