AMS + NL combined grow


Active Member
I just germinated a feminized AMS seed and a regular Seedsman Northern Lights. I find the easiest way to germinate is to just leave the seeds in a cup of water in a dark place until they pop.
They will each be in an eight litre pot with soil picked up from the local supermarket. I don't know the name of the soil or it's ingredients but know from experience that it works. There is a communication barrier where I am. The soil has been pre-watered with a half strength mix of adv nutes organic iguana and organic wet betty. The seeds were just planted and have yet to sprout.
The two plants will be sharing a space with a strawberry haze that is five weeks away from harvest. They will be immediately put under a 12/12 light cycle. The space is currently lit with five 55 watt cfl's and one 30 watt. When the SH comes down the lone 30 watt will be exchanged for another 55 watt.
There is a small fan that runs on and off for an hour at a time and I will shortly be adding a bottle containing a solution to produce some CO2.
The first two waterings will contain organic iguana grow and organic wet betty. I will water a day or two after the top soil is completely dry depending on how the leaves are looking. After the first two waterings I will switch to organic iguana bloom.
I am still a very inexperienced grower and any help would be greatly appreciated. I have seen in seemorebuds people using a few different nutes mixed together. My nute knowledge is very poor and that would be my first concern for help.
The space is currently dark and the seeds have yet to sprout, so I will have pics the next time I post.
The SH was supposed to be an immediate 12/12 light cycle as well but when i planted the seed I was drunk and thought I had confused seeds so it had a 20/4 cycle and was in veg for almost three weeks before I realized I did not make a mistake. I was away for a week and realized my mistake when I returned. It has been in bloom for forty-four days and still has thirty-three to go. I have been watering her, when the soil has been dry for a day or two, with iguana bloom. I have given the info on the SH because she will be in the fotos with the other two plants.


Active Member
Here are a few shots of the space that will be used for the grow. the measurements are 65cm deep 95cm wide and 120cm tall.
The AMS is starting to poke out, which worries me because I planted it a day after the NL and there is still no sign of that sprout. Tomorrow will probably be day one of the AMS.
Sidenote. Day 45 of the strawberry haze has just came to an end. I am looking to bring her down around the 21st of December.

feel free to post away



Well-Known Member
Nice man, looks good. My only concern is the lights, I would put a few more cfls on reflectors in there if it were me. Also, I hope your not adding the nutes to the seedlings... if so stop. They are still too young, you should be good mixing those nutes though.


Active Member
I have some Y sockets on the way to help with more lighting. I'll take your advice on the nutes.
The NL still has not sprouted. I'm trying to be patient but not feeling to confident about the NL seedling.


Active Member
Day 4 of AMS
DAy 50 of SH - strawberry haze

Still waiting on the Y sockets to give additional lighting to the space.
The NL seed did not sprout. Not too disappointed about that. Ordered more seeds and am expecting to have big bang fem, himalayan gold fem, the pure and master kush by friday and hopefully one of the fem seeds germed by sunday. Leaning towards himalayan gold.
Day 4 of AMS started with the plant being found lying on its side. I expect I watered it too much (phed water minus nutes). That is the reason for the toothpick helping to keep the plant propt up. I took the tooth pick away when I got home from work nearly twelve hours after placing it and the plant stood well on it's own, but I decided to leave it there for now for precuationary measures. The little round starting leaves seem a lot flatter than I think they should be. I'll have pics of it tomorrow to better illustrate what I mean. I'm used to those leaves being much fatter than the leaves of this plant are. I am feeling pesimistic about this grow at the moment, but at the same time it is only four days old. I'm probably just being paranoid.
SH is cointinuing to do well. I'm watering it about once every three days. I wait for the top soil to be completely dry for almost two days before I water and the time is getting shorter and shorter between waterings. I water with Adv Nutes Organic Iguana Bloom. I'm looking to harvest the plant around day 77 and planning to stop using nutes around day 56. Any thoughts on how I can improve watering with a better nute mix? Is there anything I could be supplementing with the Iguana Bloom to help increase a yield?
Having a problem of the SH growing into the ceiling. How could I go about fixing that problem?



Active Member
Day 5 again started with the little plant being found lying on it's side and it ended with the plant being found shrivled up twelve hours later. I already have another seed germinating. Second go 'round I'll let if start off under a 20/4 cycle for about four days before I go 12/12.
In the mean time I'll continue this journal with the SH.


Active Member
I don't feel like starting a new journal so I'm going to turn this into a continual journal. The original concept did not pan out as planned. The AMS died very quickly and the Northern Lights didn't even get started. I will continue to post updates of other grows I have going and grows I will do in the future.

