An open letter to Marc Emery


Well-Known Member

Tonight I'll be posting a letter to Marc outlining


It is just what it says that it is

A plan to burn down

the online marijuana world


To the ground


Either Marc puts down his sword and shield and pounds them into plow shears, and uses my tools to help others or I will shut you all down simply by whispering into the wind.

I will put no one in legal jeaprody. I don't have to, I've spend 9 years walking this path in my mind again and again. I train it's stem in my sleep.

Either you do as I say:

1. Help yourself
2. Help others
3. Legalize marijuana

Or I will stop all online marijuana commerce and shut down every forum

Legally. Forever.

Once I have another tool I will no longer need you, and I shall focus my wrath of the punisher on you so that I can do good in the world of the wicked. Senseless and fucking insane. The only way that I can reconcile with the world and move on. Thank you.


I am beyond caring about any of you.

You disgust me.

Do nothing, fight, I don't care.

Emery stops fighting or you all



Oh yeah, someone better deliver this message to Canabis Culture for me. I've been put a post up there 3 days ago and it's still at the top of the list. I guess that all of the people that Marc is hanging from the cross for have other things to do than be concerned about him.


Let me ask you a question:


Do you think that I am fucking with you yet?



Boycott the Attitude



Active Member
:cry: You dont care about me?....b-b-but....
You can take this forum, but you cant take everyones herb.

Joe Rogan comes to mind, "NERF THE WORLD!":mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
OP....wat the hell is wrong with ur cabvasa!?!?!?

wats up racerboy! hows life been over in your area??


Well-Known Member
I don't get this thread. Why do you want to keep Emery in jail? What's the reasoning behind it?

What the fuck is going on here? Please explain, or tell me I am a douche and missed the point of your post.


Well-Known Member
I don't get this thread. Why do you want to keep Emery in jail? What's the reasoning behind it?

What the fuck is going on here? Please explain, or tell me I am a douche and missed the point of your post.[/QUOTE]

call me a douche than cause i aint got a clue of wat he speaks.


So i get whole "boycott the attitude" thing. I read some of the old threads and I can get down with that idea. But why hate Marc Emery? This a genuine question, not a defensive position lol. I havent looked into his doings in quite some time, but last I checked he was on our side? what happened with the prince of pot?

P.S. Helping others, then yourself, should be a staple of everything you do. Not just your attitude towards legalization

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
if a butterfly flaps it's wings on one side of the planet can the breeze from it's wings help stir a storm on the other side of the planet? i'm in the uk and can't wait for the storm to rear up out of the sunset, but i fear my children will be there taking on the fight in my stead as i will no longer be here, sadly in a world upside down the dominos stand up and the people who place them fall down. sadly though one thing remains constant we all fall down before we get to see things return to the intended, and the intended remains the same controled by the dominos, will the breeze be enough to start the inevitable downfall of the dominos??????


Well-Known Member
if a butterfly flaps it's wings on one side of the planet can the breeze from it's wings help stir a storm on the other side of the planet? i'm in the uk and can't wait for the storm to rear up out of the sunset, but i fear my children will be there taking on the fight in my stead as i will no longer be here, sadly in a world upside down the dominos stand up and the people who place them fall down. sadly though one thing remains constant we all fall down before we get to see things return to the intended, and the intended remains the same controled by the dominos, will the breeze be enough to start the inevitable downfall of the dominos??????