Andrew Tate detained for human trafficking in Romania

they probably couldnt raid him because as he says he doesnt own shit soo i guess warant would have to go to another persons name.
as for jail he is a respectful person when he is scared and alone he will probably pay people
So he owned pizza boxes?

It's super funny as a meme, but doesn't make much sense to me. In trying to figure it out I saw a statement from taters (lol, leaving that autocorrect) side saying the pizza box thing was just a rumor and he was getting raided anyway, it was just a coincidence.
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I am kinda curious about why the pizza boxes led to his arrest. Was he on the run? Was it something where they couldn't prove what country he was trafficking and raping in, as such no jurisdiction established until the pizza box?

Per his wiki he got arrested in April for the same thing and eventually released. Does this stem from that? Seems odd they would have lost track of him. If people were looking for him it doesn't seem like he was hard to find, had he moved since last time he got arrested?

Oh...and I think he will get the absolute shit kicked out of him in jail and shaken down for protection money unless he linked up with some Romanian gangster dudes. He's a rich arrogant guy in jail; timed fights with rules, a referee, and just one opponent are not real fights.

The pizza box thing was somewhat speculation but essentially the Romanian police were likely waiting for solid evidence he was actually at his residence before bothering to raid his house and the speculation is the pizza box in the video is what gave them conclusive proof of his location.

Here's a good thread on it from the person who as best as I can tell originated the pizza box theory
That makes sense and works for me. Don't want to raid an empty house. I would think they could just monitor the place for a few days, but eh, my curiosity doesn't really run that deep.
I am kinda curious about why the pizza boxes led to his arrest. Was he on the run? Was it something where they couldn't prove what country he was trafficking and raping in, as such no jurisdiction established until the pizza box?

Per his wiki he got arrested in April for the same thing and eventually released. Does this stem from that? Seems odd they would have lost track of him. If people were looking for him it doesn't seem like he was hard to find, had he moved since last time he got arrested?

Oh...and I think he will get the absolute shit kicked out of him in jail and shaken down for protection money unless he linked up with some Romanian gangster dudes. He's a rich arrogant guy in jail; timed fights with rules, a referee, and just one opponent are not real fights.

Lost track? Apple Air Tags in the wheel of each car..stalkers do it all the time. FBI or CIA needs an update on tech..and how basic people do shit every day without their budget.

Then you've got Elon Assassination Tracker Kid (I believe that's what Elon calls him) he tells you where Elon's plane is all the time. It's public knowledge. Sorry Dictator Musk.

He has the sads because he bought Twitter for Trumpy to finish destroying America; Trumpy's not biting.
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but.... but i was not sorry i just added that he plays a persona online. and that he might be lying. i am sorry i hurt your feeling :*
sounds funny though, why would someone that rich need to traffic people? like what would be the motivation..?
I'm sure he gets offers to pretty much fulfill any of his desires all the time.
Who is this guy ?

Andrew tate

Just some guy going around bragging that he uses women for sex and to make money. Trying to get young impresionble men to do it too, saying that makes you a real man and women are on earth to take care of a mans needs. Spreading the idology that if you be like him and his view of what a alpha male is, you too then become a real top gangster. You can still see the videos on youtube atracting people to the idea and courses he was selling to dumb lonely men, how to be a pimp, pimp degree, pimp colleage, how to trap a girl and keep her and make money for you ect. Alot of young men idolised him thinking he was the ultimate alpha male living the ultimate rich life. He was just a guy pimping girls out and making them go on only fans ect and escorting taking big chunks of their money cause he would intimidate, romanticly trap, sexualy bully ext. In my opinion a knob head.
Just some guy going around bragging that he uses women for sex and to make money. Trying to get young impresionble men to do it too, saying that makes you a real man and women are on earth to take care of a mans needs. Spreading the idology that if you be like him and his view of what a alpha male is, you too then become a real top gangster. You can still see the videos on youtube atracting people to the idea and courses he was selling to dumb lonely men, how to be a pimp, pimp degree, pimp colleage, how to trap a girl and keep her and make money for you ect. Alot of young men idolised him thinking he was the ultimate alpha male living the ultimate rich life. He was just a guy pimping girls out and making them go on only fans ect and escorting taking big chunks of their money cause he would intimidate, romanticly trap, sexualy bully ext. In my opinion a knob head.
Iv seen his hustle uni site, you can learn more from Google, all he does is stretch out the truth to sound more intelligent to his subs, then ask for more money.

strange thing is I’ve never seen one person on the net say “Andrew Tate made me a millionaire”

which he claims he will

“All fathers who give their daughters sons 100k per year to learn how to be a doctor or a surgeon are idiots! Why don’t they just give me $49 per month and I’ll make them into a millionaire “

^^ andrew rates words
Andrew rates prison and he will have a most unpleasant one in a poor country, another psycho flushed down life's toilet.