an idea i have about flowering


Well-Known Member
ok so i have sum plants outside, there going on 2 1/2 months now ( 2day makes 2 months 12 days) there pushin 50 inchs now and all seem very healthy. it is june here and i was planing to start flowering aug 1st. i read online that in southern states they would flower naturaly at the end of aug beggining of septe.

my idea was to put black plastic bags over them (with air holes of course, just lower on the plant). for 2 weeks, i read i could do this online and it would work. i would start it aug 1st and it said after 2 weeks i could take the bags off and they wouldn revert back 2 veggie.

idk the strain of them (came out of sum high mids i bought) they are mostly indica though (leaves tell me that) not 2 mention the high from the weed. would this work properly?

:evil: + :joint: = :mrgreen:


Active Member
I wouldn't do that cause think bout how much bud you wud get if u be patience n wait it wil prob grow another 20 sum inches by august especially down south in the heat n sunlight that's my opnion bro


Well-Known Member
lol where i have them i dont need them that big, as much as i would LOVE 2 have sum 10 foot beautys i cant have them that big. besides that , they will be pushin 6/7 feet by the beginning of aug at the rate they r growing. my biggest is already nipple high after 2 1/2 months (im 6'2 btw) but its a male i belive :/ gonna be painful 2 hack down.

i belive i might try this and c how it works , worst case i wait it out naturaly.



Well-Known Member
lol where i have them i dont need them that big, as much as i would LOVE 2 have sum 10 foot beautys i cant have them that big. besides that , they will be pushin 6/7 feet by the beginning of aug at the rate they r growing. my biggest is already nipple high after 2 1/2 months (im 6'2 btw) but its a male i belive :/ gonna be painful 2 hack down.

i belive i might try this and c how it works , worst case i wait it out naturaly.

I heard plastic bags don't work well as they let in some light, also a black bag seems like it would get the plant too hot down south.


Well-Known Member
any suggestions then? yes u are prob right, would be 2 hot in our weather/humidty. idk though, i guess ill naturaly wait it out and hope for the best. do u have any ideas 2 how i could do this w/o bakein my plant lol.