The biggest problem people have with AN is that they are a rip off, not that they dont contain the same things as other lines. Im sure you can get good results with them, but you can save a lot of money and get the same or better results. This Rhino Skin is a perfect example of that.
Lets do some math here. DG is 7.8% and AN is 0.15%.
You could by 1gal of dyna gro's and make 52gal of AN's version (pretty sure I did the math right, someone correct me if Im wrong) by dilluting it. So that means it would take 4,420 dollars worth of AN's Rhino Skin to get the same amount of potassium silicate as the 50 dollar DG offering.
So yes, the product may be bullshit in each case, but one is clearly a better deal. Why anyone would want to buy from a company that would do that to a cusotmer is beyond me.