AN autoflower schedule

Hey guys im new to growing and just picked up some AN nutrients.. Does anyone have a fees schedule they can share with me for autoflowers?
Hey guys im new to growing and just picked up some AN nutrients.. Does anyone have a fees schedule they can share with me for autoflowers?
I just fed them exactly the same as a photo really, I didn't start nutes until they started flowering , then fed as normal, depends on your medium etc .you can get their feed chart on their website
Hey guys im new to growing and just picked up some AN nutrients.. Does anyone have a fees schedule they can share with me for autoflowers?
-_- autos have only 1 difference than a photoperiod plant. You have a preset number of veg weeks, 2-4 rather than vegging how long you want. No different feeding schedules. With autos, feed with youre grow nutes untill after the first week of flower than go to flower nutes. Keeping veg nutes durring strech can help the size of the plant. Some even use grow nutes and flower begginning to end.
Autos will not utilize FULL photo type feeding , start with 1/2 strength then go from there.
Feeding veg nutes thru first week of flower is recommended as it will still need nitrogen when going thruout stretch / branch out. Just know they are a bit sensitive to overwatering / overfeeding . They are plug and play , once started they won't stop til they are done.

As she goes thru stretch, you can begin to do some LST to her to OPEN her up for light.
They are on their OWN SCHEDULE so DO NOT GO BY BREEDER HARVEST ESTIMATE ..... Run them until they are done ( trich maturity) .... You will be surprised how much better they get if they are ripening longer.

Also , don't throw the kitchen sink at them ( too many products) they don't have the time to fully utilize ... Simple feeding works out better.