animal problems?!?!

my Siberian Husky just recently snuck into my grow closet and killed 3 plants (1 PPP, 1 Bomb THC, 1 White widow x skunk #1), this makes a career kill of 5 or 6 for her since i've started growing, I know there is only one option you guys don't have to tell me, bury her in the backyard. Anyone else have as many god damn problems as I do?!?


Active Member
yup. my cat ate my first two attempts at growing and got a bit on my current but didnt destroy it, i found her in time. little bastards love the shit


My cats love pot leaves. I can hang them up and they help me trim with out snarfing the bud. Sucks though ur having problems can you get a gate or something? Walmart has cheap ones for like $10.
My cats love pot leaves. I can hang them up and they help me trim with out snarfing the bud. Sucks though ur having problems can you get a gate or something? Walmart has cheap ones for like $10.
that's where i'm headed in the morning, she's a pot head with me though, i'm sure she'll find a way around :roll:


Staff member
fucking huskies i got me one too get into EVERYTHING best i can say is keep it in a place they cant get to
today when i went to go get in the shower I noticed a trail of dirt from my spare bedroom to mine and just thought I tracked it in there... nope, was my dog munching away at what felt like my life.


Active Member
today when i went to go get in the shower I noticed a trail of dirt from my spare bedroom to mine and just thought I tracked it in there... nope, was my dog munching away at what felt like my life.
its the worst feeling in the world when it happens. there has to be a door between the plants and the animals


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man. You're just going to have to give the dog to someone else who doesn't grow or keep your shit under constant lock and key. I had a dog who pulled that stuff. Dog destroyed things just for the sake of doing it. Had no pokerface about it as well. After being caged and everything else for it's behavior it'd give itself away as soon as I spotted it. Tail between legs and hunker down/sneak by real fast. I just had to go find whatever it was that it destroyed. Which usually didn't take long. After so many times the dog knew what was up. It'd even go wait by the cage.
The dogs kill count
One instance of 30 extremely sativa dominant bagseed. Had them outside in late jan to flower and then reveg. Was going to see what reveg was all about.
Another instance
Very large clone project. Contents were 9 rooted THC Bombs, 10 Rooted Big Bombs, several clones from various RQ Freebies. Royal Cheese, Royal Diesel, Skunk #1. 9 of them in all. All of the above were feminized. Also 10 Kerala X Skunk#1 freebies that were regulars. Waiting to give to a friend to sex so I'd know which of the ones to chop and go in ground.
Needless to say it was given another home quickly after that.
Some dogs just like to dig and destroy things unfortunately :-? especially northern breeds like Huskies.


Well-Known Member
Based on extensive watching of "It's Me or the Dog," I might suggest that your husky is bored and needs more activity. But I've never owned one, so who knows? Maybe you should take up dog sledding. My cats never caused me any big problems. I had a Manx that used to graze on the leaves occasionally, not enough to cause much concern... except you know cats, they puke it up on your bedspread or new sofa, on purpose, probably. That would suck if the cops came to your house to inquire about the skunky aroma at the exact moment your cat or dog chooses to hark up a stomach load of cannabis leaves by the front door.


Active Member
Based on extensive watching of "It's Me or the Dog," I might suggest that your husky is bored and needs more activity. But I've never owned one, so who knows? Maybe you should take up dog sledding. My cats never caused me any big problems. I had a Manx that used to graze on the leaves occasionally, not enough to cause much concern... except you know cats, they puke it up on your bedspread or new sofa, on purpose, probably. That would suck if the cops came to your house to inquire about the skunky aroma at the exact moment your cat or dog chooses to hark up a stomach load of cannabis leaves by the front door.
thats some funny shit bro


Active Member
my cats liked to lay on my seedlings in my 2012 outdoor grow, ended up putting chicken wire up around them. and then bird netting later that year for the damned birds.


Well-Known Member
ive said it before ill say it again : pets and wives are the worst things to let into your grow room, keep them out at all cost


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing a guy trying to grow in his barn. He kept posting pictures of party cups with just dirt in them, saying they just disappeared over night. He couldn't figure out where they had gone.

Turned out mice were biting them off and eating them, lol.


Staff member
View attachment 2898981 I went and got a gate and told her to try her shit again. she's a shedding, pot killing machine =D
how long have you had a husky?
that shit aint gunna work.


another user mentioned more exercise its true huskies need ALOT however they will destroy anything no matter what level of tired or hyperness they are
they are the most ridiculous dogs

i would suggest her or him being crated any time youre away from the home
how long have you had a husky?
that shit aint gunna work.


another user mentioned more exercise its true huskies need ALOT however they will destroy anything no matter what level of tired or hyperness they are
they are the most ridiculous dogs

i would suggest her or him being crated any time youre away from the home
Haha yah they are the damnedest dogs around, I've had her 2 years. She's as tall as the gate is, if she jumps it and takes any more plants it'll probably be the end of her >:( she gets a walk around the neighborhood a few times a week and a few hours every day in the backyard but it seems like she is a ball of pure energy. Fuckin huskies