ANNOUNCEMENT: Analytical MMJ Testing Now Available In Northern Michigan


These folks just opened in Gaylord and will be accepting samples June 17.

Not trying to spam, just thought people would like to know. Testing has been lacking up here, and if folks want to get $20/g for some of this stuff, patients deserve to know what's in it.

Gary Busey

New Member
I always wondered if the specs given by seed companies are true or not. There are some pretty big claims out there.
I may have check that out some time, I've always been curious about the THC content of the stuff I grew was.


I always wondered if the specs given by seed companies are true or not. There are some pretty big claims out there.
I may have check that out some time, I've always been curious about the THC content of the stuff I grew was.
Same here. Now me and my buds can settle our "mine's the best" arguments once and for all.

Maybe a little wagering could be done :mrgreen: