American Dream!?

Wealth inequality is a slogan.

17 year old kids getting out of high school are poor by defnition. As you grow older and become more competent as a professional you rise higher and higher in income. You act as if people are stuck in the classes they are born into. Only 20% of the 1% actually inherited their wealth. That means 80% went from being poor or middle class to extremely wealthy in their lifetimes.

If you start a job and expect to work the position for 20 years and be making 50 times more than when you started then it is you that is being unrealistic, not the world.

i beg to differ:

1. we are talking about minimum wage and income inequality/disparity not being able to afford the 4 basic necessities..not wealth
2. the War on Christmas is a slogan:wink:
3. by definition currently there are only about 6* people in the top of 20% and 80% of 6* people respectively, that's roughly what?:lol:

You know what they say about opinions, especially economist's opinions.
Obama’s claim that there is ‘no solid evidence’ that boosting the minimum wage harms jobs.



i'm still waiting on a single concrete example from you guys.

i have already demonstrated that big mac prices went up with inflation, even though wages rose 40% in the same time.

so now it is your turn. show us the "solid evidence" that supports your asinine buffoonery.
Wealth inequality is a slogan.

17 year old kids getting out of high school are poor by defnition. As you grow older and become more competent as a professional you rise higher and higher in income. You act as if people are stuck in the classes they are born into. Only 20% of the 1% actually inherited their wealth. That means 80% went from being poor or middle class to extremely wealthy in their lifetimes.

If you start a job and expect to work the position for 20 years and be making 50 times more than when you started then it is you that is being unrealistic, not the world.

i beg to differ:

1. we are talking about minimum wage and income inequality/disparity not being able to afford the 4 basic necessities..not wealth
2. the War on Christmas is a slogan:wink:
3. by definition currently there are only about 6* people in the top of 20% and 80% of 6* people respectively, that's roughly what?:lol:

i'm still waiting on a single concrete example from you guys.

i have already demonstrated that big mac prices went up with inflation, even though wages rose 40% in the same time.

so now it is your turn. show us the "solid evidence" that supports your asinine buffoonery.

You didn't demonstrate shit except for copy and pasting some idiotic cartoon.
Besides, you have demonstrated on many occasions you know absolutely nothing about working and paying taxes.
Stick to the Travon Martin threads and spell checking, they're much less likely to make you look more of a fool.
You didn't demonstrate shit except for copy and pasting some idiotic cartoon.
Besides, you have demonstrated on many occasions you know absolutely nothing about working and paying taxes.
Stick to the Travon Martin threads and spell checking, they're much less likely to make you look more of a fool.

actually, i demonstrated how minimum wage went up 40% yet the price of the big mac kept pace with inflation only.

the higher wages did not equal a more expensive burger.

that is called simple, basic empirical evidence and mathematics.

and i am STILL waiting on a counterexample from you. but you don't have one, because a counterexample does not exist.

you are pathetic.
actually, i demonstrated how minimum wage went up 40% yet the price of the big mac kept pace with inflation only.

the higher wages did not equal a more expensive burger.

that is called simple, basic empirical evidence and mathematics.

and i am STILL waiting on a counterexample from you. but you don't have one, because a counterexample does not exist.

you are pathetic.

On average, McDonalds pays higher than minimum wage, so there goes that theory!
On average, McDonalds pays higher than minimum wage, so there goes that theory!

not if the minimum wage doubles to $15. then they will employ very few people indeed except in mexico china and of course, kangaroo ranches named "100% Pure Beef Inc."
On average, McDonalds pays higher than minimum wage, so there goes that theory!

yes, if you average even one person making even one cent more than minimum wage along with 99 other min wage workers, the average will be above minimum wage. that is how statistics work, you fucking moron.

but your argument has been that prices will "soar" if min wage goes up.

i demonstrated this theory of your to be an outright LIE using empirical evidence.

now i await one single concrete example from you to support your theory, which i have already demonstrated is a LIE.

your turn, idiot.
not if the minimum wage doubles to $15. then they will employ very few people indeed except in mexico china and of course, kangaroo ranches named "100% Pure Beef Inc."

hyperbole and douchebaggery are great things to revert to when you have ZERO evidence to support your baseless argument.
yes, if you average even one person making even one cent more than minimum wage along with 99 other min wage workers, the average will be above minimum wage. that is how statistics work, you fucking moron.

but your argument has been that prices will "soar" if min wage goes up.

i demonstrated this theory of your to be an outright LIE using empirical evidence.

now i await one single concrete example from you to support your theory, which i have already demonstrated is a LIE.

your turn, idiot.

The average wage of a McDonalds employee is $8.55 an hour, so your Big Mac theory is shot, dipshit.
Get over it, would ya.
the double cheese went up $.49, but no raise in min wage, how can be? how can the price of EVERYTHING be going up yet min wage hasn't risen, HOW CAN BE?
The average wage of a McDonalds employee is $8.55 an hour, so your Big Mac theory is shot, dipshit.
Get over it, would ya.

one manager making $20 an hour and nine burger flippers and cashiers making $7.25 an hour will average out to $8.55 an hour or so, moron.

if prices will "soar" (your exact wording) if min wage goes up, how is it that min wage went up 40% and the big mac only went up with inflation?
one manager making $20 an hour and nine burger flippers and cashiers making $7.25 an hour will average out to $8.55 an hour or so, moron.

if prices will "soar" (your exact wording) if min wage goes up, how is it that min wage went up 40% and the big mac only went up with inflation?

I was waiting for that, the average wage excludes managers and assistant managers
So in other words, your Big Mac theory is a FAIL.