Ammonia Nitrate


Well-Known Member
I recently went through all the med kits at work and replaced all the expired materials. Every pack had 6 instant freeze ice packs inside. None of them have been popped, and the contents state Ammonia Nitrate and Water. Anyone ever use these for nutrient's? I probably have about 15 to 20lbs of Ammonia nitrate after cutting probably 200+ of those open and throwing the water packs away.

If it doesn't work for this I am gonna mix it with aluminum powder and make Tannerite out of it, but if I can use it on my plants and save some money I am all for it.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure it would but youd be lacking all the other nutrients so it probably wouldnt be worth it since youd have to get nutrients from somewhere to fill in the rest of the "food pyramid" if you will.

Sound like tannernite it is!!! hahaha be safe with that shit!!


Well-Known Member
Use it for tanerite

The instacold pack stuff is a fourm of AN with very little to no moisture present , Their are very few ways to legaly buy AN like that , in bulk atleast

Standard Urea by law is partly hydrated (To discourage anything fun , thanks fed's) but about 30$ for 50 pounds


Well-Known Member
It should work as long as there are no other chemicals in it.

Ammonium nitrate is pretty cheap stuff though and I'm not sure how much you'd really save in doing this. A pound of ammonium nitrate could be had for under 10 dollars. For hydro, you're better off with potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate, as ammonium levels should be kept low in hydroponic setups.


Well-Known Member
For every 50 pounds AN you will need about 2.5 fine powerded aluminum of coarse their are lots of variants , to add collor brighter flashes, and fireballs