AN - big bud question


Well-Known Member i just got my advance nutrients big bud....the instructions on how to mix are simple...2ml for every litre

it doesnt say how often to feed them tho....

do i mix it and then just water them every day until the litre is used up and then go back to water for the rest of the week? or does it have to have it all in one day???

or do i have to feed it 2ml/1mtr every day???
soil retains a fair amount of moisture, if it were me i'd probably, give it the one litre all in one day, and then use water for any further waterings that week, but i'm no expert.


Well-Known Member
Do you have them flowering in party cups? Even a 1 gallon pot would require close to a liter of water/fert, so I can't understand why it would take more than one feeding to use a liter of fert mix. Hmm......

I use 3 gallon pots, which require a full 2 liters each watering/feeding,(every 3 days) and even then, I rarely get any runoff.


Well-Known Member
well theyre in in 3 gallon pots.....and are watered every day about half a litre each!!!

so your saying water a full litre at once and dont water for a couple of days??? or should they stick to the same routine and get hlaf a litre each day? so 2 days would take up the 2mil/1litre???

and its just 2ml per week the plants should get????


Well-Known Member
well theyre in in 3 gallon pots.....and are watered every day about half a litre each!!!

so your saying water a full litre at once and dont water for a couple of days??? or should they stick to the same routine and get hlaf a litre each day? so 2 days would take up the 2mil/1litre???

and its just 2ml per week the plants should get????

Ahhhh, I see the problem. You aren't letting the soil dry out between waterings, and are keeping them eternally damp. That's not ideal, for sure. You should get into the habit of watering/feeding heavily, letting the medium dry out afterwards, then repeat over and over. Most growers consider that the best way to stimulate vigorous growth, including myself.

As for the weekly doseage,....I'm not comfortable recommending, having never used those ferts. Hopefully, someone will chime in, that has some experience with AN products. :)


Well-Known Member
theyre watered everyday because it gets so hot in the room, so i guessed it would be safer to do it that way rather than them drying out!!


Well-Known Member
but if the soil gets bone dry surely that cant be good for them???

if they were left for 48/72 hours the soil would be as dry as a nuns c#*t


Well-Known Member
^It's your responsibility to monitor that, and catch it right before they get to the point of drooping. That fools the plant into thinking there is a drought, and then when you water them, they go into overdrive, trying to absorb, store, and/or process as much as possible. The best way to get it down to a science, is to lift your pots right after a heavy watering, then lift them as they are near total dryness. After a couple weeks of that, you'll automatically know when they're ready. :)
Again not being the expert but having spent alot of time with people and talking to them. It seems that keeping soil too wet all the time inhibits some root growth. The "DRY" time allows the roots to develop quicker as they seek out more water and food.

"DRY" however is not to be taken literally, like a balancing act, water/feed then allow your soils top 1/2 - 1 inch dry out (crumbly). But watch your plants as you don't want it to dry out to the point that the plants wilt.

It seems more complicated at first but as you learn you'll find a pattern that suits you and your plants.

Jawbrodt raise a point to about the amount of water to use. Its recommended to use more water less often. Your watering 3 Gal of soil which is close 10L soil with olny 1L of water, maybe it'd help to make up 2L of your feed mix Per 3Gal Pot, Feed them that once a week, and water in between, watching your wet/dry cycle. You will probably continue to monitor your plants and increase or decrease based on growth and health etc.

There are heaps of threads on here that will also help getting your watering cycle down and getting to understand the various techniques used.
Sorry posted that last post before I read page 2. :P .

I also can't recommend or advise anything about your nutrients, never used them before.


Well-Known Member
^It's your responsibility to monitor that, and catch it right before they get to the point of drooping. That fools the plant into thinking there is a drought, and then when you water them, they go into overdrive, trying to absorb, store, and/or process as much as possible. The best way to get it down to a science, is to lift your pots right after a heavy watering, then lift them as they are near total dryness. After a couple weeks of that, you'll automatically know when they're ready. :)
Hands down NOTHING better than this! I promise you dude just listen! Why would 2 different people who have no idea who each other are tell you the exact same thing if it was bad advice??? Honestly, we've told you how to make your plants happier. It's up to you to do it. Not us. I do what he's told you, and my plants are happy as FUCK!.. Click on my journal if you don't believe me. And I ALWAYS let the soild get about bone dry before watering again. RIGHT before the plants start to droop is when you want to water. And if you want to find out when exactly that is, well let them go and just keep a close eye on em till they start to droop a little. It won't hurt them for this to happen once. AND it'll give you a 'feel' for how light the pots are when there's NO moisture in the soil!

Its recommended to use more water less often.
THIS man! SO SO SO MUCH OF THIS!!!!! lol

I use 1 gal sized pots..... And I use a FULL gallon on each plant every watering. 1 gallon of water into 1 gallon of soil.


Well-Known Member
wow 1 gallon for 1 gallon soil.....

the reason why theyre watered the way they are is cuz i thought giving them too much water would kill them off!!!

the dosage will be doubled tomorrow and ill let you know how it goes :)

thanks everyone!!


Active Member
The advice given in this thread is correct. I'm on my first plant, first weak attempt at a grow while we finish our real room for the real grow. So this is my trial run if you will. I found this exact advice out on my own. I grow our 1 plant currently in a ghetto macguyver'd UPS wardrobe box with mylar, humidifier, fan, digi thermometer with hygrometer and 6 CFL bulbs.

Using fox farms ocean forest in a 3 gal smart pot. My baby is about 5.5 weeks old, hasn't shown sex just yet, getting close though, and still vegging strongly under 18/6 lighting.
My watering schedule is as follows:

Water approx 2x/week. Water in bathtub until a decent amount of runoff. pH the runoff just for info. Completely saturate the pot when you do this.

Normally for the first watering, I use about a gallon of RO water with added nutes, and am going to start using 1.5 gallons soon as this last watering I wish I used the entire gallon and wished I had made 2 gallons of the nute solution as I wanted more runoff. I use fox farms big bloom, grow big, grow-tek Pro-Silicate, and Cal-Mag. I've been slowly ramping the baby up on my nutes, increasing the PPM's slightly each time. Currently running at 50% nutes.

This is the first watering. Then I wait. I wait several days, I let it dry out..I "finger check" the soil in about 3 days and monitor daily after that to see when to water my second watering of the week. Usually its about 4 days in between.

My second watering I give plain RO water with only cal-mag and molasses, no other nutes. Again, put plant in bathtub, saturate soil, measure runoff. Put plant back into wardrobe box, leave until dry and repeat the cycle going back to the nute watering next.


Well-Known Member
ok...i thought id keep it in this thread cuz otherwise noone would hav a clue wot im talkin about....

the plants were watered today with more than twice the dosage of water as was the first time water ran into in the drip tray :D

they will hopefully not need watering tomorrow, and will be crying out for it the day after :D

ill keep u posted!!!