American Pride...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by silk
Terrorism is not a result of the U.S. government invading countries. How did you miss that point? The U.S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11/01. Hello?! That's just a fact. Everybody is entitled to their opinions, but they ought to stick to some sense of reality, don't you think?
On your tangent, I would love to see any evidence that that the U.S. is plundering natural resources in the Middle East. Go on, show me!:blsmoke:

I don't have the time or energy for that, but tell me what I said isn't true. We do have military bases on their lands. We do take their resourses, paying their governments, but the people, just like here, get squat for those resourses. I did not miss 911, although the US has had bases in Saudi Arabia since the early '90's and it was 19 Saudies that attacked. The Saudi people are poor as dirt while the Shieks drive around in Bentlys and Rolls Royces, all from US oil Money. So isn't this a US foriegn policy, Pay the Shieks and royals for the oil while the people eat dirt. The oil companies and the US government are in direct cahoots, this is the plundering I was referring to.

lol we all know medi has a seething hate for the government of his country regardless of who has the riens,

the only valid point you guys have is that the us government is supporting isreal in this theft. but the saudi arabian government begged us to come in there because saddam was threating them and bulling them, who the fuck made osama bin landin king shit? so some yahoo with a lot of money says you need to get out of a country that has invited you to come and help them not get attacked by saddam when he invaded kuwait and you take what he says likes its the holly grail???? who the fuck is he???

he is just some snobby rich kid who was raised a racist who thinks they are better people than all the other races and religions. they think you people are below them and yet you sit there like chumps and they laugh

trust me ive lived in saudi arabia, they would even somtimes refuse to shake your hand they are such rasict biggots. i remember one time our pakistani driver was driving me home from school when i was a very little kid living in saudi arabia and i guess he cut someone off, well this saudi guy supirior in race as he is walks over to the car and commences to start slapping the shit out of our driver. you dont know A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G about what you are talking about. so many lies you try to pass to these poor saps

you should just tell us if you have always felt the way you do or what made you see the light of your ways, i am sooo curious been wondering for a long time im trying to understand why cuz i know you know some of the shit you say on here is bullshit. i think you just like fucking with us
Okay so according to you I don't know anything. I admit that. What do you know? You never said A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G that explains what I don't know an what bullshit I have said.


Well-Known Member
Well said, this pretty much sums up my views. If another country put military bases on U.S. soil and Mexico's soil and used our resources for their own agenda- WE WOULD BE PISSED! And you're damn right- we would have a group of crazy fuckers planning a way to fuck up something majorly.

Look back in history- forcing views, ideals, laws, governments, or the like on other nations and people result in DISASTER. Remember, forcing these things on your own people unwillingly produces the same results....history is the most important subject taught- how can we move on productively and peacefully without making the same mistakes of past generations when we haven't studied the past?
I see that as a very skewed point. See you can't put a foreign nation's military base on another sovereign nation's soil without consent of that country's government, except in times of war, in which case all bets are off. If you bother to see where there are U.S. military bases around the world you will see that terrorists are not attacking the U.S. from these other countries.
Looking specifically at Saudi Arabia, U.S. bases are relatively close to Mecca and Medina; both are Muslim holy lands. However the U.S, is there under the Saudi government's permission. I understand that Saudis or Muslims in the Middle East or around the world have resentment or hatred towards the U.S.

Let me know what you think about that ;)


New Member
I see that as a very skewed point. See you can't put a foreign nation's military base on another sovereign nation's soil without consent of that country's government, except in times of war, in which case all bets are off. If you bother to see where there are U.S. military bases around the world you will see that terrorists are not attacking the U.S. from these other countries.
Looking specifically at Saudi Arabia, U.S. bases are relatively close to Mecca and Medina; both are Muslim holy lands. However the U.S, is there under the Saudi government's permission. I understand that Saudis or Muslims in the Middle East or around the world have resentment or hatred towards the U.S.

Let me know what you think about that ;)
lol we all know medi has a seething hate for the government of his country regardless of who has the riens,

I think by "we" you mean "you" and I could care less what a right wing fascist thinks about me. See my answers to VI. I love my country. I hate the current government and most since I've been alive that prey on innocent people around the world by propping up fascist regimes and causing great hardships for the citizens. This government is run by corporations and could care less about the people it governs.