Ann Coulter

Well, once I figure out what you're talking about, I'll try to answer your post.


o yes i forgot, a terrible trait of Conservatism is of course, PATRONIZATION. This my fellow liberal chums, is a fact The Conservative finds very hard to accept, especially in it's wild and natural territory. they tend to become aggitated and offensive for no reason. Yes, yes, yes. i know what you're going to say, and the answer is; yes, we do have to live with these odd and slighlty deluded creatures. ah well, we also have to live with women, i dont know which of the two is more of an annoyance (is this where i say "Help me God?") :S

tip for the future. take the above quote for example. The Conservative has tried to act like he actually knows something. This should be taken lightly by a human, as it is completely and thoroughly untrue.

now watch The Conservative as he becomes annoyed and frustrated in his cage... this, my friends, is a very good example of what is known as a LACK OF H-U-M-O-U-R. thank you.
Yes, and your above post is of no substance at all and is nothing but typical liberal arrogance.

Hark! Is that the sound of Birkenstocks slapping the pavement I hear?

Yes, and your above post is of no substance at all and is nothing but typical liberal arrogance.

Hark! Is that the sound of Birkenstocks slapping the pavement I hear?

Looks like he got to ya Vi, you turned to sarcasm, the absolute last resort. I swore I'd not post on this Coulter site but since this doesn't involve her I guess it's all right, but since I'm here, "Fuck Ann Fucking Cuntler"!!!
Looks like he got to ya Vi, you turned to sarcasm, the absolute last resort. I swore I'd not post on this Coulter site but since this doesn't involve her I guess it's all right, but since I'm here, "Fuck Ann Fucking Cuntler"!!!

Sorry, Med ... but as I said before, my skin is about two feet thick. Therefore, one needs to be a real pro to get under my skin. And to date, I've not found anyone on this site up to the challenge. And, by the way, pointing out liberal arrogance isn't sarcasm ... its just a fact of life.

The reason Arnie can’t run is because US law says that someone of foreign birth can not be president.
Of course that did not apply to George Washington.

I reckon that by 2016 there'll be an amendment to the constitution so that Arnie can run for President. In any case i'm sure there'll be an attempt to do so. In the lunatic world of political correctness, exclusion from anything and for any reasonis is usually frowned upon, especially by left leaning politicians. It's a nice irony then that 'immigrants rights' issues would have to be pursuesdby the Republican party to facilitate the appointment of President Swarzennegger.
You know what's funny about all of this?

If Ann Coulter's mother wouldn't have scraped the semen that was running down the crack of her ass and scooped it back into her Vagina we wouldn't be burdened with the freak of nature we call Ann Coulter.
Damn! Now THAT'S one pissed off liberal that made that last post! *lol*

Hey, Dank ... would you please be a little more graphic in your posts? *lol*

By the way, shooting the MF who jumps yer ass, then screwing his girlfriend makes more sense than "fucking for virginity."

Damn! Now THAT'S one pissed off liberal that made that last post! *lol*

Hey, Dank ... would you please be a little more graphic in your posts? *lol*

By the way, shooting the MF who jumps yer ass, then screwing his girlfriend makes more sense than "fucking for virginity."

And you think I'm violent!
I'm talking self defense there, Med. And yes Med, I DO think you're violent. Would you like a public post of your PM, or have you forgotten about that already?

Yes, and your above post is of no substance at all and is nothing but typical liberal arrogance.

Hark! Is that the sound of Birkenstocks slapping the pavement I hear?


lol, at least we liberals have something to be arrogant about. we have morals and ethics, we are a fraction as corrupt and we most certainly DO NOT APPOINT A PRESIDENT LIKE GEORGE W. BUSH. you should be fucking ashamed of yourself for who you are. you are clearly an idiot. a vast, vast majority of republicans are, so don't take it personally. i challenge you to name me one thing liberalism tries to implement which is NOT more in the publics interest than any republican has done. once you realise this sad fact you will come to your senses.
lol, at least we liberals have something to be arrogant about. we have morals and ethics, we are a fraction as corrupt and we most certainly DO NOT APPOINT A PRESIDENT LIKE GEORGE W. BUSH. you should be fucking ashamed of yourself for who you are. you are clearly an idiot. a vast, vast majority of republicans are, so don't take it personally. i challenge you to name me one thing liberalism tries to implement which is NOT more in the publics interest than any republican has done. once you realise this sad fact you will come to your senses.

Well, how about the withholding tax? Or how about the socialization of our monetary system? How about involving us in the majority of wars we've suffered?

Oh, and by the way ... I'm not a Republican.

And ... the only thing liberals have to be arrogant about, is their arrogance.

Well, how about the withholding tax? Or how about the socialization of our monetary system? How about involving us in the majority of wars we've suffered?

Oh, and by the way ... I'm not a Republican.

And ... the only thing liberals have to be arrogant about, is their arrogance.

Nice copout, I'm not Republican, you stand for 99.999% of their bullshit and then say I'm not republican, A-fucking-mazing. you are the bottom feedingest critter I've ever had a conversation with. Quit trying to skate and just spew your vile rhetoric! I know, you're gettin goddamn tired of my insults and cussin, well tough shit!
lol a socialized monetary system is exactly what america needs. the only other option is capitalism u moron.

im not even american but i cant stand here and watch a fucking great country be brain-washed by a right wing demolishion crew. thank fucking god dems obtained congress at least