Animals pulling up plants.


Active Member
Here's a problem I've had several times in different places. I'll transplant some plants outside and when I check on them a day or 2 later they'll be pulled up. Not eaten just plucked out of the ground like some animal didn't want them there. I know it had to be an animal because of where some of them were, but I don't think it was deer. We have rabbits, coyotes, racoons, and lots of others. Anyone ever have this happen to them? Got any idea what would be doing this?

old pothead

Well-Known Member
What are you using for fertilizer.Coyotes and dogs will dig up plants because they smell the fertilizer and are curious.If you are using fish meal or emultion,they want to eat it.OPH


Active Member
What are you using for fertilizer.Coyotes and dogs will dig up plants because they smell the fertilizer and are curious.If you are using fish meal or emultion,they want to eat it.OPH
That's a good theory. I usually just use Miracle Grow but that might smell as good as fish to an animal.


Active Member
I to have experience this in the past. The ones that dig up my plants are possums. A solution for this is to put your soil out in the holes a week or 2 early to let them get used to the smell and let them do their digging why there are no plants there. Also to be extra safe for the first week my plants are out i put cages around them. I recommend not using organic nutes ex. Blood meal, Bone meal. use instead nitrate of soda, and triple phosphate just be carful there a lot more powerful then organic ferts.


New Member
Try using those things that go around plants? I duno what they are called though? You know? They use them for like tomatoes. V coned goes around the plant.


Well-Known Member
Put stakes in all the way around your plants cut them to a point so you can drive these deep the pet some chicken wire around buy a cheap staple gun and staple them to post.i have even had to burry my chicken wire about a foot into ground because the fucking things were burrowing underneath the chicken wire till i out witted the fuckers.they were rabbits tasted nice though with stew and dumplins felt so good haveing the muncies and eating the fuckers that were robbing my watch out weed stealers could be you next.


Active Member
Yah, I'll definately be putting up a fence or something. Just thought it was weird that something would come along pull them up for no apparent reason.


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem last year we've got tons of rabbits cats help to keep them away mine specificly like the smell on my ganja one year:joint::joint::joint: