Another CFL Closet Newb xD

Doughnut 420

Active Member
Well I started!

Ive been growing for about 3 weeks now, just found this site <3. (No Homo)
This place is amazing. I would like any suggestions and comments people have to offer. This is just a practice off some bagseed I had. I started with about 10 and weeded out the weaklings. This is what I have left.

I have a few questions....first im growing under 1 CFL 100watt I know I need more. ANy suggestions

Also does anyone know where I can get those light splitters and a nice reflector? ive been working with a clamp light but they take up alot of space.

Thanks in advance!


Doughnut 420

Active Member
Well I was high...smoking the mids from the bag im growing from xD and decided to do some work. I posted the pictures.

If you see any noob problems please point them out lol

I can't find any Visqueen at lowes or homedepot if anyone knows another way to get it (besides ordering) I would greatly appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
not too bad there noob, don't really see anything your doing thats wrong, but obiously there's always room for improvement, like you said, more light is always a good thing, as for a reflector, i've seen ones made from baking pans, the cut holes for the sockets to be attached too. they lined it with foil but i would rather use mylar if available to you, or those sun shades for your car windshield only like 2-3 bucks at wally world and cut them too fit, it worked out pretty good as a reflector. or you can just use the work light reflectors in the tools dept. the cfls will just plug in, just make sure you get the kind that will accomodate at least the 100w.

Doughnut 420

Active Member
Great thanks ill do that right away!

Currently I have 2 cool 100w=CFL and a warm. Ill probably get two more. Maybe daylight?


I just realized they are all 23 watters (100=watt incandecent equiv.) Im headed out to get more now. xD
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Doughnut 420

Active Member
Yeah I know. Im looking for visqueen, Ill prob get some more white poster board soon, I can't paint it, its my moms rental house, I actually have white latex paint in the garage >.>. :joint:
Do you think its worth it to just let the light hit the wood? Or is foil that bad?

Thank you. I appreciate the comment!

I got two more white, daylight. 27 watters. I completely boxed it out. Heres some more pics.

BtW, I have some reflectors they came with my lights, but I don't know if it will be better with or without since its pretty boxed. Any advice?



New Member
yea foil is pretty bad.. Plane white anything is better then tin foil. White reflects ok and dosnt hurt the plant at all.
Good luck :mrgreen:


New Member
this is what i got so from from 3 27 watt bright white and 3 43 watt soft 2700k lights... Not to bad for cfl eh?

Doughnut 420

Active Member
Well here we are at about 23 days. How am I doing?

Tore open a sock to snag the elastic so I could bend the weaker side toward the light more. Good idea? or Noob mistake?

Also I got rid of the foil and replaced wit with flat white posterboard.


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New Member
Yo, some tips for helping your grow.
- Lights need to horizontal, distributes lights evenly.
- Lights need to be as close as 2in away from light.
- Get some co2 going, yeast and sugar.
- Be aware that stretching plants put more energy into
stretching instead of bud.


Well-Known Member
glad i read this, im a soon to be cfl closet newb grower and was planning to use tin foil. now thats out of the options what about using mirrors?

btw doughnut nice plants hope mines turn out like that


Well-Known Member
that white paint bs use mylar, its 95% reflective and has no burn spots. it can be bought at party stores for $20 a roll. a cheaper mylar-like substance is a type of wrapping paper thats hella cheaper

Doughnut 420

Active Member
No pic this time. They are sleeping ^^

Im on day two of flowering. Does anyone know how long until they show sex?

Also im using MG Moisture Control, with 3months of slow realease or whatever... Do I need to add flowering nutes or will it burn them?


Well-Known Member
yea probably about 14 days (flowering) for them to show sex. Males will often show earlier than females too. Good luck on your grow