Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds NOT Germinating


Active Member
Waahoo! I went to my mailbox today and found a little package from AMS...10 medijuana seeds and 20 free ones. Got 'em germinating as we speak.

Happy camper~~bugs

This is a lie. Anytime someone says they've been scammed by AMS, someone else comes and says they're ok. It's just someone from AMS telling lies so they can rip more people off. Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds is a scam. They will steal your money as they did mine.


Well-Known Member
its true ibought some seeds from single seeds world wide no bull shippin site and out of 15 only 1 germinated and that 1 was luckily a female idont know mayb just bad luck but that neva had happen to me


This is a lie. Anytime someone says they've been scammed by AMS, someone else comes and says they're ok. It's just someone from AMS telling lies so they can rip more people off. Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds is a scam. They will steal your money as they did mine.
This is NOT a lie! Why would the same person who complained about AMS, come back and say they got their seeds! The two seeds we planted ARE sprouting and have popped up their little heads. I'm sorry you got ripped off, but we did o.k. (so far).

ole hoot

I linked through to Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds at Buy Marijuana Seeds and cannabis seeds from Holland - high quality marijuana seeds (cannabis seeds) I ordered 10 seeds of their Californian Skunk. The seeds arrived in a timely manner. Also included was an extra pack of 10 seeds which they advertised I would get. The extra pack just looks to be like 10 more Californian Skunk seeds because both packs were labeled with "CAL".

Anyway. I placed 4 seeds between paper towels and placed in a zip-lock bag and added R.O. water. I did this just like I have germinated seeds in the past. However now I am gonig on the 6th day and NONE, ZERO, ZIP have germinated. The seeds that I received looked alot greener than I was expecting but wasn't going to throw them away because they were green.

I went back to Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds website and wrote them an email through their site telling them of my situation and included my order number. Well... I have been waiting and they are not contacting me back. I am starting to feel like I just got ripped off.

I will try and start the germination on 6 more seeds now and see what happens. I don't want to slam the company just yet as I would like to get this resolved and give them a true chance to resolve it. I just know that until it is resolved I will NOT be ordering any more seeds from this company, nor would I recommend to anyone else to order from them!

I will update this thread so that people can see what happens to see if they want to order from this company or not. Good Luck to all... and hopefully to me too.

I have the same trouble with these guys they dont send orders they just take your money,they mite send out ever second order,thats what happened to me been ordering 4times from as many different banks as we can just to find reliable ones cost a lot of money,but my boss can afford it,BC Seed is the same way so far to ,just f you around


Well-Known Member
Ive have dealt with this company AMS a few times. heres the problem.

1) They sell you seeds that are pertty damn old, so germination rates are lower. you NEED to SOAK thier seeds, they are that old.

2) They mail your seeds stardard mail in a basic envelope. so its much higher chance of law interception or just plain getting lost.

3) Comparing Date stamps on the envelops with the "order shipped" on thier website dates, they lie. They usually ship it a day or two AFTER they say.
So add a day or two on the wait time. "I guess when your envelop is filled and ready to go they say its shipped" but make a trip to the post office every 2 or 3 days. Makes sense i guess.

4) Thier customer service is about as bad as youll ever see for a company of any kind. but its not always thier fault. Writing them and bitching wont solve nothing make sure
you have order numbers, dates, what you ordered, your name, etc in your email and NO FOUL MOUTH LANGUAGE. or your mail may end up filtered to the trash.
WIthout that information they cant help you, so why would they try?

5) Postal service flat out sucks! I ordered 3 seed orders from them, over a period of 5 days. the second order came first, the first order came 7 days later. and the 3rd order never came
when they send the replacement, it came on the same day, as the order they replaced. i loled pretty hard. <Canada post is pretty bad> Give orders 6 weeks before you start to stress in canada.
Ive also found that true from another company "single seeds canada".


I bought about $600 in seeds from these screwups on Feb. 2. They sent me the TINIEST, PALEST seeds I've seen in over thirty years of this -- totally immature! ALL my seeds ALWAYS sprout, but this time, I only got a handful of sprouts out of all the seeds, and they were the tiniest sprouts I've ever seen. One Nigerian male is still less than 4 inches tall --- FOUR MONTHS LATER! And it's in FOXFARMS Ocean Mix! That stuff is so rich you could grow door knobs in it. I've complained multiple times, and finally a couple of weeks ago, someone named "Kim" responded (months later) via email asking, "How did you germinate them?" That was a couple of weeks ago, and I went thorough all the crap to respond (as you've realized, you can't simply "Reply" to their email -- that would be too easy for someone whose been screwed by these assholes to send in a complaint). DON"T TRUST THESE PEOPLE -- THEY ARE EITHER COMPLETE SCREWUPS OR CROOKS!


Can anyone tell me where to email Amsterdam Web Trading. I sent them money over a week ago and I still have not heard from them. When I try to email them the postmaster sends me an email saying they cant send there.


Active Member
they did germ because you didnt order from attitude seeds. thats where you went wrong fuck the other go with the best attitude i got 100% germ rate from all there seeds ive ever ordered


Still waiting for seeds from Amsterdam Web Trading. Still waiting for email from them saying they got my money. Still waiting for something, anything from them. Have I been ripped off????????


Got an email from AWT saying they haven't received payment. I sent payment via Fed Ex and I have the tracking showing they received it. I sent them the tracking info. We shall see what they say next.


I ordered seeds from the Amsterdam Seed Company. They came within a reasonable amount of time, but not one germinated. They tried to make it seem like it was my fault and if I sent money for the shipping they would resend the order plus send them all the seeds. Yeah right. :cry: Anyway, be wary. I won't be ordering from there anymore. The seeds were duds all 10 plus the 30 freebies. I even tried different methods of germinating.
i also ordered from them blue magic seeds maybe 5 out of the 10 sprouted but all died while putting in soil i have one left that kicking and is about 9 inches "blue magic" seeds


Hey there.Looking for some good quality seeds.Got some from Amsterdam,but so so.I used to live in Oregon and never had a problem,now I live in Thailand and had to go to Holland to get seeds.Seeds from the West coast were always the best.Let me know if you don't mind sending to Thailand and we'll organise payment.
