An Encrypted Website That Sales Cannabis???? have to meet up at 420 weed street, on 4-20-13 for new members..initiation isn't just a walk in the park bro. Make sure to bring your Visa and first born, also the password is I AM A COP LOOKING FOR INFORMATION...
to answer your question the site is called the silk road.You need to google it and figure out the rest on your own.It's legit.The feds know about it but because you have to connect to it through a special proxy server program and pay with special encrypted bit coins ,it's impossible to trace your transaction and as long as you go with a seller with a lot of good rep ,they will indeed post drug to your house.I actually heard about it when it was in the news ,a reporter ordered cocaine and heroin.. never used it myself but read enough to know it's legit.i even connected to it once out of curiosity.. mindblowing

disclaimer: my comments are purely fictional ,i have never used drugs and do not encourage the use of drugs in any country where it is illegal.
lmao... No I had to make a new account because I forgot my other username. lol I'm definitely a grower, although, at the moment it's just for personal use. And that was my wife that asked the question because she was curious. lol We don't need a hook up, we grow our own shit, but we were randomly discussing this so she thought she'd ask about it. No harm in that, I'd hope. If so, then what kinda weed you been smokin'? It's got you guys seriously paranoid. lol