Angry Birds 9-11


Well-Known Member
Tacky? You decide.



Well-Known Member
Tacky? What would be tacky about some flash game? I mean, I've seen some that were def. inappropriate, especially for kids/teens.. but I see nothing 'tacky' about this particular game.


Well-Known Member

Collapsing a Tower and Destroying a Plane?

I'm not sensitive about it, I just happened to notice the coincidence while getting through that level this weekend. I'm an addict. I like Dragon Fly too.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see anything that looked like the twin towers or a plane. I must need glasses or something. :D


Well-Known Member
hmm.. well I personally don't play many flash games.

I don't see this tacky. I see what the media does to 9-11 and its victims, as being tacky and disrespectful though.

They keep playing these previews for some biography of the 9/11 attacks.. of the people that were stuck in the towers. They even go so far as to actually play the telephone calls, that these people made, after the planes had hit. To me, that's kind of disrespectful.. because your bringing up a traumatic event that took many innocent peoples lives.. including many children! Yes, it happened.. its a downright shame, that all those people had to lose their lives, especially at the hands of terrorists. Again, it did happen.. and I prayed and still do pray for those that were lost in those attacks.. but you know, at the same time.. we need to move forward. Not only as individuals.. but as a country! We've been at war for 10 years now.. we recently accomplished the mission of this war, which was to find and capture or kill, the leader of Al-Quada, Osama Bin Laden. It took us 10 years to find his punk ass, but we found him... and we killed him.

So, now that we have accomplished the mission of that war.. lets bring home our fucking troops and begin to rebuild our own country. Let them deal with rebuilding their country... we've done enough over there and we've spent enough money over there as well! Which is the MAIN reason our country is in such deep debt!! Listen, I realize that there is a new leader of the terrorist group, Al-Queda.. I realize that. But, our main goal, was to kill Osama.. and we did. So lets bring home our troops.. let the rag-head fucks deal with rebuilding their own fucking country.. so that we can finally focus on our OWN country.. and get our economy and country back into shape like it was, pre-9/11.

If they try another attack, then sure.. we'll go back and have to track and capture/kill the new leader of Al-Queda. But, UNTIL THEN... bring home our troops so that we can stop spending 10 million dollars per day over there to fund this war.. and we can finally start to rebuild and rehabilitate our OWN country, the good old United States of America!!

It's not rocket science.. ;) It's called common sense.. and apparently Congress has none. Same goes for Obama.. we don't need that man for another 4 years people.. please, for the love of God.. let's get someone into office that's going to keep their word. Someone who will actually take ACTION.. and back up their words. Obama hasn't done a single thing.. to help this country. Not one single thing. He's taken like 60 vacations though, I do know he's been able to do that much. Fucking flake.. the mans very sketchy IMO. Bottom line, we need someone else in office.

Just my 2cents worth.