American Soldiers may not get paid! Check this out guys!


Well-Known Member
they weren't forced to go over there and kill, why should they be paid. peace corp is voluntary and you don't see those people complaining.
Sorry bro, but soldiers are indeed forced to go there and kill, there is no choice.


Well-Known Member
In the Marines the meat is USDA class D, not for human consumption unless boiled first. Thats why all the steaks taste almost as good as shoe leather.


Well-Known Member
Service members will be paid. If the budget agreement is not made before April Fools Day, your wife may not be paid on time, but she will indeed be paid.

If this happens, blame the person who fails to sign the bill.

As far as your complaints that she is away often....

Did you not know she was a squid when you married her?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Service members will be paid. If the budget agreement is not made before April Fools Day, your wife may not be paid on time, but she will indeed be paid.

If this happens, blame the person who fails to sign the bill.

As far as your complaints that she is away often....

Did you not know she was a squid when you married her?
You missed the whole point of this thread! I know she will get paid, and I also knew she was a squid cus I was one too when I met her. I was just trying to point out to others that the military people give alot for this country with their lives and also the time they spend away from their family not raising their kids. And for the government to sit there and argue till they are blue in the face and our men and women serving may not get paid is fucking crazy to me. Just one more example of how fucked we are as a country.


Well-Known Member
You missed the whole point of this thread! I know she will get paid, and I also knew she was a squid cus I was one too when I met her. I was just trying to point out to others that the military people give alot for this country with their lives and also the time they spend away from their family not raising their kids. And for the government to sit there and argue till they are blue in the face and our men and women serving may not get paid is fucking crazy to me. Just one more example of how fucked we are as a country.
You contadicted yourself at least twice.

You know she will (eventually) get paid. Yet you complain she will not get paid.

You knew she was a squid when you married her. Yet you complain of her absence.

Exactly what are you pissed off about again?


Well-Known Member
Lol welcome to the political fourms... 400 people have more wealth than the combined wealth of 50% of America, that's 150,000,000 Americans. Four hundred people.

This is bullshit.

Hell I got an idea why don't we just take those bastards money and spread the wealth. What the fuck are you going to do with your 50 dollars. GOD DAMN IT
All the rich money in this country is not enough for shit but you think we can pay off our debt and make the country great again. Why don't you get a job and take your pay check every week to the poor side of town and pass it out. Thats what you want the rich to do.


Well-Known Member
Even if military personnel don't get a paycheck for a year they still have a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food to eat at the chow hall. All the basic necessities are already taken care of.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Even if military personnel don't get a paycheck for a year they still have a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food to eat at the chow hall. All the basic necessities are already taken care of.
What about their family? Not worried about a year or anything the point of it is that the congress literaly doesn't give a shit about the troops that make the ultamate sacrafice.


Well-Known Member
What about their family? Not worried about a year or anything the point of it is that the congress literaly doesn't give a shit about the troops that make the ultamate sacrafice.
Families can get Base housing, they can also eat at the chow hall and get to shop at the commissary, also there is no law stopping the spouse from having gainful employment. Being in the Military is NOT the ultimate sacrifice, but you are very correct in stating that the politicians do not give a shit about anyone but themselves.


Undercover Mod
Its not just soldiers that won't get paid all government services will be shut down. This is all about the budget not being resolved for the year because of the Republicans. Blame the real people behind the problem.


Well-Known Member
Its not just soldiers that won't get paid all government services will be shut down. This is all about the budget not being resolved for the year because of the Republicans. Blame the real people behind the problem.
LOL it has nothing to do with the republicans, it has to do with government as a whole. They spend what they don't have and when they run out of what they don't have they just start printing it to make up for what they don't have in the first place. All the while the interest accrues and then BAM the whole thing turns into a shitstorm and during a shitstorm everything gets hit with shit. Democrats will be covered in shit just as well as republicans, not many will escape the shit.


Undercover Mod
They are the ones blocking its passage, so I would blame them.

Either way idc about these programs because I don't need them and i'm not dumb enough to "Defend our Freedoms" by going to the middle east.


Well-Known Member
The government has shut down before, it was pretty much a non event. I hope most people are like you Balzac and do not have to rely on Government Largesse to make it in the world, alas I think we both know that is not the case. So many people 100% reliant on big brother for their every need. to them the US government is a god.

I still wonder how many people really think the troops in the middle east are "Defending Freedom" .

Good post BTW +rep


Well-Known Member
My wife is in the Service and this fucking disgusts me! We have soldiers over in a pointless war that we are spending billions of dollars on and we can't even afford to pay the soldiers that are laying their lives on the line!

Here is the link.

Get the fuck out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and stop borrowing money to send to other countries. Just pull out and tell these fucking rag heads and any other country that if they fuck with us we will level them! Just straight up bullshit! I have never been this disgusted to be an American in my life.
LMFAO, fuck'em, that's what they get for enlisting for a government that don't give a shit! See, I feel bad for Vietnam vets as a lot of them were forced to fight against their will. If you enlist and get fucked, well fuck you for being stupid.