Americans are more propagandised than Chinese people

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We always have, if you think about it. But, there are more "alternative facts" out there
In other words, lies.

It's gotten so bad that people just pick and choose the "truth" that appeals to them from whatever "sources" they like and they go with it. Those spinning propaganda narrative consider this to be the best possible outcome.

We are soooooo fucked.
Both sides agree that there is only one China? You fail to mention both sides say that they are the true rulers of China?

ANALYSIS/As presidential race kicks off, China policy takes center stage
As the KMT tries to draw attention to Lai's pro-independence past, Lai's camp has been pushing Hou to comment on the "1992 Consensus."
According to the KMT, the "1992 Consensus" refers to a tacit understanding that both sides of the Taiwan Strait recognize there is only "one China," with each having its own interpretation of what China means.
Beijing has never publicly recognized nor denied the second part of the KMT interpretation, but it has made acceptance of the "1992 Consensus" a prerequisite for dialogue across the Taiwan Strait.
The DPP rejects the "1992 Consensus," arguing that agreeing to it implies acceptance of China's claim over Taiwan, and it has also drawn a parallel between the "1992 Consensus" and Beijing's "one country, two systems" formula for Taiwan.

China renews threat, warns Taiwan independence will be ‘punished’
China’s Taiwan Affairs Office said anti-China elements in foreign countries were ‘playing with fire’ on the issue of Taiwan’s independence.
China has renewed its longstanding threat to attack Taiwan and warned that foreign politicians who interact with the self-governing island are “playing with fire”.

A spokesperson for China’s Taiwan Affairs Office said on Wednesday that Beijing was recommitted in the new year to “safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity” and “smashing plots for Taiwan independence”.

“The malicious support for Taiwan independence among anti-China elements in a few foreign countries are a deliberate provocation,” the spokesperson, Ma Xiaoguang, said at a biweekly news conference.

“We call on the relevant countries to … cease sending the wrong signals to Taiwan independence separatist forces and cease playing with fire on the question of Taiwan,” Ma said.

China views Taiwan – a self-governing democracy where the defeated nationalists set up their government after losing China’s civil war in 1949 – as Chinese territory that must be brought under Beijing’s control, and by force if necessary.

China’s state-run Global Times newspaper tweeted the Taiwan Affairs Office warning that Taiwan’s “‘secession’ is doomed to fail” and that Taiwan’s independence “is an act waiting to be punished”.

High-profile visits to Taiwan in recent months by foreign politicians, including then-US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and numerous politicians from the European Union, have angered Beijing and spurred huge military exercises around the Island by Chinese forces, which Taipei views as a rehearsal for invasion.

Taiwan's Desire for Unification With China Near Record Low as Tensions Rise
The Taiwan public's declining desire for political union with China fell further to a near-record low in the first half of 2022, the island's leading pollster said on Tuesday.

In a biannual update to its surveys on core political attitudes in Taiwan, National Chengchi University's Election Study Center (ESC) found only 1.3 percent of respondents wanted unification with mainland China "as soon as possible," while a similarly low 5.1 percent desired formal Taiwanese independence at the earliest possibility.

The appeal for both scenarios, which the ESC has tracked since 1994, remain near all-time lows. The latest figures published Tuesday, represented a 0.1 point drop for immediate unification and 0.7 point drop for immediate independence—two extreme viewpoints that tend not to weigh too heavily on the democratic island's regular elections.

For the past two decades, the majority of respondents have favored some form of the "status quo," the survey showed. Taiwan, now a semi-recognized state, has been ruled separately from the People's Republic of China on the mainland since the PRC was founded in Beijing in 1949.

A record 28.6 percent of those polled said they preferred to "maintain the status quo indefinitely," while 28.3 percent chose the status quo to "decide at a later date." Meanwhile, 25.2 percent of respondents opted for the status quo with a view to "move toward independence."


Relations between Taipei and Beijing have been fraught with tension for the better part of a decade, in part a reflection of the Taiwanese public's distrust of the Chinese government and its leaders, who have refused to rule out the use of military force against the island if it pursues de jure independence from the mainland.

Taiwan, whose president, Tsai Ing-wen, considers the island already a functionally independent country, says it has no plans to change the status quo.
On Tuesday, Taiwan's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Joanne Ou described as "absurd" a recent public address by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who warned of "dark clouds" and "ferocious storms across the Taiwan Strait" if the island were to formally separate from the mainland.
Ou said Beijing was spreading fictional claims to the island in a bid to "annex Taiwan and whitewash [its] provocative acts."

"The People's Republic of China has never ruled Taiwan and naturally has no right to represent the people of Taiwan in the international community," she said. "That neither side of the strait is subordinate to the other is a historical fact recognized by the international community. It is also the longstanding status quo across the Taiwan Strait."

