Another Damn CFL Growbox

Am I Norml

Active Member
very nice bro, love the snakes too. i like snakes not spiders. (shivers at the thought of crawly things)
yea with spring coming sherbert and his girlfriend are getting really chummy and have been mating lately so in 90 days or so ill be posting some baby pics to go with my *baby pics* :)

Am I Norml

Active Member
Congrats on the new box.:clap: It's amazing what we can come up with after a nice fat bowl of the kill bud.

Cant wait to see what the hell that thing(the girls) in the closet is going to look like.:weed:

Keep em green!!


yea i love it when they say *dumb potheads* and *stupid potheads* and all the stigma we have to put up with due to the whole misconception of smokeing herb....hell we are possibly some of the most ingenious motherf**kers on the planet especially when we need to hide our grows or want to upgrade our shit :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hahaha hell yea lay down a beach chair put some shades on sip on a nice tropical umbrella drink and watch em grow

Am I Norml

Active Member
hahaha hell yea lay down a beach chair put some shades on sip on a nice tropical umbrella drink and watch em grow
and i have asthma so the extra O2 is medicinal for would b like taking a tropical vacation for medical purposes for me :-P


Well-Known Member
yea i love it when they say *dumb potheads* and *stupid potheads* and all the stigma we have to put up with due to the whole misconception of smokeing herb....hell we are possibly some of the most ingenious motherf**kers on the planet especially when we need to hide our grows or want to upgrade our shit :bigjoint:
I find that I frequent the used stores alot more now that I am growing. I am always on the hunt for things I can use in my grow or how can I convert that to use in my room:lol:.

I have always had a nack for "repurposing" what other people call trash.

Am I Norml

Active Member
I find that I frequent the used stores alot more now that I am growing. I am always on the hunt for things I can use in my grow or how can I convert that to use in my room:lol:.

I have always had a nack for "repurposing" what other people call trash.
my next DIY is im going to try to figure out how to make a timed auto-watering system for my plants so when im gone i can just set it and forget it and when the time hits on the right day they just get watered :) but i want to build it out of easy to get stuff :)

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
my next DIY is im going to try to figure out how to make a timed auto-watering system for my plants so when im gone i can just set it and forget it and when the time hits on the right day they just get watered :) but i want to build it out of easy to get stuff :)
this is what i was thinking with my cheap ass gravity fed milk jug water system. if i put a small air pump on the vent line and plug it into a timer, it would start the flow and water the plants, only problem is, i havent figured out a way to make it stop before it emties the gallon jug??? unless you wanted to use the whole gallon.


Am I Norml

Active Member
this is what i was thinking with my cheap ass gravity fed milk jug water system. if i put a small air pump on the vent line and plug it into a timer, it would start the flow and water the plants, only problem is, i havent figured out a way to make it stop before it emties the gallon jug??? unless you wanted to use the whole gallon.
on a *im not home* situation i would probably just run the line between multiple pots with valves for each and then just let it dump the whole gallon ... gonna do something for sure cuz once i put the scrog net in my box(first try by the way) (watch for next grow this box is gonna be a SCROGGING monster ) and i start trimming undergrowth im gonna want a easy way to water without having to tear shit apart :weed:


Well-Known Member
I can't peel my eyes off your avatar!

Oh..... and CFL's are the SHIT! I also converted my closet into a grow room with CFL's. Have a veg and flower room in my closet! :hump:

Thanks man!! I couldnt take my eyez off of her either for like 3 months!! Im going to get some supplies but when i get back ill check on ur grow!

Am I Norml

Active Member
well i pulled Girlz-Gone-Wild out of her new grow-box today and she is LOVING IT ... she had herself a little growth explosion last night and had to take the lights up about 3 inches because she was gonna grow her buds right into the CFL's :weed:
she is about 3 weeks into flowering and she is really starting to come into her own and you can see the resin building on her because her leaves have taken on a almost plastic sheen and she reaches for the light with every fan leaf wanting more MORE MORE !!

im gonna over the next couple days be watching for leaf burn i have upped her dose of nutrients today she was running at half strength MG multi purpose and half strength African violet bloom food but i took her up today to full strength on the African and still half strength on the MG multi ..

my goal at the first of next month i want to have her running at full strength on both then start to back her off again as it winds down towards harvest ...

for the not well read or newcomers to the tread Girlz-Gone-Wild is a experimental plant i was horsing around with that BLEW UP (she is currently in a 50 gallon pot) and decided out of the blue to Budd (Super Skunk doesn't do that on its own lol) she has been chopped, super-cropped, topped , LST out the yin-yang, you name it Ive done it to this plant and its budding like it is going out of style .. hell i wouldn't be surprised when i finally smoke it if the after-taste doesn't taste like tuna fish or cat food or something the way i abused this plant lol... but she has proven that these plants can be pushed to extremes and survive so the least i can do is run her through to the end for y'all and we will see what happens :bigjoint:

Am I Norml

Active Member
was in watering today and remembered i haven't updated this in a day or 2 so ill put up some pix for ya the camera is messing up so i hope they aren't too bad for you guys.... you can also feel free to post in my thread ...any feedback is always welcome...

ok first ill put up a little bud porn for you...

buds buds EVERYWHERE ...:eyesmoke:

New babies off to a fellow grower .. ;-)

aint she purdy !!

Ready for 12/12 and off to my bro-in-law to flower...

one of 2 northern lights clones now under 12/12 in the cab...

Not so great group shot but couldn't kill the lights yet so sorry but you get the picture lol...getting crowded in there

hope y'all enjoy :)

Side Note : switched to a different camera to try to get better pix...time stamp on it wasn't set so 12/12 pic IS current just my bad...sorry...

Am I Norml

Active Member
well one of my northern lights clones freekin croaked on me last night so had to replace it....blah ... such a temperamental strain i swear...bongsmilie