Amsterdam Coffee Shops too Close to Close


Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I havnt even gone YET.. But i would have to agree with it tho. the has to be some guide lines if there wasnt pot would probly have an even wost name for it self then what it has already


Well-Known Member
I figure that that's fair. So long as they don't remove the coffeeshops by stealth. By that I mean, closing them down over minor breaches of by-laws, or closing them for going over there 1/5 kilo on premises limit by a few grams.


Well-Known Member
So some stores have two years to relocate their stores...seems alright with me. First, if they want to keep their location just stop selling drugs, and second, if they want to continue selling drugs then they have TWO years to find a new location. I mean, granted, it sucks, but I would have more sympathy for them if they only had a few months.

I actually found it more interesting the number of coffee shops in Amsterdam. The city is roughly the same size as mine as we only have a few dozen coffee shops...228?! Do they really need that many lol.