Amusing or annoying former riu members

Oh, I just thought sock because I didn't think a human person that didn't know a thing about me could ever be that terrible.

He was fucking awful. And it was such bad timing because of the break up.

I don't give a shit if the dude gives blowies to AIDs patients for charity. I will hate that fuck until the end of time.

Actual hate.

Thanks for the song thought! Bet it was a good one.
Just remember even sox have their main account otherwise they could not be sox. Damn I hope that is English.
Sup man, still pop in for the occasional lurk but if I'm honest, I just haven't been able to get over the way Danny was treated.

The level of homophobic bile thrown his way was disgraceful and rather than defend his stance he was banned.

Shit just doesn't feel the same here for me anymore.

dannyboy was banned?
No. He went into a secret training program with Homeland Security to help identify terror threats. Sounds like it was none to soon.

better not..hell hath no fury..and in further news..a belated welcome to princess charlotte elizabeth diana of cambridge!

the middletons..there must be a god afterall.