Amnesia haze 12 weeks into flowering then …

conor c

Well-Known Member
Viking was never popular. It was beefed up with Skunk, which led to Top44, only popular for its short 44days flower duration. It also led to Victory, nothing special either. Those Viking x Skunk crosses were combined into Enemy of the State, which was never popular or special either, mostly only known as supposed parent of Amnesia. I don't see the point of speculating they are the same. Not even sure Enemy of the State is the parent of Amnesia, personally, I'm leaning towards the SSH-pheno story.
Idk ive heard that too but it wouldnt suprise me if it was the ghani used who knows i wouldnt say it wasnt popular its a northern outdoor thing more tho than inside tho it can grow indoors it also spawned the sweet berlin clone thats a skunk x viking as well and i remember top44 i still got seeds of it its a ok strain just dont count on it being ready at 44 days theres some nice lemon n kinda burnt sugar tasting and berry tasting phenos in there tho
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Well-Known Member
I'm more into social sativa types of weed and am thinking I might have found my niche with this Amnesia. This one just might be my personal stash. :) I had other strains that turned me into a chatter box, at the bike park telling everyone there .."Yo ..what's up dude! HOW YA DOING" YEET .. SHRED ON man..." Lm f a o...


Well-Known Member
If you dont get that classic dry eyes,mouth lips sticking to your gums when you talk.its not a haze. I remember when i used to smoke amnezia after 15 minutes you are like an alzheimers person


Well-Known Member
Possibly yes, that was the accepted idea for years. But yeah, who knows. It's quite possible it's just an SSH pheno... from another forum

"The hy-pro family are friends of mine. they brought me the amnesia/ssh years ago. they found a seed in the ssh from the greenhouse and grew it out. they called it amnesia but when i saw it i knew right away it was a ssh pheno, bubblegum, candy smelling and knock u out strong. over the years is has won many cups as ssh/amnesia, from many shops in the south, twins coffeshop, bio ibo and many others. so, not to take anything away from karma but he won the breeders cup with somone else's genetics. a rose by any other name is still a rose"

Due to it's popularity there are a lot of remixes and remakes under the same name. Some of them are less intense, that's usually a give away, but overall, I rarely had a bad amnesia regardless of the source. It's the stuff you can quick dry and will still smell and taste pretty good.

And yes, I've seen those rates a while ago. Supposedly only S1 seeds from original clone left or something. Crazy indeed.
Im sure hypros amnesia is just the old original nevils haze crossed back to northern lights

The core is the seed come out of old gh coffee shop ssh bud. Mind you that may have been a mix up to cover a mistake or something as moppel/core gave out a ssh cutting as amesia insted of the anesia clone.
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