Annie's update


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Do you have any cheese??
These little gems are winging their way to me along with some Lemon Thai regs.

Funny how we all seem to run in similar lanes :eyesmoke: @conor c got me with his post on the two of them. They sure sound worthy of a run and I've never tried cheese. So I'm hoping for a good representation of type.


Well-Known Mod
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It comes back down so much quicker.

Definitely from seeds, no sense contaminating your new space right away. Pick out your top 5, then put up a poll. Then ignore the poll and pick the pack that you always have out to pick from,but always pass over.
At least I won't have to touch the minisplits so it will be a good thing. Kind of like your luscious grow you have going right now! That is a thing of beauty. So after maybe a year when I get the bug again I'll break down my running irrigation and drainage systems and fix them up after tiling. So I can't bitch. Life is nothing if not iterative development!


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Make sure if those a/c’s are in the room to have the temp led on the unit to be taped. it may not look that bright but look at it in dark and I question if it’s not a bad thing ? Just giving a 2nd view !

looking good @curious2garden
I get the feeling these things were planned with the grower in mind. There's an LED button that you turn off the face's LED display :) Almost like they knew us!! Good looking out for me CE I appreciate it. That's why I love posting here. You guys often come up with stuff I've not thought about. Thank you.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Great thread. I enjoy seeing how other folks get it done.
Thanks and I love the input I get especially if I've missed something and you guys catch it for me before I do another run where I monster crop from too much light but not enough to reveg LOL. Thanks for joining in.