another chance to help fdd ------ what's wrong with my leaves


Well-Known Member
That link to Moose's info was rather nifty... after reading it, the only thing it said about curling leaves was heat, heat heat... Your plants either dont like the temps in the room, or your lights are too close... How close are your lights??? You know we all like to keepem close when it comes close to harvest time..


Well-Known Member
didnt realize you grew in pots outdoors, i dig a hole and fill it with good soil, just seems better drainage than in a bucket.


Well-Known Member
Um did you ever think to start asking the plant what's wrong? I mean think about it, here is this cannabis just hanging out looking for the right male, when all of a sudden you try to cook her by letting the temp get too high. Now I'm not an expert, but if you did that to me I would be pissed as well. If you made sure to lower the temps, give me ample nutes, and fresh cool water, I would probably come back after a week or two. Stress sucks lol!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That link to Moose's info was rather nifty... after reading it, the only thing it said about curling leaves was heat, heat heat... Your plants either dont like the temps in the room, or your lights are too close... How close are your lights??? You know we all like to keepem close when it comes close to harvest time..

my lights are pretty far away. i moved them up a few inches over the last few days. it seems to only be happening under this one light as well. maybe i should put my glass on my hood. i was using it to press hash so it's all sticky. i've been to lazy to clean it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Heres what the heat did to my baby about 7 weeks into flowering... without an adaquite ventilation system, it turned my leaves into shyt... its gonna take an iron and botox to get those wrinkles out...

So i would get that under control FDD... you dont want those precious plants ending up like mine....



Well-Known Member
Heres what the heat did to my baby about 7 weeks into flowering... without an adaquite ventilation system, it turned my leaves into shyt... its gonna take an iron and botox to get those wrinkles out...

So i would get that under control FDD... you dont want those precious plants ending up like mine....

i'm exchanging my air 4+ times a minute. :hump::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the reson i said plants outdoors drain better is because of the sand, roots, etc to help air ate the soil. just a personal opinion though


Well-Known Member
the reson i said plants outdoors drain better is because of the sand, roots, etc to help air ate the soil. just a personal opinion though

i think the sun on the pots has an effect as well. black pots in direct sunlight get pretty warm. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
agreed and your air flow seems fine. i would clean that glass. do you have an oscilating fan in the room? i have a 430 watt light and mine is about a foot away. here`s a pic to show how healthy they are and this was 6 days after a soil lock up and flush.



Well-Known Member
agreed and your air flow seems fine. i would clean that glass. do you have an oscilating fan in the room? i have a 430 watt light and mine is about a foot away. here`s a pic to show how healthy they are and this was 6 days after a soil lock up and flush.
2 oscillating ...... IMG_7278.jpg IMG_6871.jpg


Well-Known Member
i went back and looked at your first pic`s. do they have bright yellowy spots on them. mine did the same thing. bright yellow spots ( almost flouresent) and curlig leaves, wierd burn marks. it was a combination of all the elements locking up, couldn`t figure it out because there were so many different def`s


Well-Known Member
Well i mean damn FDD... Is this a test or something? LOL

By the looks of your grow room, in my eyes, you're nothing short of a mad scientist...

I should be getting advice from you if anything... its bout that time for me to take a bow and shut the fuck up... LOL... Good luck man..

"You're the guy ive always wanted to be"



New Member
I would use simp,e water for a watring or two. I may be behind on this thread however. If i seem to be having problems, I take out a little of the old dirt, and throw some new in, and use plain water. I like to know that i have started a little fresh. My own opinion jhowever, I really dont feel like defending it today.


Well-Known Member
will they lay back open?

i knew i should have turned on the A/C. :evil:
alright man....I have always grown outdoors and seen lots of heat issues. you got one bro....your leaves will be fine as long as you keep temps down. here is a pic of one of my girls who was outside in 100 degree weather early this year....temps back down and she is fine ....think about the fact that outside the light moves and shadows occur...heat fluctuates a lot more's heat brotha



Well-Known Member
i went back and looked at your first pic`s. do they have bright yellowy spots on them. mine did the same thing. bright yellow spots ( almost flouresent) and curlig leaves, wierd burn marks. it was a combination of all the elements locking up, couldn`t figure it out because there were so many different def`s

i was waiting for this question. i had other pics that showed it more but i didn't want anyone to get side tracked. the spots on the leaves are from thrips that i HAD. way back in the first 2 weeks. i bombed the room and added predator nematodes to my soil. the thrips are gone for the most part but the damage lingers. good eye. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Same things happening with my leaves, only not as much as yours.

My temps are 80-86


Remember, temp outside in the open is WAY different then temps indoors.

Were using artificial light, the plant knows when it gets hot, and uses a lot of the energy to kind of keep it from harm.. (thats why growth is stunted when it gets too hot)

But outside, the sun is really powerful, so it can withstand the heat, and gain as much energy as needed.
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Well-Known Member
my opinion is that heat is heat wether its a fire/sun or lights. outside it can move that heat around because of volume and breeze. but that`s why we use oscilating fans to mimic that and strengthen stems. but thats just my thought