American exspress --- ATTITUDE SEEDBANK


Active Member
i tried using american exspress to place an order from attitude seedbank but for somereason its not goin thru. has anyone had this problem? should i just use a visa?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the bank or creditcard company will find it suspicious that someone is trying to run your card in a foreign country, and not let it go through because they think someone has stolen your card number. I dont know if visa will be any better than amex.


Active Member
Sometimes the bank or creditcard company will find it suspicious that someone is trying to run your card in a foreign country, and not let it go through because they think someone has stolen your card number. I dont know if visa will be any better than amex.
ohhhh kkkk, soo how do i place an order?


I got a phone call from VISA thinking my card was stolen from the purchase.Then I had a card I couldn't use until 5 calls to confirm the purchase. I used 4 different cards to place 4 orders, all different Co.'s and Visa is the only one that gave me a tightened sphincter. I was afraid they were sharing my purchase with local authorities. If you have it, use Master Card or make sure your Amex isn't maxed out or something. They (Amex) should be the best and give less hassle than Visa or Master Card. I had no problems except with Visa. All the orders came thru in 2 weeks or less from England (everyonedoesit) and Netherlands (BDS & Nirvana) and Canada (Dr.Greenthumb). BDS is good if you have seed "Problems", just be nice. Hope this helps you.


Well-Known Member
Attitude will let you pay with prepaid gift cards too, or you can tell your creditcard company to allow the charge if your visa doesn't go through.


Did you call Amex and check your balance? If that's not the problem, I'd ask to speak to someone and say your online purchase won't go thru for an order Overseas...don't be telling them which overseas Co. your trying to purchase from ---and say it's coffee, cigars, a Cane... or something like that if they ask what you're buying. It's none of their business what you're buying as long as you pay each month.


Well-Known Member
I use a prepaid VISA card and never have any problems with the order going through.

I would try that buddy. Try using a VISA instead of American Express..

good luck.



I'd advise people to purchase overseas Now,And stock up for a year or 2, they are soon gonna get wise to all of us making overseas purchases from reading HT Magazine and tell the "Wrong people" where the $$$ is going. Visa had me worrying....Big Time. The Bush holdovers are probably keeping track of us anyway by Violating the Constitution, tapping and checking CC orders,etc, etc.. Probably just paranoid, but if they come knocking you're screwed, and they'll have the "papers" to come in and "visit" with you. Don't say a word if you get busted....until you are alone with your attorney. People get scared and say shit before they read your rights- DON'T SAY ANYTHING before, during, or after their visit.... Cops are F@$%ing LIARS. Just say you will speak with them with your attorney present and ONLY then. The Fed's are pissed about States Med. Laws and CA's attempt to Legalize. Good luck everyone........ Green Grass and "High" Tides forever. :~)


Well-Known Member
you guys.. the DEA and all the other pig organizations.. have bigger and better things to do. Rather than worrying about people ordering seeds from overseas. Period.

It's not ILLEGAL to ORDER the seeds... Its ILLEGAL to GERMINATE and GROW them. ;)

I know its hard not to be paranoid.. but trust me. They got better things to do than worry about someone ordering a few seeds.



I forgot to mention that the issue with overseas orders is the $$$$ exchange from euro's to dollars and they charge a fee for this sometimes, Try Dr.Greenthumb in Canada. His prices are in American dollars, so there is no price exchange for them to deal with. His shit is Potent, remember it usually takes a season for the seeds to get used to your climate; so be sure to make seeds with the Best looking plants. The F1's & F2's are sometimes better than the parent plants due to Hybrid Vigor. Dr.Greenthumbs were a bitch to grow the first year.....probably old seeds. I crossed his with Jamaican, it's Killer and grows like hell now. Just keep some seeds for when they start to lose Potency or Vigor from inbreeding depression. I got bad Super skunk and Papaya from BDS and they are re-shipping fresh seeds.......Greenthumb won't do that. Just take photo's for proof and sound like you have experience...they can tell if F'd up if you don't speak "grow" well.


gangaluvr....seeds are Illegal in the "land of the free". The countries sending them have let it go as long as they are for Novelty use only.....WTF??? Novelty my ass, I want tree's to cut down come Oct.LOL
Seriously, it's the same as getting caught with a bag of smoke in the shit. I had to defend a friend in Court who had a pill Bottle of Just seeds.


Apparently.... I'm not as think as you stoned I am. Sorry. I had a blank page except 3 posts 5 minutes ago........


You're right, The DEA and NIDA are too busy denying study permits to American University scientists to study the plant. I tell myself the same thing when I order...."the DEA and all the other pig organizations have bigger and better things to do"; it makes me less nervous. I got everything I ordered from Canada, Netherlands and England, And quickly too. BDS is cool if you get a bad batch.


Well-Known Member
Just call your bank and tell them you want to make a international purchases. It's your money. They can't tell you when and where you can spend it. They only prevent it due to the possiblity of fraud.

If they give you problems tell them theres plenty of Swiss banks that will take your money.


Well-Known Member
I'd just call them instead of spending any more money. You may just end up with a visa that you have to authorize anyway. It's more the practices of the bank backing up the money not VISA/MC/AMEX themselves.


Active Member
damnn im getting pist.this is really becoming a pain in the a$$. i called amex last night and they authorized my pre-paid card to be used online.i asked the guy 3 times! " can i use this card online to purchase something overseas?" and he said yes! all he had to do was authorize it to be used online. i tired purchasing the seeds today from attitude and still cant get past the transaction process. its telling me to use another card.