America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship

when shit hits the fan, drugs and medicine, fuel and weapons, cigarettes and alcohol, food, water, and women will be the only things of value....some days i look forward to the future...
7 Stages of grief:

1) Denial: That can't be happening. The TV told us so.
2) Anger: How the fuck did this happen?!
3) Bargaining: I'll do better next time, I promise. We need just one more chance. More TIME.
4) Depression: There is no way out of this; im better off dead than facing what comes. No one can do anything about this mess.
5) Acceptance: Im ready for whatever comes my way.
6) Shock or Disbelief: Holt shit! What I have been saying all along has come to pass!
7) Guilt: I should have told them sooner. WHY didnt I MAKE them LISTEN?? I should have done this, I should have done that....

I have to correct myself; there are only 6 stages of grief. im not going to rewrite all that shit, but it is interesting enough that after acceptance comes hope.

I am seeing so much change on the bottom level lately that I am actually seeing hope every day. Just wanted to add that. Im incredibly blasted so I cant type any more.

I don't see your logic. Weed is 4 times heavier than Gold for equal value. SOME people think gold is a good conductor, as if thats what they use it for. LOL gold is really only used for 2 things, money and jewelry. Silver is a much better conductor of electricity.
where did you get your info on conductive materials? gold has the highest electron transfer rate of any known element in the cosmos.. and "they" do use it for various high end electronic devices..
Nuggs are called nuggs 'cause ounce for ounce -its worth more than its weight in gold....well depending on the buyer of course. Can you grow Gold?
nugs are called nugs because of they're shape. there's no correlation in that slang term
to gold unless inferred. weed used to be equal to gold in price about 4 or 5 years ago.
and gold has long since been almost three times as valuable.
Oh, as for the original post. +rep for posting it. I visit Kitco once a week; I remember reading this article way back.

I'm extremely bullish on gold and silver (in addition to commodities in general and agriculture) and I own a lot of gold but not enough silver as I want.

There's a reason I left the United States and the article you posted has some of the reasons.

By the way, can you post the link next time for a long article. It hurts my eyes reading it on the forum because of the italics and no spacing: