Active Member
I seen it for the first time last night and couldn't help but laugh at and talk with my girl about how fake this shit is.Let me get this straight.. until now there was an Amish mafia that noobody really knew about then all of a sudden there allowing discovery channel to stick camera in there faces and shit wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of keeping it secret? The dude Levi and his boys claim to take care of things before the church finds out.
Now any other Amish show I've seen they get shunned just for dressing white your telling me these guys can beat & rob people, carry guns, drive cars, dress white etc and no one in their church gives a shit? Well I have to call bullshit on this. The episode I seen last night they found weed in a corn field plucked that shit and burned it they call it "Green Corn" apparently they don't condone the use of "drugs" but yet throw parties and get white girl wasted.
I think Levi and his "crew" are afraid who ever was growing the dope once they cropped out that they were going to sell it around there "Amish" community and take major profits away from Levi and the "crew" lol.
Anyone else seen this show care to chime in?
Now any other Amish show I've seen they get shunned just for dressing white your telling me these guys can beat & rob people, carry guns, drive cars, dress white etc and no one in their church gives a shit? Well I have to call bullshit on this. The episode I seen last night they found weed in a corn field plucked that shit and burned it they call it "Green Corn" apparently they don't condone the use of "drugs" but yet throw parties and get white girl wasted.
I think Levi and his "crew" are afraid who ever was growing the dope once they cropped out that they were going to sell it around there "Amish" community and take major profits away from Levi and the "crew" lol.
Anyone else seen this show care to chime in?