another confused newbie


here's what I do know.
I have now a 6' female plant that is very healthy, lots of dark green leaves growing outdoors in CT with full sun in a 8 gallon pot. No other mj present. I identified the female pistols 2 weeks ago, and given the rate at which this thing is growing, it is clearly (I think) still in the vegetative state.

Question. When do these microscopic females turn into buds? The plant is just under 8 weeks of age. I was elated when my baby identified herself as a herself, but don't know what to expect going forth/

Advice and comments appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm well u meant 6"(inches) not ' ft. I think, and any pics? Like one guy says, pics or it never happened, lol.


Well-Known Member
pics .. but just let it do it stuff .. she know what to do ;)

if hairs have shown it will begin to build buds .. doning the next 8-16 weeks dependin on what strain you got (stavia or indica .. agin .. some pics)

if your outdoors nature will deside .. when days get shorter then nights it will begin to bud ..

Ooh yea and next time .. if you have the option ? plant it in the ground when its a few weeks old ..
it will do wonders compaird to a plant in a pot .. nomather size ..


Hmmm well u meant 6"(inches) not ' ft. I think, and any pics? Like one guy says, pics or it never happened, lol.
No I meant its six feet tall. I've never seen anything grow so fast.

Pics? Hmmmm, I gotta figure out putting em on flicker, or some other site I suppose.

Slipon....I will, on occasion, need to move my big girl away from prying eyes, so in the ground isnt an option. Frankly, this whole procedure happened by accident. I took a single seed that fell out of my doobie at the end of May and pushed it into a flower box on my deck....and presto....I had a plant that I didnt plan on. I transplanted it into a larger pot and have been amazed at this whole process.

Should I top her off, as it's too tall?


Well-Known Member
Six feet in 8 weeks, you need to tell us everything u used and what type of soil etc. pics bro that has to be some type of a record.


Six feet in 8 weeks, you need to tell us everything u used and what type of soil etc. pics bro that has to be some type of a record.

I think I pasted photos properly.

Anyway, like all my gardening, the secret is manure. 50% manure and 50% potting soil. Miracle grow weekly and lots of water (its hot as hell in CT)


New Member
Top it for sure. That baby will grow another 3 feet or so even if you do so be prepared for some bending also.

Nice girls though!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Holy bejesus, the pot looks really small for the plant.
I'd agree on transplanting into ground. Not sure how could you move a 6 feet plant without anyone noticing :D


Well-Known Member
L8t at night and very carefully, and I stand corrected u meant 6', Lolz Goddamn N1 man. What kinda manure did u use cow, chicken, sheep, did u compost or u got store bought manure?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Looks great. I've never had a plant that big, so I'm not qualified to comment about topping or supercropping her.
Keep doing what your doing. +rep


Well-Known Member
I would top the main cola to even out the canopy a bit and leave the rest alone. LST training will do wonders in your case you can make it under 3ft tall with a little bending/tying of the branches. Definately repot or plant in the ground that pot is too tiny.


Well-Known Member
I would LST, TOOP, and super crop; also get a bigger pot else she's gonna be a littly skinny girl and fall over once she starts to produce weight on the buds!



gents ( I presume), I've already answered these questions.

Specifically, I used commercially available cow manure sold in 30lb bags from the garden store nearby. I mixed it with plain old potting soil at a 1-1 ratio. Further, about every 7-10 days, I'd throw in some Miracle Grow mixed way higher than recommended. I have flowers and other plants similarly growing out of control. Sadly, my tomatoes suck.

My MJ adventure here is purely a fluke. Having achieved glorious middle age, smoking the ganja now is a once every 2 year treat. I literally pull a single seed from my joint, thumb-press it into my oft-watered planting box, and 10 days later, I have a pretty little invader the likes of which I've never seen before.

So, I transplant this little 2" tall creature into a larger pot, the one its in now. That night, it falls over. seemingly dead. Next morn, damned, its standing as firm as my little general once did when I was 17.

I start reading about males v females (throw the males out???? must be bullshit!) and then find this site.

Funny, I kept lurking thru the site, thinking that all these 10" tall plants I see are normal. Howzacum they're budding and not mine?

Here I am!

How much fucking weed will she produce.....conservatively? I'd be happy with 2 joints....a years supply for me.