Amnesia Haze ??

Mrs Green fingers

Active Member
hi yeah the seeds were hy-pro my hubby drove from France to Germany and on the way back popped in to a place in holland and brought them back for me ( good man) out of the 3 they all germinated but one, once into flower has just gown huge in comparison to the others it's defiantly going to be a great smoke theyre now 9 weeks into flower and are filling up by the day !!

Mrs Green fingers

Active Member
the humidity is between 30 - 40 and temps are between 74-80 with a full filtration kit and fresh air being pumped in all is going really well at the mo so fingers crossed it should be ready just before Xmas !! bongsmilie

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
if i'm absolute about anything, it's truth. trust me, until i gave up my indica contempt long enough to try a stony but crazy fun hybrid like jack's cleaner 2. i wasn't hearing anything but "has to be as trippy as thai indoors", if you go back enough years, i was told the columbian gold i loved was thai and thought so until the piney flavors in senor garcia and maybe destroyer made me start thinking it was really columbian just renamed as thai (stick) was the turbo digital of weed in the 80s. everyone for over 3 annoying years od demanding smoke reports not one reticent bitch would ever give up addressing the couchlock issue with the super silver haze (not even the decent to suggest hazier jack herer, so deep entrenched is the antii-sativa conspiracy) and apollo 11 which i wasn't hearing and went with C99 instead thinking it was going to be trippy just like i did the kali mist i was gifted and was unimpressed by it's generic motivational haze buzz wussed out on trippiness.

of course you can get compact strains that are motivational OR trippy, but you won't get anything as motivational or trippy as a landrace with indicrap bastardization for at least how ever many generations we are now from the late 80s. if there was such a plant, jack herer wouldn't be the "holy grail" and so far, it's not exactly in the same league as light and floaty and trippier columbian, but it is nice.

i tried about half a dozen similar bastardized generic hazes that all had less inspiring highs with psychoactivity, and even STRETCHY, still far short of columbian sweet haze and haze x skunk. they're nice strains, but still far short of real old school and alot of these punk bitches that never saw the good old days don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

the growers here doing panama, golden tiger, satori and full moon are never around when you need them. only with PURE sativas do you get a pure sativa high and those don't flower fast or small. smaller durban poison is columbian gold's bitch, sorry. i don't believe it's 100% sativa either without genetic varification if it's even possible and i wouldn't expect smaller and stonier burmese to be a match for the amazons either. that's why the few growers here that are growing the real deal are.

to say the fact that only giant sativas (short mexicans are only euphoric too from everything i've read) have highly motivational as well as the trippiest buzzes is either dishonest or ignorant. i've been looking for 4 foot haze since the 80s kids and they still don't exist and even many of todays alleged hazes are the schwag too. the first time i blazed an awesome tasting and nice, but not trippy haze i said to myself you gotta be kidding. haze is SUPPOSED to be trippy.

yes, there are dozens of 6 foot tall afghanis and kushes that are stonier than i don't know how compact, but foot tall if you top it and flip it early sativa trans love. you can get different effects from any size plant, but comparing C99, A11, super silver haze, jack herer & ak-47 etc. to a land race is ridiculous.

now i don't have as much anxiety to get a pure land race. more balanced mid strains are awesome. i wish i'd seen them sooner.

i will be very surprised is stretchy malawi gold isn't the trippiest indoor i've ever smoked. the pics i've seen sure as fuck don't look like indo and mine was a little less stretchy than sweet haze. if it too is as watered down and doesn't live up to an old school grade HIGH complete with LSD grade visuals when you get to that edge you better not clear another chamber with. well not a true acid rush, but the one i got out of 7 piss weak tabs i'd intended to trip at least a month on was bunk with only a couple pattern flashes and no better than columbian reality bending, so for me, it's a fare comparison.

anyways... i came here because i'm still looking for amnesia smoke reports and comparisons. i might go with jack hammer instead of jack f7 if it should be any trippier as i still haven't found a real old school quality strain to breed with today's skunk #1 crushing gear.

like all then lying ass and stoopid troll critics trying to flip everything i say around talking shit about my rare (and really i don't fucking care... i only like smoke reports and fuck you if that pisses you off bitches!) "if you don't have pics, it never happened" then they come here trying to talk shit like compact sativas that are piss weak GENERIC FUCKING HAZE SCHWAG compared to REAL old school sativa dominant FOR MOTHERFUCKING REAL sativas the shut the fuck up about talking trash at me you fucking moron pieces of shit until you show YOUR motherfucking pics of 4 foot tall REAL fucking TRIPPY (which your kindergarten punk fucking ass ain't ever even fucking seen TOYS!) strains, you just got fucking busted for your stoooooopid lying ass insolence because they motherfucking don't exist!

these are motherfucking facts aNd not open for fucking debates or fucking opinions!!!


i know they don't exist and peeps growing gear THAT'S BETTER THAN THE DECENT HYBRIDS i've worked know what fucking time it is.

that's god's fucking sense of humor for you. every time you take a short with his good things come to those who wait plan, you get schwaggier and even most hazes are fucking schwag compared to a real land race.

there, now that the facts are in in fucking whoville, we can go on because not one trash talking lying ass bitch up in here can prove me wrong and not get called out for it. i wouldn't be surprised if killing fields and jack the ripper aren't another step better, but still short of, say real cambodian.

show me a motherfucking short plant with a LEGIT (if you fucking even know what that is!!!) trippy high, and i'll buy a fucking pack tomorrow! i've asked for it 1,000 fucking times, and that's not much of an exaggeration.

i do love a lot of today's better hybrids, even *gasp* lemon skunk, but saying they're anything like a pure land race is just lying and perpetuating the schawg appeal cult mythology. any bitch that wants to call me a liar better be prepared to fucking fight me to the death. i correct liars.


Well-Known Member
You are such a mental midget it is amazing...

Good things come to those that wait and you have never made it more than 5 weeks into flower. What does that make you? Other than an idiot?


Well-Known Member
Everytime I'm trying to do research 4/5 threads have more than half the space taken by Hazy Grapes and the guys who follow him around. PLEASE. ENOUGH. HAZEY ANSWER THE THE THREAD QUESTION YOU'RE RESPONDING TO AND NOT 8 paragraphs EXTRA. NOBODY WILL BOTHER YOU ANYMORE THEN AND PEOPLE LIKE ME CAN GET ON WITH LEARNING. IF IT'S ABOUT A SPECIFIC STRAIN SHOW PICTURES OR DON'T BOTHER. It's hard enough to discern fact from fiction in an oppressed industry/hobby without having to sort through this bs.
Thanks pal