Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Reviews

i ordered from them last year, the paying in the bank thing is a total pain in the ass.
no problems with delivery or anything, i'm in uk though so it'll be quicker at least
the seeds i got were totally guff, only about 60% germinated at all and of that lot only 3 plants ever actually grew. they were ganja dwarves, all male, and 2 of them went seriously deformed when they were flowering. waste of time and money! other strains may be better though
Thanks 4 replying am not gona use Ams again I had big bud hermie on me since then av finished one from nivarna and it was gud wonder women and crystal are realy gud but raspberry cough is shit that's just not stable the seed bank I will use in future is attitude it looks the bollocks an got gud reviews av a look at attitudes website it will impress you
i've got to say this is my second time dealing with them and i have never been disapointed. This time I got:

caramelicous X 10
Femized Cheese X10
Free seeds X20

After 4 days in rockwool and a heating mat I have 28 very healthy looking seedlings including 8/10 feminized cheese and 7/10 caramelicious. Only problem is I only have 9 waterfarms!

First time around was just as successful. I give them high marks but I'm only on my second grow.
I bought about $600 in seeds from these screwups on Feb. 2. They sent me the TINIEST, PALEST seeds I've seen in over thirty years of this -- totally immature! ALL my seeds ALWAYS sprout, but this time, I only got a handful of sprouts out of all the seeds, and they were the tiniest sprouts I've ever seen. One Nigerian male is still less than 4 inches tall --- FOUR MONTHS LATER! And it's in FOXFARMS Ocean Mix! That stuff is so rich you could grow door knobs in it. I've complained multiple times, and finally a couple of weeks ago, someone named "Kim" responded (months later) via email asking, "How did you germinate them?" That was a couple of weeks ago, and I went thorough all the crap to respond (as you've realized, you can't simply "Reply" to their email -- that would be too easy for someone whose been screwed by these assholes to send in a complaint). DON"T TRUST THESE PEOPLE -- THEY ARE CROOKS!
I just got my Seeds from AMS , they are reliable and nice and quick and fast respons on e mail questions - fast shipping , but a bit slow on delivery but got all my 10 White widow seeds + the 20 free seeds they look very healty <3 Just thought idd give em the respect and props they deserve , they arent scammers : ) And my tip to all others is u get what u send out so, if u are in a negative energy about em , the universe / karma will make sure u dont get em :) Be posetive and have strong focus on everyting going well and perfekt and it will , atlest i know em are shipping em and are legit and desrve the honor that comes with it <3 Merry x mas all , and have a really delicious new year ! Peace
Quote : Love is power Love is strong , fear is weak fear is for the unevolved monkey boys! Posetive energy always win :) Dear to play god , cuz its who u are!
I was looking for a reliable source for medical marijuana, when I stumbled accross the AMS website. I should have read up before I ordered from AMS. If I had done due diligence in my research, I would not have ordered from them. I sent cash--and no seeds. I made a credit card purchase--and no seeds. I emailed them---and no response.

AMS should be removed from the world wide market place.

Dr. Mark
I had no problem with this company at all. With all that I'm reading now I doubt I will ever order from them again though. It took a couple weeks to show up but my package of 10 WW and 20 free came in the mail in a card with bubble wrap. I just now germinated them and all ten white widows seeds opened and were placed in cups today. I am confident that all ten will sprout in the next week. I will have to post back on here once they all sprout and show sex to say how many ended up female. I'm not a novice grower but still more of a hobby. I am a real person. For all of you who worry about ordering from ams I would say do so at your own risk. It worked for me, not saying it will work for you. We'll see what I end up with here in a few months. I basically said screw the 20 free seeds. I might throw them outside or something.
just an update

have emailed them atleast 4 times to confirm shipping address and transfer completion.
I ckecked the bank here and the cash was in 2 days after.

they are slow with email replies which is frustrating and me being impatient dont help either.

will add more as it comes ..


The seedbank is actually situated in the UK and this last week has been packed full of public holidays which may explain the delay in response. I have never had issues with them but they probably have thousands of orders to sort through after a extra long weekend...
I ordered from them recently and great success. White Widow Fem ... germed 4 seeds ... all growing great and look healthy. Fast reply after placing order, quick/stealthy shipping, and great communication. Hope it is standard procedure now, and that I didn't just get lucky. Anyway ... PEACE!
I had no problem with this company at all. With all that I'm reading now I doubt I will ever order from them again though. It took a couple weeks to show up but my package of 10 WW and 20 free came in the mail in a card with bubble wrap. I just now germinated them and all ten white widows seeds opened and were placed in cups today. I am confident that all ten will sprout in the next week. I will have to post back on here once they all sprout and show sex to say how many ended up female. I'm not a novice grower but still more of a hobby. I am a real person. For all of you who worry about ordering from ams I would say do so at your own risk. It worked for me, not saying it will work for you. We'll see what I end up with here in a few months. I basically said screw the 20 free seeds. I might throw them outside or something.

All ten have sprouted. I had to help a few break out of their shells but they all look really healthy and ready to kick into gear.
Still going here with the 10 WW. I can't tell sex yet, just vegging on 18-6 until they show. Just from experience I can tell that at least 4 out of 10 look female. Less than I was hoping for but nothing is confirmed yet. They all look like the same strain as well. I have seen people posting that they have some that look totally different but were suppose to be the same. NOT having that problem here. I hope it turns out to be a decent strain. I'm still loving my tangerine and arjon haze.
try the had my seeds in 10 days came in a plastic tube go on the site and read for yourself and this might give you the trust that you need when buying seeds
Still going here with the 10 WW. I can't tell sex yet, just vegging on 18-6 until they show. Just from experience I can tell that at least 4 out of 10 look female. Less than I was hoping for but nothing is confirmed yet. They all look like the same strain as well. I have seen people posting that they have some that look totally different but were suppose to be the same. NOT having that problem here. I hope it turns out to be a decent strain. I'm still loving my tangerine and arjon haze.