This post is for the Strawberry Haze I have going right now.
It is finishing off day 62 of flowering. My nute knowledge is very limited and this plant was only given iguana bloom during flower. The plan is to chop her down on the 21st of December, so I stopped feeding her nutes at the end of last week, Nov 30th. I water when the top soil is completely dry, which is every three days. Her cola is about 16cm long and she has many other flowers. My inexpierenced guestimate is at least two ounces when dried hopefully closer to three. I've never harvested anything bigger than a dwarf before and I didn't have a scale before.



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Feminized Lowryder #2
This girl is at day 56.
She'll be coming down at day 64 on December 14th. Again I only used iguana bloom to feed her and I stopped feeding her two weeks ago. She took along time to produce trichs and her main cola is not that big. I'm not expecting too many grams from her. All of the leaves around her cola are dying and becoming brittle. I'm trying to be gentle with her so I can harvest the trichs from the brittle leaves.



Active Member
Here is a Mossy Jem. A dwarf from Crazy seed.
Same day as LR2, Day 56.
You can see deformed leaves at the top. The plant grew into the lights before I could adjust it and the top was badly burned. It continued to grow strong despite that mishap. I am much happier with the MJ than I am with the LR2. The flowers are much bigger, denser and have produced many more trichs. I am expecting three times more than the LR2 from this girl. This plant takes longer to mature and will be chopped down on the 28th of December. Her next watering will be her last feeding of iguana bloom and than three weeks of just water for a flushing.



Active Member
This is a Feminized Lowryder AK47
She is at day 40.
I have added a supplement to the iguana bloom for her feedings. I have been using big bud along with the iguana grow and has experienced some nute burn. I have increased the amount of water and used the same amount of nutes I was using before. This girl is already producing a lot of trichs and has many flowering spots. Right now it looks like she might be able to out perform the MJ I have going. I like to harvest on Sundays and right now she is scheduled for Jan 4th.



Active Member
This last one is a baby Pure.
It's finishing off day 5.
It has been started directly in a 12/12 light cycle. The soil was prewatered before the seedling was planted and so still has not been watered. The topsoil is still very wet and I don't expect to water this little one for another five days or so. I understand feeding little plants like this is a bad idea, but I'm gonna risk it. I'm going to use a light solution of iguana grow with organic wet betty once and after that I'll go to iguana bloom with a shot of bud blood. I have some more nutes on the way and will try to use some humic acid, fulvic acid and bloom booster to help in feeding this one if it is a female.

sorry for the poor picture quality. Using an older camera.



Active Member
So it's been twenty five days since my last post. A lot has happened. The flowering plants all came down early. The lowryder went down a couple of days early and the mossy jem was soon to follow a week or so later, about three weeks before schedule. And the strawberry haze came down a week before schedule. I also had a ak47 lowryder come down a couple of days before schedule.
The lowryder was not doing very well near the end, so I just put it out of it's misery. It produced about 5 grams and it is also just finished as of last night. Kind of a slow creeping week high at first but after it was cured for a couple of weeks it got better.
The Mossy Jem was very nice. I cut her down three weeks early because there were no more white hairs and the buds were looking like they were about to burst. It was looking overly ripe. The trichs were mainly milky with a couple of amber and still a couple of clear. The high is amazing. Very energetic. That plant came close to 9 grams. It came to 8.6 grams.
The strawberry haze came down a little early because I had a friend coming and I wouldn't be able to do the necessary trimming with the friend around. In the space it was the top cola grew into the ceiling. When I went to take it out it flopped over to the floor. It looked like an orca whale in captivity. It took a little while to trim it down. I hung it in a box for about five days and set it in a jar. The main cola weighed in at 15.4 grams. In the picture the main cola is with seven smaller colas, they totalled 10.8 grams. When the plant came down I had about 15 colas and a bunch of popcorn. A weak after drying had started the buds weighed about 52 grams. After a few weeks of curing it probably would have been closer to 40.
A couple of days ago I chopped down an ak47 lowryder. It's currently drying. I think I stunted its growth with some nute burning. I killed all the fan leafs and the plant started to slowly go yellow. I lost interest in the plant and just fed it normal tap water. By the end the plant was going red. I figure it was the ph levels doing it. Before I experimented with nutes the plant was doing amazing and i thought it would be the best producing lowryder for me yet and I think I might still be right. The main cola seems to be much bigger than the mossy jem's was. There was still a lot of white hairs and I didn't really check the trichs so I'm not expecting too much from the high. But the leafs were covered in trichs. I think the leafs should produce a lot of kif.

And now I have a Pure at 31 days and has shown to be a female. I'm still experimenting with nutes and the Pure is wilting a bit. She is growing well despite poor colouring. I'll tweak the mix the next time around.

I also have a Hymalayan Gold going as well. That is at day 22. It was a feminized seed. The plant is interesting. It comes out yellow like it is about to die. I just left it and watered it when it needed water and it slowly turned green.

I have another mossy jem on the go as well. I should have more lowryders but I'm going to seed four mossy jems at the same time hoping to have at least one male to produce more seeds.

