Another Barack Obama thread


New Member
Wrong-O again, oh great grower of paranoia weed. If all of Obama's programs are passed, we will all be peons. :hump:

I hope so, especially if you are brought down to real peoples level, what a shocker, assholio. BTW, for a supposed connoisseur of weed, it was a shame to see you blasted into the ozone with the potentcy of my white widow. I guess you really are a fake afterall. If you knew it may be potent, why did you smoke so much? Oh that's right, your big fucking ego told you I couldn't possibly grow potent weed so you smoked too much. Maybe next time you'll listen when I tell you to go easy with it, But I doubt it, because you really are an asshole!


New Member
I hope so, especially if you are brought down to real peoples level, what a shocker, assholio. BTW, for a supposed connoisseur of weed, it was a shame to see you blasted into the ozone with the potentcy of my white widow. I guess you really are a fake afterall. If you knew it may be potent, why did you smoke so much? Oh that's right, your big fucking ego told you I couldn't possibly grow potent weed so you smoked too much. Maybe next time you'll listen when I tell you to go easy with it, But I doubt it, because you really are an asshole!
~lol~ ... You're too fucking much Paranoia Man. I'm wise to ya. You foisted off some cheap Mexican dirt weed as your home grown. Anyone who has to ask: "What's all that white stuff on your buds, Vi?," isn't my idea of a master grower. You just continue deluding yourself that anyone here believes that you get two pounds per cycle off of a 400 watt light, Med ... and we'll keep humoring you. :mrgreen:





Well-Known Member
No, you'll be taxed back to the dark ages, it won't affect us peons. Hooooraaayyy> tax em till they bleed!
the concepts that this country were built on were of personal responsibility and self-determination. there always have been and always will be those who excel and succeed, through means fair or foul, just as there will always be those who fail no matter how hard they may try. the rich will always have a way out and the poor will always exist. who do you think is going to be doing the bleeding?

is there really anyone out there who honestly believes that the government is capable of an equitable redistribution of wealth? is anyone actually so naive as to think that any politician would do anything to impede the flow of funds to his war chest? when those exorbitant taxes are rolled out, it will be those in the middle that will be paying for the welfare state. the family that has struggled to buy their first house, the working stiff that has finally managed to pay off his bills and still keep a little nest egg squirreled away, those of us who have fought all our lives to stay off the public dole; these are the folks who will be footing the bill for more bureaucratic red tape and government waste.

here's a little something for those of you who believe in a compassionate government -
drink up!


New Member
Excellent, undertheice. And for anyone to believes differently is to deny history. As Orwell said: "All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others."



Well-Known Member
Speaking of his agenda, what exactly is his agenda? I havent been able to figure that out yet.

has ANYONE figured this out yet?

here's all i know:
stay in Iraq till 2013, at least. (why not GTFO right now?)

raise taxes across the board.

resurrect failed trade restrictions (often called free trade agreements! lol)

bind us to numerous Euro style treaties that tax us for poor people in other countries and ban small arms.

did i leave anything out?



New Member
has ANYONE figured this out yet?

here's all i know:
stay in Iraq till 2013, at least. (why not GTFO right now?)
Get out as soon as possible Raise taxes across the board. Repeal the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2 %.

resurrect failed trade restrictions (often called free trade agreements! lol)
Repeal Nafta, a huge mistake and a failed trade agreement costing Americans thousands of jobs bind us to numerous Euro style treaties that tax us for poor people in other countries Help poor people regardless of their geography And ban small arms. Well, I seriously disbelieve this

did i leave anything out? Make America a country that can be admired and respected again, Fuck your tax cuts!

There is so much more he'll accomplish in the next 8 years, stay tuned, if you hated bill Clinton, you'll absolutely abhor this great Leader. I'll wake up every day with a smile on my face just knowing that you are having a fucked day because you hate Obama, just like I had to wake up every day (2920) of mine and think that asshole Bush was still in office.


Well-Known Member
Obama is a racist also.He refered to his white grandmother as a typical white person.
No if mccain or clinton refered to obama or any black person as being typical,all the blacks,sharpton,jackson would all be raising hell.He is not going to be any better for this country than the next lying plitician.


Well-Known Member
Obama is a racist also.He refered to his white grandmother as a typical white person.
No if mccain or clinton refered to obama or any black person as being typical,all the blacks,sharpton,jackson would all be raising hell.He is not going to be any better for this country than the next lying plitician.
Actually, I believe his grandmother was "a typical white person". But, his mother, apparently, was a very antiestablishment hippy. And it is his mother he most closely relates to.


Well-Known Member
We need Ron Paul and a return to the Constitution and our civil rights. Obama , Clinton, McCain are just puppets. I don't pretend to know the whole truth of who's holding the strings. I Know Ron Paul is the only one talking about fixing our broken government and you'd be lying to yourselves if you said it wasn't broken!!! some say to vote for Ron Paul would be a waste of your vote i say if thats true i throw my vote away because i vote for Revolution!!!!!!!!!!!! save yourselves from tyranny Vote for Ron Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!