Amount of water required?


How much water from sprout to harvest would it generally take for 1 plant, with the dimensions of hoping for 6 feet minimum with a hoping average of 8 footers.

Any information helps, such as how much water you give your plant on a weekly basis etc.

So 8 feet, outdoor grow, and also weather is a contributing factor but let's just attempt to get a rough estimate going on.


Active Member
Jeez, who knows? There are sooooo many variables I don't know where to begin (humidity, temperatures, container size, etc.). Want a tip on watering - don't over-water!! Newbies always do this!! If you're growing in soil get a moisture tester, better yet a multi-tester (Ph, moisture, etc.). WalMart has them for pretty cheap:

EDIT: You mention outdoor grow, my bad. The tester above will still come in handy, but only early on.
Exactly 15 billion gallons of water.

I don't think there's any real way to figure this out unless you compared a closed and perfectly controlled environment with one strain to the exact same closed and controlled environment for another strain. But, even then, you'd have differences within when they were drinking how much water based on the plant's phenotype.


About 20-30 containers full
containers of what size??

Exactly 15 billion gallons of water.

I don't think there's any real way to figure this out unless you compared a closed and perfectly controlled environment with one strain to the exact same closed and controlled environment for another strain. But, even then, you'd have differences within when they were drinking how much water based on the plant's phenotype.
well im just hoping to get an average of what othes have watered , using the vairables they have already done, as in if they had documented their grow for how much water was given to plants of that size.


Well-Known Member
Well thats the whole point, there are variables in the equation you gave that makes it impossible to answer, and a variable in my response is the only appropriate way to answer. Even in a controlled indoor environment this would be flawed at best, outdoors where your environment is less controlled this is a crap shoot.
containers of what size??

well im just hoping to get an average of what othes have watered , using the vairables they have already done, as in if they had documented their grow for how much water was given to plants of that size.
There is no 8 foot size. I know people that have grown spindly 12 foot tall plants and yielded 4 ounces, and I know people that have grown six foot plants and pulled three pounds. I've trained plants that could have been 8 feet tall to stay only four feet tall.

You could have one 8 foot plant that's bushy as can be and drinks four times what a stretched and spindly 8 foot plant would drink.

Looking through an outdoor diary I made early on, I had one fat 9 foot sativa of unknown origin that I watered with one gallon jugs approximately 60 times over the eight month grow. Thing is, I'd need to create a chart to show you that the watering rate depended on how big the plant was and how hot it was and every other variable (literally) under the sun. Some days it got four gallons, some days it got none or one. A small auto might only need 15 gallons of water, or less, maybe ten.


Well-Known Member
i think this is impossible to answer

hypotenuses are just that, guesses ... may i ask why you would like to know? do you live in the desert where water is scarce or something?

why do you think you will have an 8 foot tall plant, is it a straight sativa that you know grows this high, or a seed you have experience with?

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
I'd count on about a hundred gallons, give or take. 5 gallons/week * 4 weeks = 20 gallons/month * 4 months = 80 but I'd plan on the hundred. Where are you?


I'd count on about a hundred gallons, give or take. 5 gallons/week * 4 weeks = 20 gallons/month * 4 months = 80 but I'd plan on the hundred. Where are you?
Thank you very much for your answer, would you have the location in the world at those numbers, like i said im just looking for a rough estimate for some rough calculations and estimates.

I'd be in spain, and the size of the plant of 8 feet is just an averaged out size from plants vairying from 6-10 feet+ but their is some general arthimitic or equation to stack water on based on size that wouldnt be hard to figure out as long as I can get a throughly documented journal of some watering.
Um wow for a rough estimate? Its is possible to determine. For one bitcoin I will spend the next 24hrs discussing every detail that would need to be taken in factor, that at very best, is still a rough estimate. Lol Not trying to be a dick, but there are a lot of details you need to take into consideration. I'am assuming outside?

Avg Temps for the months the is plant growing?
At stage of growth?
Avg rain fall?
Humidity in you area?
is it a dry year for?

Many factors, google all that and come up with a rough assumption


New Member
I have 7 ft in the ground in so cal , 2 gallons twice a week each plant , every mon plant food mixed in the water every thurs just water and do it early in the morning my plant just started flowering yesterday this mon I change the food to make larger buds .
I'd count on about a hundred gallons, give or take. 5 gallons/week * 4 weeks = 20 gallons/month * 4 months = 80 but I'd plan on the hundred. Where are you?
Five gallons of water per week? Sounds crazy to me Lo Budget. A seedling won't need but a few cups of water per week. Once it's like a month old, unless you're in the desert, then you'd be looking at maybe two gallons a week (one gallon every 3.5 days in hot weather).


Active Member
I'm just a noob, but I'm pretty sure there is NO way to even give an estimate. There are too many variables. On top of what everyone else has mentioned, as far in the variances of pheno, how busy, how tall, how hot/cold, humidity, there's just too many other things to come into play. You said outdoor, first of all, you'd have to be able to know exactly how cloudy every day is going to be in advance, and then know exactly how much more/less water you'd lose to evaporation depending on the level of sun exposure, then you'd have to know how much rainfall you'll be getting, in advance, and also be able to know how much of that would count into the amount of water that fed your plant, then be able to deduct that from how much water you plan on using..Not trying to be a dick, and I'm pretty sure no one else here is either. I've always found most to be very helpful here. Everyone's reluctance to give you an answer isn't because they don't want to help, there just isn't a way to give you an answer that would be helpful. But, I do wish you great luck with your grow and toss up some pictures when you can