And so it begins


Hope I'm not posting in the wrong spot.
First I'm 52 almost 53 starting my first grow. I've been stuck back in town where I can't grow veggies anymore and I've been missing it real bad.
So after losing the biggest part of my 401k in the crash and wanting to get a few extra bucks to fix up my house before we sell figured I'd give this a try.
Oh, I family name is not what we came to this country baring as we were busted during Prohibition so it comes natural.

So I got my seeds from Holland Tuesday and Wednesday I set them up to germinate.
Going with 5 of ten seeds on each of the followinng.
Nothern Lights
and 15 Bag seeds.
Used my old bean sproutting method with the exception of adding 1/4 cup of pelletized lime and a drop of Superthrive to a gallon of water. The seeds dusted with Bone Meal inside a dampend paper towel.

The purpose of the lime is to keep the solution alcaline in the hope that I will get more females from this method.

Oh, I can't spell, so please bare with my mistakes.

Anyway, today, just two days later I have a 100% germination. Even the bag seed.
Wasn't expecting this especially from the Papya that is supposed to be slow to germ. And I keep my house cool. I hate hot weather.

So, rushing faster than I wanted I have made up my seedling "soil". 2 parts Spag Peat, 1 Part Perlite, for a total of about 4 gal.. total. To this I add 1/4 cup Bone Meal, 1/4 cup Lime, 1/4 cup Scott's seed starter fert. All dampened and mixed with a 5 gal. paint stirrer.
I'll let this stew for a couple of days before putting the germinated seeds into plastic drinking cups.

So with 2x4 and 4x4 grow tents I will use the 2x4 for Moms and seedling and the 4x4 for budding. There is no way I can use all these plants but!!!! Hope to save one each of the NL, Papya, and Bubs, for Moms and account for some being males I hope to have sixteen plants to bud. Sexing once they are vegging worries me but we'll cross that bridge later.

My back is killing me. I better go enjoy someone else's effort.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have a good foundation to start with!

I would not worry too much about sexing simply because it is EASY and you have time to figure it out before all your plants get polinated.

Good Luck and Welcome to RIU :)


Sounds like you have a good foundation to start with!

I would not worry too much about sexing simply because it is EASY and you have time to figure it out before all your plants get polinated.

Good Luck and Welcome to RIU :)
Thanks to alll for the warm welcome. I've tried to read from the forum, watched a video, and added my old farming background. Just never did it inside before.