In the 10 years since Xi took power in Beijing, his nationalistic rhetoric and assertive policies toward Taiwan have contributed to a spike in Taiwanese desire for self-determination, as well as less association with their neighbor across the strait, the survey suggests.
According to the ESC's latest identity polling—tracked since 1992—a record-low 2.4 percent of respondents identified as solely "Chinese," while 30.4 percent said they were "both Taiwanese and Chinese"—just 0.5 points above the all-time low. A near-record high 63.7 percent identified as only "Taiwanese."

You also avoided my question, "Do you believe Taiwan should go this route, as "one country, two systems".", doing a "Look over there." Not that I am surprised.

Since I am closing this page, might as well shine a Hong Kong light on it. Thought Hong Kong had another 50 years of not having a Chinese millstone around the peoples necks.

"one country, two systems"

On the bridge and people wanting to have the bridge built to the mainland, the island is ten times closer to the mainland that to Taiwan.
Who benefits from these tensions? Those who make money from war.

Funny how those very people are the same ones who pay huge sums into the campaign war chests of the politicians who will reliably push for war.

We should NOT be trying to start wars with Russia or China and in fact it costs Americans plenty. But we are not a democracy and so those who profit and feed the SuperPACs get their way, the rest of us and even the future of humanity be damned.
We used to be smart but now we just believe whatever we hear on the news!
i remember at school i did my work experience at a tv news station, for a week. each day i would go out with the camera crew and record the interviews, then head back to the network around 2 or 3pm giving the video editors time to edit it before 6pm news started

what i noticed was when i watched the news at 6pm was the editors had removed any logical argument or comments made when i was there during the interview and only showed what the owner of the networks political beliefs were
i remember at school i did my work experience at a tv news station, for a week. each day i would go out with the camera crew and record the interviews, then head back to the network around 2 or 3pm giving the video editors time to edit it before 6pm news started

what i noticed was when i watched the news at 6pm was the editors had removed any logical argument or comments made when i was there during the interview and only showed what the owner of the networks political beliefs were
And that's what we're being fed now, 24/7 365.

I sure as fuck didn't ask to be lied to! Who made it legal to do it? Politicians who answer to the rich and not the rest of us.

We are soooooo fucked.
And that's what we're being fed now, 24/7 365.

I sure as fuck didn't ask to be lied to! Who made it legal to do it? Politicians who answer to the rich and not the rest of us.

We are soooooo fucked.
after my work experience time i now watch the news differently than b4 because the truth is mostly left out of it if there is an angle they are tring to spin
Lets not forget that Americans are spied on by their own gov- just like the Chinese people are.
And they won't stop just because the program was ruled unlawful.

Between this kind of all encompassing surveillance, police who don't face anything like the same consequences of their behavior as regular citizens and corporations clearly in complete control of our political class, anyone who says America isn't a Fascist State simply operates from a position of naivety.
Who benefits from these tensions? Those who make money from war.

Funny how those very people are the same ones who pay huge sums into the campaign war chests of the politicians who will reliably push for war.

We should NOT be trying to start wars with Russia or China and in fact it costs Americans plenty. But we are not a democracy and so those who profit and feed the SuperPACs get their way, the rest of us and even the future of humanity be damned.
America has to have a "bad guy" to go after. Create enemies, make war and see those $$ roll in from the worlds largest seller of arms. No good manufacturing arms if they are not being used right? Stay Number 1 at all costs.
Its kinda sad that Australians and Americans are so dumb we jump on the bandwagon.
China isnt a threat to either of us- at all.
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after my work experience time i now watch the news differently than b4 because the truth is mostly left out of it if there is an angle they are tring to spin
Mainstream media has long since left telling the truth and painting accurate pictures of events in the rear view mirror, in favor of narrative spinning, propagandizing and outright indoctrination, along with blatant censorship and fearmongering.

It IS possible to find the truth but it's buried, marginalized and often attached and shut down. RT America was an excellent example; yes, they were a subversive news organization but they carried out their agenda in the most unimpeachable possible way; they told the truth! The mass media lackeys of The Powers That Be couldn't handle being so regularly humiliated and so they had to be stopped.
Both sides agree that there is only one China? You fail to mention both sides say that they are the true rulers of China?
I didn't think i had to.
How weird was it that ROC pretended to rule China for decades after they had fled to Taiwan?

Tawain's greatest threat is America pushing them into a corner and a war with China. A war Taiwan could not possibly win.
America of cause wants Tawain to put its millitary on- a land base to threaten and contain China. That way its not just your navy but a port as well.
How many countries does American military have a presence on? And why do Americans see this as normal?
America has to have a "bad guy" to go after. Create enemies, make war and see those $$ roll in from the world largest seller of arms. Stay Number 1 at all costs.
Its kinda sad that Australians and Americans are so dumb we jump on the bandwagon.
China isnt a threat to either of us- at all.
Well, we're doing our level damnedest to MAKE China a threat. And we will succeed. But at what cost? Our entire economy will be crushed.

We're in the late stage imperial death spiral; we've outsourced everything that isn't nailed down and so our most profitable industries revolve around exploiting Americans (Big Pharma, Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) or murdering people around the world, either directly or by proxy.

BRICS is currently an economic organization but it's already showing signs of becoming a military alliance, a counterpoint to the Western Imperial Blob. When viewed this way, the West is in deep shit; BRICS is already larger, more populous, higher economic output (measured by PPP), and growing a whole lot faster.

There's only one way the West could hold to catch up and that is to shitcan the runaway capitalism now devouring its own entrails and replace it immediately. But that's not gonna happen; the citizens are far too brainwashed to recognize the danger, let alone equipped to do anything about it.
I didn't think i had to.
How weird was it that ROC pretended to rule China for decades after they had fled to Taiwan?

Tawain's greatest threat is America pushing them into a corner and a war with China. A war Taiwan could not possibly win.
America of cause wants Tawain to put its millitary on- a land base to threaten and contain China. That way its not just your navy but a port as well.
How many countries does American military have a presence on? And why do Americans see this as normal?
America has AT LEAST 800 military bases around the world. The Pentagon has divided up the entire planet into "commands" in spite of the fact that America has no territory and no business meddling in the internal affairs of Latin America "Southern Command" to West Asia "Central Command" to Africa "Africa Command" and more...

The better question to ask is which countries does America NOT have bases in? It's a much shorter list. We spend easily a trillion dollars annually on this empire, yet 9/11 is irrefutable proof that it makes America and her people less safe.

The rest of the world has figured this out long since, but most Americans haven't. The world's biggest and most pervasive propaganda machine works night and day to make sure of that.
It's not "like" the country is run by people who do the opposite of what most citizens want; IT IS run by people who ignore the interests of the vast majority of American citizens. This is functional proof that America is NOT a democracy, no matter what the propaganda narrative so eagerly slurped up by so many people might think.
Its pay to win. They will tell the people anything but then do what the backers want them to. Its why you will never, ever, ever have free to end user health care- the Insurance companies own both sides of politics. The Democrats won't ever elect a left leaning leader.
You will always be making wars and destabilizing countries - cause the arms industry owns both sides of politics.

We all know this but drink the cool aid anyway.

China can not invade or threaten a far away place like America in this day and age. Same as Australia. They haven't even threatened to do this. They certainly haven't started as many wars as America since WW2. Has China in 4,000 years started as many wars as America has since WW2?
But America certainly threatens China.
Why is China even a political football in American domestic politics if it isn't setting up the population for starting yet another war? I'm sure, as we all are, that China will start it of

Are they perfect? Fk no. But they aint that bad.
When was the last School shooting in China? Has there ever been one? How many has America had?

Do they not have a obligation to look after their elders unlike Americans and Australians? Do they work harder than us? Are they rolling out Free to end user health care?

Just would also like to point out that China cannot be that horrible- otherwise its citizens wouldn't be traveling around the world like they do. They wouldn't be allowed to.
Taiwan and Chinese citizens are free to visit each other. China is Taiwan's largest trading partner.
Let China just be China and rule its area of influence like it should.
It's 4,000 years old give it some respect.
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And they won't stop just because the program was ruled unlawful.

Between this kind of all encompassing surveillance, police who don't face anything like the same consequences of their behavior as regular citizens and corporations clearly in complete control of our political class, anyone who says America isn't a Fascist State simply operates from a position of naivety.
The amazing bit is that Assange and Snowden were and are crucified for bringing this to the Americans citizens attention.
The American population jumped on shooting the messenger and the publisher.

Snowden should get a medal and Assange treated like royalty in a country that pretends to love Freedom.
America has AT LEAST 800 military bases around the world. The Pentagon has divided up the entire planet into "commands" in spite of the fact that America has no territory and no business meddling in the internal affairs of Latin America "Southern Command" to West Asia "Central Command" to Africa "Africa Command" and more...

The better question to ask is which countries does America NOT have bases in? It's a much shorter list. We spend easily a trillion dollars annually on this empire, yet 9/11 is irrefutable proof that it makes America and her people less safe.

The rest of the world has figured this out long since, but most Americans haven't. The world's biggest and most pervasive propaganda machine works night and day to make sure of that.
Capitalism in motion.
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