

Well-Known Member
i was wondering how many people are interested in taking a trip to a'dam

2 things really one is would enough people be interested to make it worth organising something ? would it actually work having a large bunch of unknown to each other stoners getting high in a'dam (probs) ?

answer to the thread let me see how much interest there is i hear if you get a group large enough you can tour a whole load of places that you cant normally go near ;)

dude i'd jump at the chance but im 15, wait is weed legal in amsterdam for 15 yr olds? shit i'll go if you dont mind it
Well do you know, I've been seriously considering going there and have said so on this forum. By running a group trip it would work out a lot cheaper I would have thought.

Couple of points though, I believe you live in the UK from looking at one of your posts, would it be running from there which is where I live? That would be OK for me.

I'm afraid it's not likely to work out though, because people won't be able to leave their crops. I haven't started growing yet but will be within a month. After that I couldn't go. Nice idea anyway.

Take care you folks, OKman. :leaf: :smile:
It wouldn't work. go on holiday with a bunch of strangers? I think what would more likely happen is that people would turn up with their own friends and end up doing their own thing anyway.

You can get to the dam from england for 70 quid on a plane. If you want cheaper you can go by coach & ferry for 35. It's even cheaper if you get a bunch of your mates to go as well.

Where, if you don't mind my asking, in England are you mouse? I'm in Brum, or Birmingham for the uninitiated.
lol im from york we could do a cannabis cup style thing just meet up at the same hotel and then just go round all the cafe's together and get high wouldnt matter if we brought mates if we all went together you never know if enough people are interested we might be able to get some deals with the cafes for lots of weeds and space for us all

if we go for a weekend then people can leave there plants yes ?

if i say after christmas around new year (before or after) anyone who is interested post i will contact some cafe's n see if we can get a cheap hotel for all of us to meet at

dude ill go, ill quit my job if i fucking have to... when i think of amsterdam i think of fuckin heaven mann like total ecstasy.....:P
im goin for a week in june if anyone else is goin round that time gimme a shout and arange a smoke out ...