Anime your top ten favorites

Well, I’ve been burning through enough shows that I’m not recalling titles…more and more, it seems the things I am most curious to watch are simply not available (yeah, like I’m some anime bloodhound) unless I want to spend HUNDREDS of dollars.

Monogatari, for instance: as near as I can tell, there are a dozen or more interlinked series with nothing apparently linking them beyond having ‘monogatari’ in the name. I can’t tell if I think the stories sound interesting, but the artwork glimpses I’ve had are incredible, and I’m trying to work it out.

Any tips from the crew here? It looks like Crunchyroll might be the best bet, but what do I know? Jeff, you in particular I want to hear from (but not only) - you’ve recommended a lot I may only find on CR or something else, and if I’m even going to think of adding another streaming service, I don’t want to go blind (so to speak)

UPDATE: I’m also looking at HiDive, just because. Still, Crunchyroll seems to be the only Monogatari source beyond the three hour-long ‘movies’ Amazon is selling
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Well, I’ve been burning through enough shows that I’m not recalling titles…more and more, it seems the things I am most curious to watch are simply not available (yeah, like I’m some anime bloodhound) unless I want to spend HUNDREDS of dollars.

Monogatari, for instance: as near as I can tell, there are a dozen or more interlinked series with nothing apparently linking them beyond having ‘monogatari’ in the name. I can’t tell if I think the stories sound interesting, but the artwork glimpses I’ve had are incredible, and I’m trying to work it out.

Any tips from the crew here? It looks like Crunchyroll might be the best bet, but what do I know? Jeff, you in particular I want to hear from (but not only) - you’ve recommended a lot I may only find on CR or something else, and if I’m even going to think of adding another streaming service, I don’t want to go blind (so to speak)
Give me some time on this when my son get home I'll talk to him and get back to you he get home around 8:00 clock tonight and in the mean time 16200814442812108192611.jpg
Well, I’ve been burning through enough shows that I’m not recalling titles…more and more, it seems the things I am most curious to watch are simply not available (yeah, like I’m some anime bloodhound) unless I want to spend HUNDREDS of dollars.

Monogatari, for instance: as near as I can tell, there are a dozen or more interlinked series with nothing apparently linking them beyond having ‘monogatari’ in the name. I can’t tell if I think the stories sound interesting, but the artwork glimpses I’ve had are incredible, and I’m trying to work it out.

Any tips from the crew here? It looks like Crunchyroll might be the best bet, but what do I know? Jeff, you in particular I want to hear from (but not only) - you’ve recommended a lot I may only find on CR or something else, and if I’m even going to think of adding another streaming service, I don’t want to go blind (so to speak)

UPDATE: I’m also looking at HiDive, just because. Still, Crunchyroll seems to be the only Monogatari source beyond the three hour-long ‘movies’ Amazon is selling
He made it to his bed befor I got a chance to talk to him in the morning until then good night as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your family
Currently trying vrv fir 30 days, very interesting so far. Most of the Monogatari sequence, for example. draws from Crunchyroll and HiDive and other places (Rooster Teeth). They have a bunch of what seem to be ‘the current season’, real old stuff I’ve only heard of like Patlabor, and stuff I’ve seen talked about in YT, stuff Jeff has recommended…I DO know they don’t have everything, but wow. Interface feels clumsy, expected controls are missing or obscure, but the stream is fine, 1080p is smooth on my new (basic, WiFi) iPad

Currently having fun watching “Samurai Girls”. I love the art and the overall look, so far a pretty sweet meditation in young girls and the power of kissing…? Yeah, fan service, but who cares, it’s beautiful. I don’t watch this stuff for sex, or for boobs, but it doesn’t bother me here (no sex here! (as opposed to Monster Musume, which is way too much like Benny Hill for me)). My own attitude toward bodies and nudity and such. A very sexual-revolution attitude, I guess.

Speaking of which (not really), I dared to take a peek at Redo of Healer, and I gotta say it crosses a line in the very first episode that it can’t come back from: revenge is one thing, but it sets itself up to be a torture porn festival of a particularly ghastly sort: the MC is an exceptionally overpowered psychopath (and even understandably so, but…). Can’t watch that. Sorry it exists. Sorry it has fans. Bridge out. Do not enter.

