An introduction to Electroculture

I ground my beds and pots via electrodes into soil. I saw some research about the subtle ground energy being very beneficial. Just as important for humans and animals as well to have this connection to earth. For animals there is research about the huge anti-inflammatory effects. For plants I imagine that there has to be some benefit to be plugged into the earth. Never thought about actual voltage being pumped through. Cool stuff!
Geez, nobody's done any testing on this? Just because a person is too lazy to do a little searching doesn't mean this has no basis in true science. This method was pioneered by Justin Christofleau of France, member of the Society of Scientists and Inventors. The only reason his highly documented results were rejected is because of "big ag". You don't need fertilizer or pest control sprays with this method. Here's a link to a good source:
have you studied the earths electromagnetic energy grid/points and growing along lay lines, it works wonders and planting to the moon works wonders too.
use a pendulem to find a lay line or 2 copper wires in cotton reels as devineing rods. and plant along them, that is the same as creating an electromagnetic energy field, although not as controlable, very interesting.
have you studied the earths electromagnetic energy grid/points and growing along lay lines, it works wonders and planting to the moon works wonders too.
use a pendulem to find a lay line or 2 copper wires in cotton reels as devineing rods. and plant along them, that is the same as creating an electromagnetic energy field, although not as controlable, very interesting.
have you studied the earths electromagnetic energy grid/points and growing along lay lines, it works wonders and planting to the moon works wonders too.
use a pendulem to find a lay line or 2 copper wires in cotton reels as devineing rods. and plant along them, that is the same as creating an electromagnetic energy field, although not as controlable, very interesting.
I haven't done this but I know it works. The ancients knew about this; that's why they built dolmens, temples, etc on the Lay lines. We think we're so smart, but it's just arrogance.
I haven't done this but I know it works. The ancients knew about this; that's why they built dolmens, temples, etc on the Lay lines. We think we're so smart, but it's just arrogance.
what pisses me off is all the churches the conquistadors built on the lay lines and crosses of them, those are the natural geometric electromagnetic points of the planet. thats why people get a feeling of elation whilst in some churches.
i want to grow weed in the vatican gardens lol
LOL. You're pissed that someone else is using "your" land? The pope would probably let you grow weed inside the vatican.
If you can get two habits, I'll help you search.
do you think 2 nuns wandering about the vatican archives would cause suspicion, Women account for approximately 5.5% of the citizenry of Vatican City. According to the Herald Sun in March 2011, there were only 32 females out of 572 citizens issued with Vatican passports. One of them was a nun
so two of us may need a two pronged attack.
maybe one headed towards the archives and one the vault. with that few women in there, showuing a little bit of leg might get you someware lol
1677796249251.png the earths electromagnetic energy points. places like the great pyramids, puma punka,stonehenge and all monoliths are built on them. just how the anciants knew where or how todetect that energy, only the extra tarestrials thet taught us about them in the first place can tell. we only have the tecknology to detect then since 1800 look up nikola tesla and free electricity, still atainable too.
the image is from this site
Good post.

What if I just plant my plants near the telephone poles? :lol:

you'd be better off planting the,m under electricity pylons. but i dont think you would luike the results, too much ambiant carcinogenic radiation given off by them. they dont allow cows under them no more here in the uk
There was a fairly recent potcast interview, I can’t remember which one, sorry, where the guy was doing something similar with great results.
I think he stopped for fears of a potential fire and he’d had a slight shock.

100% something to it, as said above the ancients were a lot smarter than most give them credit for.