I got 7 females after germ 10 seeds. Nice ratio I think. They all looks the same pretty much to me. Two of them look a little bit more lanky but still smell the same. I'll chalk that up to the fact that they were all started by seed, not from clone.
I have ordered from these people for two years. I order their medijuana. However efor the past 2 years when i plant i get 3-4 different varietys of pot. I expect to get just the one i order, so this year after my plants have matured and once again i have one true medijuana plant and four other unknown varietys i have emailed them three times asking can they furnish me only the one i order or not? So far no answer. I will cease ordering from them even though the seeds arrived promptly. Terrible customer relations, i think they just send what they have on hand.
Saw this thread and had to join. I have MEDIJUANA ITS WONDERFUL AND THE WORST WEED I EVER GREW...! The best pain relief ive EVER had including shots of diladid or eating three norco. You must make the oil with supercritical tube. BHO 1 HIT 4 HRS PAIN RELIEF DEFINITE YOU WILL BE THE COUCH


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I'm just finishing with a grow of ten WW seeds from AMS. They def. send more that one kind. Seven of my ten were female after sprouting. Of those seven I think maybe 4 were the same and the other three completely different from each other. Not sure which was the WW if I ever received that strain at all? One strain in the mix is super killer but I know it's something in the Diezel family. Just smells like it. I will not be ordering through AMS ever again. The bud that I did crop out with was very's just I can get all of one type, that I know what it is, from other seed banks. I am now a proud working member with The Attitude. They really do treat you well. :-)
My fem white widows did very well- indica dom, frosty dense buds.. keeping a mother andclones from this The carmelicious that made it through allmy screw ups were boys...have 5 left to try again. The freebieseeds didnt pop..might have been me, but nuttin..
Wednesday (11.9.2011) makes 7 weeks that I have waited for an order from Amsterdam Seeds! After complaining several times I get this email:

Dear customer,

Eventhough the shipping of seeds is legal in theNetherlands, we have experienced that other countries are not always as openminded about wonderfull product.

Although we are taking every precaution possible to makesure your order arrives to you safely, all borders of \\\\\\\"threatened\\\\\\\"countries are inspected very secure, so is very difficult to send genetics tocountries where seeds are considered to be a illegal or a threat.

If you have not received your order by now we fear thatyour order might have been intercepted by your local customs. You might receivea notification from customs shortly, or, in some cases simply receive an openedpackage. We also regret to inform you that even if you are a medical licenceholder the mail is still processed on a federal level. We are working very hardto find a way around this.

Since you have ordered with us in good faith of receivingyour product we are willing to split your loss with you.

If you would like to pay 25 euro for the shipping cost(this includes administration and handling costs), we will send you a fullorder replacement with REGISTERD MAIL.

It is unfortunately not possible to pay for yourreplacement by credit card. When you select the payment option credit card, youare directly transfered to the secure site of our payment provider. No one atAMS has access to your card data or will be able to charge your card againafter the initial transaction. We are currently unable to provide this link forthe replacements. Here are the bank and address details to send your paymentfor your replacement to:


Cash to:


Adress : Postbus213

Zipcode : 1000 AEAmsterdam

Country : HOLLAND

If you send us cash, please place it in a greeting cardand make sure to CONCEAL this the best possible way you can! Also, send yourpayment by REGISTERED MAIL , this way you will receive a tracking ID and yourlocal post office can guarantee delivery.


Bank details:

Name bank : RABOBANK

Accountname : Amsterdam web trading

Accountnumber : 324637373

Address bank :Wilhelminaplantsoen 124

Zip code : 1110 BBDiemen

Swift code : RABONL2U

IBAN code : NL19RABO0324637373


NOTE: If you’ve used a nickname for you order, pleaseprovide us with your real name. Registered mail does require a signature andsometimes identification.

Kind regards,



Customer support

reply address :

Hi PhotoDoc,

Agreed 100%!! Send them cash?? After never receiving what I already paid for??? No effin way. I got the same email, and when I responded with what I thought was a reasonable resolution given their online reputation with this happening often (reship my order, and I would then repay shipping-I would have honored that too) their response was

Dear Customer,
blah blah blah we warned you of risk blah blah blah

Please stop blaming us now and help others in your country to legalize it.\\\"

Customer support

My personal opinion....AMS ships to say 50% of their customers. The other 50% they simply charge the c.c. and NEVER ship. Why be so bold? BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE PERFECT ANSWER WHEN YOU NEVER GET YOUR ORDER! "Oh, sorry! CUSTOMS INTERCEPTED IT"! And how are you going to argue with them? Prove them wrong? You can't! What a beautiful scam! They in my opinion did this to me, I challenge them to prove me otherwise. Return customers are your best form of business. They pay you and give you good word of mouth. I WILL NEVER ORDER FROM AMS AGAIN, and my goal is to deter AT LEAST 60 people from ordering with them as well. One customer for every buck they stole from me!

Meanwhile, 11 days- Herbies Head Shop got my seeds in very cool discreet package! (no I don't work for Herbies, and if AMS came through for me, I would retract my words and humbly apologize where apology is due). I don't see that happening. Sounds like I'm one of MANY who send their $$$$ to a company who sends nothing 50% of the time in return. I was clearly on the bad side of the 50% this time around.