Vaguebooking instead of spoiling, yo
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VRV has me spinning…there’s just SO MUCH to watch; lot of pretty racy stuff is uncensored (look for the “home version”), but sadly most isn’t really worth watching (IMO - like I said, I don’t watch this stuff because I need boner bait - if nothing else, giant breasts hold no interest for me & I’m not ‘into’ children).

A couple of real surprises so far: “My Wife is the Student Council President” is fundamentally about ‘sex’ but from the classic teenage clueless POV we all love. So far the whole thing is non-graphic and a really quite wholesome (taking cultural differences into account) look at ‘what all that means *now*’. Big on feels, low on nosebleeds. In a different way, the same is kinda true of “Why The Hell Are You Here, Teacher?”…though I feel weird saying that. I never had any fantasies about any of my teachers (ever)…at the same time, the students here are like I was (and am): no good at all at being able to read signals: it’s not just that they can’t tell their teachers are interested in them, they can’t read any of it. Because of this, it touches some shared territory w/ MYitSCP, in terms of innocence and shared discovery, and is also pretty sweet, if you can get past the power imbalances involved. The series is 12 12-min segments, broken into four stories involving 4 teachers (women) and 4 students (boys), where MYitSCP runs 8-minute episodes; both are sex-positive, which I like, and to my eyes avoid the creepiness implied by their titles and subject matter. Both big on feels. No nosebleeds.

I thought I was wrapped up with this, but now I’m running through Domestic Girfriend…I dunno, I seem to be looking at notorious stuff or something…and this treads the same waters I was talking about earlier. I probably misuse the term, but this isn’t ecchi to me, the visuals are once again, not even the usual anime ‘nudity’; the situations are extreme, but reactions and complications feel very human and natural, and the result is more the extreme embarrassment of trying to act normal in a weird situation than bouncing fan service. Like I said before, operatic: big weirdness, big emotions…but not erotic except in the telenovella sense. I love the characters and how it’s all being handled. A grown-up show for grown-ups. No nosebleeds. It’s not as funny as the others, but I think it’s because I’m more engrossed with these characters and how they work things out.

Mostly I’m just sampling around. 86 shows promise, one of the spring releases IDK. OVAs exist here, they’re not just line items on a Wiki page! Hope everyone is having a fine, fine night!

EDIT…damn, only five episodes in and I’m thoroughly hooked
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Hey y’all! Turns out, a lot of the stuff folks have recommended here is NOT on VRV, so I was wrong in saying without looking. Oops….

Best thing I’ve watched here in Anime Neverland is Grisaia (Fruits of, Labyrinth of, Eden of…). Second best is Goblin Slayer. Third best is Demon King Daimao. First two are really gripping, well-told stories about well- made characters; third wins the Actually Interesting Demon King Award for best riff on the theme.

Show I most want to watch right now is Darling in the Franxx, based on reports & clips, but can’t: available on VRV in German *only* - audio and subtitle. My German is more than 50 years old now, so no. In the meantime, debating Bakemonogatari.

hipe y’all are well and that spring comes to visit soon!
SAO 3: Alicization is so far pretty amazing. The story got off to a weird start, the establishment of the Underworld itself - the storytelling IMO excellent, but seems very different from “SAO” in some important way, but the tension/intensity from th first ‘arc’ (Alicization) ramps up dramatically in War of Underworld.

I did finish it. I thought it was great (if you’re into the story).

Lots of character growth, decent perspectives, great graphics improvements, and a glimpse, I hope, of what’s ahead in the next (unnamed?) arc…plenty of amazement (oh, and the story is deep (I think)). VERY satisfying 24 episodes. No spoilers. Eagerly looking forward to the next arc.

It’s SAO seasons 3, 4, & 5, really, but they’re essentially counting the three-season Alicization arc as SAO 3.
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A couple of rom-coms(?) I’ve enjoyed here recently…Mako Chiki and Real Girl. MC is another school setting with a relatable geek as MC, the usual naughty comedy of errors, but a really sweet story, with only a few major obstacles. Enjoyed it. Real Girl is a real tear-jerker, expertly done, expertly done. I’ll be sniffling the rest of the night.

Classroom of the Elite may or may not be as interesting/intriguing as it seems, but I’m giving it a shot.

Seitokai Yakuindomo is really funny …kinda like an anime Benny Hill show set in a Japanese high school, full of naughty jokes that rely on cross-cultural slang for their punch…but with better looking girls, and actually *funny*. And of course without Benny Hill (can’t stand him myself). It flies fast, hard to keep up with.