AN 3part pH Perfect Nutes

SO a little update on this thread if anyone is interested. I did stop using the 3 part AN pH perfect nutes and went back to the Cyco base nutes, using an 0.8EC value at pH between 5.5-6.8 these plants dont swing the pH much as I am use to with my previous grows I have done with the Cyco line. However it did not resolve the cal-mag issue I was having. Being the first grow under a 600W LED and coming from an 1000W HID background I did some googling and decided to up the EC values in the buckets. Its crazy I am running RO water added 0.8EC in Calmag (AN Sensi Calmag Xtra) and then almost full strength of Cyco nutes ontop (grow AnB, B vit, Uptake, Zyme, Dr Repair), 2.3 E.C. on 3 of my 4 plants and the 4th is 1.6E.C. (its a runt).

I have heard that running LED lights you will have to increase the cal mag uptake based on the plants not persperating as much as they would under an HID so I'm running 4mL/L ontop of full strength CYCO base nutes with an ambrient room temp of 80f.

Under HID lighting I ran 0.8 E.C. ambient room temp of 75f.

Next grow I will try the AN nutes again but a significantly higher E.C. content due to the LED lights. Ill throw some pics up tomorrow night.



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